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Everything posted by Guifrog

  1. Very melancholic, I like it! That pad at the beginning could sound smoother during the transitions from one note to another, but that could be me. Then there comes what gives the nicely sad vibe, the synth, but it sounds quite too much! You might want to EQ and turn down those mid-frequencies if you keep using that phaser. Drums sound a bit quiet (except cymbals). You could put at least one cymbal to the left, so there's less right-panned things. Snare could have some more presence. The kick could have its lower frequencies turned up to sound more punchy, and it's oddly panned to the right ;P put it back to the center! Nice guitar to fill the space! It just sounds quite distorted and loud at times, but nothing that 'ooohhh!' to the arrangement overall... Still on the 'overall' subject, I feel somewhat a lack of low-ending (bleeeh, just after I learn what that term means I begin to use it like that!). Maybe after you adjust the kick thing (it applies to bass too), it'll be okay. Yea, keep it up!
  2. It do sounds overcompressed, specially the drums, although that sometimes fits the mysterious atmosphere you're giving to it. You might just want to turn your compressor down a bit and adjust the levels when necessary, so drums get less reverberated. That climax, it sounded like I went from calm and deep water to an agressive tidal wave, it's SO radical, SO WOOO-.. o.. uh?! It ended!? Not fun ._. See? ;P So yea, I love everything you've done, the transitions were great, overall arrangement's excellent, there's lots of subtle details on the background that caught my attention and fills the soundscape very well (nice percussion and effects!), but I find the drums muddy and the ending's very abrupt. Croakyo!
  3. Ribbit, full PM inbox I guess? :P

  4. Thought I'd say ribbit >D

  5. Olá! Do you think rocks have free will? XD

  6. Avatar has nothing to do with me, I just picked it coz it's a battletoad and I like it! Sig pretty much sums it up, though: I'm not really a Dr|_|g5 guy, but I have my funny things; if I weren't human, I'd be a frog, so I can be a humanoid frog; frogs don't talk much, neither do I, and sometimes they croak (or say nonsenses outta nowhere); but I try and brush my tongue in order to talk about whatever I can with my friends. ;P Sigs and avatars from people around here don't really affect the way I see them, but their nicks do. Even if the names don't mean a thing of what I think. And I'm not talking about their personalities as well. It's like, um... Okay, Rozovian reminds me of a car (?), so, dunno, I find him to be 'vroom-vroom' and metallic. Mirby is a bread. Gollgagh is some kind of hula hoop. Yea, excuse me! XD
  7. E aew!!!! Veio pra cá pra ouvir música, criar e mandar ou só zuar mesmo?!

  8. Yup, a lil' bit; I wasn't much of a VGM listener until I found OCR. But I still like to listen to other types of music, except carioca funk.
  9. DragonAvenger - Take My Hopes and Dreams (You're Not Alone - Final Fantasy 9). I remember when I saw this some years ago, and this track was turning out so beautiful that I managed to save its last WIP to my PC. It still lacked some lyrics and production improvements, and I'm not sure if DA would allow me to post it here ;P
  10. Besides the need of variation on notes volumes and tempo, I think you could do something about those chords that go BAM BAM TCHAM TCHAM, specially during 1:03-08. Whatever makes it easier to differentiate the notes on those parts would be good, but that could be just me
  11. Wooo!! *dances, jumps, pops* I love this one! It really makes me enter an icy discothèque featuring an ice rink, crystal shaped lights, snowflake effects on the walls, etc etc... I specially love the sidechain, it really drives the track and adds some dynamics to it. I like your choice of synths as well. Nice drums sequencing, nice groove, nice variations! On the other side, I think there's too much reverb on that bassy synth. The 2nd time the cymbal loop comes it's already old, so maybe you could try something else for the transition. Lead synths are a tad loud, and sometimes they 'jump out' of the soundscape. Snare from 2:06-2:08 seems bugged ;P. And I hear some clipping as well. So, keep it up, it's very cool... I mean, cold! XD
  12. Judgin' by your avatar, you look like a lot of guys from the swamp I live in ;p

  13. I'm wondering if it's okay to have an afro-electronica track on this? If so, I'd take "Stalker"!
  14. Thank you guys, and thank you neblix for the crits! Just one thing though, the off-rhythm koto playing was intentional, as I wanted it to slide through the break without sounding as sequenced as the rest. Maybe I overdid it, but I feel like waiting for more feedback on that ;P But I've followed your other recommendations, and adjusted some mastering issues as well. Linky: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=901
  15. Going ahead with my world tour, it's time for Japan! Remix: *update!* http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=901 Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61IAHniwWWw I was highly inspired on bLiNd's work for this one, so there's lots of synths, effects, melody etc. What do you guys think, do you actually see cherry-blossoms around? Please comment/criticize
  16. Lil' contribution: http://www.flstudiomusic.com/ Found it not too long ago... There may be some questionable sounds in this website, but they also offer a huge amount of free plugins, samples and HQ soundfonts! "High Quality Soundfonts" search option has some cool ones, by the way ;P
  17. My idea is not to focus on traditional rhythms alone, but to mix them with electronica, as I've already mentioned on my first mix; I also intended to make it sound like Sonic the Hedgehog, by the way. And, as far as I know, as I've got some arab (like Amr Diab, Khaled and Adarghal) and sufi-oriented CDs, along with a few songs on my PC, flute's pretty much used on their music. My mother likes to listen to arab artists too, and enjoys many other things about their culture. I see what you mean by the traditional greeting, though. The lack of "as" is quite common in some native arabic-speaking countries as well, I just thought the way I structured the title would look cooler ;P. I've already submitted the song (along with some flute melody line fixes, so it could stay more loyal to the source), but I think I can always request a change on the title if needed, before the judges evaluate it. Thank you for the comments!
  18. YaHoOoO, this is SOoOoO cool!! \@/ It sounds very anime-esque indeed, and surely inspires a lot. I'll definitely be listening to this for a loOoOoOng time! ;P
  19. Yeah, live music's more than just the artists playing their studio songs. I like live music better because you may see the ones who created them, interact with the band, let them entertain you in some way. Personally, if I had the opportunity of making a show featuring my original work, I'd have the stage filled with a theatrical/mimical/choreographed play. *_*
  20. Oh well, sure ;P 0:08-1:08, 1:28-2:28, 3:51-end => Chord progression's the same as the source chorus's, while flute plays variations from (but intends to focus) the source melody, as does bouzouki (greek instrument that sounds sitar-ish). The intro theme may have a somewhat difficult melody to comprehend, but, take the chorus or 0:56-1:08 (from my ReMix) as an example, so I think you might recognize the rest. 1:12-1:24, 2:32-2:44, 3:36-3:48 => Chord progression's from the middle part from source (as is the piano), and 2:48-3:35 => Everything's original. Many thanks for the feedback, guys! I might visit India again someday; by now, I'll keep touring different countries, as I'd like to try many rhythms as possible. Also, is the title okay for ya? Should I rename it to something easier to read (and say)?
  21. Many thanks, No Escape! I was actually asking myself what everybody meant about 'low end', but, after your tip and some research, I think I finally understood and fixed the EQ ^^. So, link updated! And yeah, let's see when the veterans appear for a review ;P
  22. Hey yo older bro(?)! xD Rock mixes aren't really my cup of cockroach juice, but I like how this track joins some melancholy, suspense and agitation all in one package. Definitely downloading once it's finished, keep it up ;D
  23. May we collab someday? ;P

  24. Actually you can download it, there's a lil' image (the file with a green arrow) below the player that allows you to ;P So, I've made some adjustments on the percussion and general instruments volumes, so there may be no more overbearing levels. Worked on the EQ a bit and made a few transitions smoother. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=867 May you guys review?
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