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Everything posted by TGH

  1. Ok, thank you guys for the feedback I put as much oomph on these drums as I really can without them really overpowering the track. . . http://www.box.net/shared/6q59ksifqm Plus I change the solo instrument (slightly differen writing, too), wetted up the part with the flutes a bit. . . and numerous other minute adjustments
  2. Are you sure you clicked the right link from my latest post? I'm pretty sure you reviewed the very first rendition I posted, from like more than a year ago. In that one the kick IS practically inaudible, hahaha. . . in the latest one though, the kick is a lot stronger, the drums are better, and so on. . . If it's this one that you reviewed. . . http://www.box.net/shared/ppqo4k4vdo (This is actually a small update) Then I would disagree with the kick not being loud enough, instrument reverb/mushiness, etc. The very first version I posted WAYY back (before I knew how to produce music lol) was pretty bad now that I look back at it, and I think that might have been what you listened to.
  3. Hahaha, thanks a ton Emu, I really appreciate it
  4. Moar compression on the first half, better levelling http://www.box.net/shared/y7qgipukiv I'm almost ready to call this finished. . . what do you think? Thanks, -TGH
  5. Guys, I know it's the best thing you've ever heard in your lives, you don't need to tell me. Extended version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFCey4q8wrc
  6. Yes, this is one of the songs incorporated
  7. It's a remix of every single video game song EVER CREATED. ...ALL OF THEM You think it's bull, right? . . . Well, just listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFCey4q8wrc Some of my best production AND composition work yet, imo. Usage of every single video game song in existence can be clearly heard throughout the mix. And it took me 18 minutes, if you can believe that. Don't even bother critiquing, there's no way this could be improved at all, so save your whining, please.
  8. Update: http://www.box.net/shared/ppqo4k4vdo Took a little off the kick in order to make room for everything else. Also it's a lot louder.
  9. So I re-made this one. . . . kinda like I did with The Greatest Loss of All, but I think this one turned out better http://www.box.net/shared/ppqo4k4vdo Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn6yNpgjfP8 I'll submit this on April 6, which marks the date three weeks after my last submission, which was The Whip's Memory. EDIT: There's sort of a render glitch near the beginning, try to ignore it for now, I'll do my best to get it fixed
  10. Haha yeah, it took a while for me to get it to sound like I wanted since I'm still kinda inexperienced :x But thanks a lot!

  11. TGH

    Thanks Gario! much appreciated :D

  12. Thanks a lot mannnnn :D

  13. Thanks a lot man!! I appreciate it :D

  14. wel first of i think i shud say tht i dun liek teh celstazs in the begining becuz ethey sound out of the nots and they shoud be takn out but the rst of the sung sonds gud becuas is sodunds lik thtsong reqiem 4a drem or sumthin .or wateaver u cal it LOL but i liek it an i think itz a gud sung but i thikn it nedes to sond beater somehoe idk hw tho becauz i only hav like to yers of muaisc expoeriense so yah ill get bak 2 u on ths LOLOLOL (I'll leave a somewhat better review when I have more time to do so )
  15. Alright, I'm not changing this anymore. . . I've had it with this remix already, I've rendered 39 versions. . . ENOUGH. http://www.box.net/shared/0m6gyb852d Changing thread to "Finished." Thanks once again, everybody, for the wonderful feedback and criticism
  16. TGH

    Thanks a lot, dude! :D

  17. Hahah I thought about that early on as well. . . but I decided to play it safe I couldn't help thinking, "But wut if thay got it b4 i finshed it. . ." Which I know wouldn't have happened in a million years anyway. Haha, I made a slight adjustment here. . . Boosted the high end just a little more, and the track is now a little bit louder. http://www.box.net/shared/0m6gyb852d EDIT: I've decided, for my next remix I'm gonna submit a one-second long silent mp3. Wish me luck finishing it before the judges get to it! XD
  18. Thank you so much, once again, Gario. You guys have been such an awesome help! :DD Anyway, this has been submitted. However, I used box.net so I can overwrite the file with the same url at any time. In other words, even though I've submitted, I can still edit it before the judges judge it http://www.box.net/shared/0m6gyb852d Sources: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFAYyfMmIvQ) <--main source and (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar0SXjVyWSU) <--not-as-main source EDIT: Oh, and Will, I did see what you meant about there being some frequencies crowded in the low range, so I slightly lowered the bass volume in some parts where I thought it was too loud. I also took your suggestion, Gario, about bringing up the high end EQ, and that only cleared it up more You guys = awesome
  19. Will, thank you so much for your feedback It really means a lot. I like the way this sounds now. http://www.box.net/shared/0m6gyb852d
  20. TGH

    Tanks mang, mucho apreciado :D

  21. Thanks. I actually just looked in my mixer and found. . . a limiter. I was liek 'wut?' lol I don't remember putting it there, and when I turned it off it cleared up the track. There was some clipping going on, too near the finale part http://www.box.net/shared/0m6gyb852d There's a new version EDIT: yeah, forget it for now, lol. . . it doesn't sound right at all, especially the transitions. I'll work on them more soon. The kicks are awful now
  22. Spot on. Thank you so much for the crit, I really appreciate it )) I'm not entirely familiar with what is classified as being something 'overcompressed,' as opposed to just 'compressed'. . . In this version I didn't really change the compression at all, but I did change both kick samples; that harder kick now being a more powerful one with a bit more depth. Oh btw, I'm kind of partial to keeping the synth sounds the way they are; actually, my original intention was a chip-rendition, but during the process of making it, it sort of molded itself into what I have. But nonetheless I think the chip textures now just add a sense of. . . uh. . . something. (lol) Throwback? Style? I honestly have no clue. But I'd like to keep them, haha http://www.box.net/shared/0m6gyb852d I'm not so sure about the transitions anymore though in this version. They seem more pronounced, even with what I tried to do to fix them (added some quiet 'stronger' kicks just because the change occurs). EDIT: Just realized a major flaw with the compression in my mixer, fixed it, and I think it's better now in terms of compression
  23. Joe and I are good friends :DDD
  24. TGH

    Hey, halc, what's up? :D

    I'm just giving you a heads up about a WIP I just recently put on Mod Review. I would really appreciate your feedback. No rush at all, though. :)

  25. Thanks for the feedback again, guys Alright, I've finished the composition. There isn't too much else I want to do with it, except maybe fix up the EQ a little bit at around 2:30. http://www.box.net/shared/0m6gyb852d I'm putting this on Mod Review.
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