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Everything posted by TGH

  1. TGH

    Hey, just saw "Zeal Feels Good" in the TBP list! Definitely deserves it, congrats dude :D

  2. Hey, just stopped by to say I'm REALLY happy you guys are enjoying my mix Thank you loads for all the nice comments! Expect another Poke-mix from me soon
  3. Listened to the newer version. I think you would do well to either drastically modify or get rid of the first half of this, as it's far too liberal (EDIT: I meant conservative, sorry, I always get those mixed up ) for OCR. I know it changes up with some of your own interpretation later on, but there's too much stray (wtf was I high when I wrote this? I meant straight, lol) source in this. The production is okay, and the atmosphere gives off a feel which compliments the 'spookiness' of the composition. I think the percussion could use a boost, primarily an increase in the volume of the white noise/cymbal thing you have acting as a snare in the later half, and the lows in the bass drum you have. I hope you keep working on this, because I really like the atmosphere here. The arrangement needs an overhaul imo, especially in the parts with more or less straight source. One more thing...I hear something which I think is clipping in either ear at certain points throughout; it's quiet, but it's there. Or at least on my end. It wouldn't hurt to throw a limiter on the master track with no gain (and a 0.0 dB ceiling) on it in order to get rid of any possibility of clipping.
  4. So wait, we're voting on the mixes?
  5. Let me ask you this. How fulfilling would your victory be if you beat an incomplete mix in the final round?
  6. Thanks Sock, honestly I have no idea where the loud drums came from, I remember mixing them a lot softer... oh well, fixed. As for the humanization in the piano, I actually paid very close attention to that and I think it's fine as is. I also thought about fading out the synths, it didn't work out like I had hoped. I do agree with you though that the transition works as is, so I just decided to keep it like that. Thanks a lot for your feedback http://www.box.net/shared/i72mrch3xsi3jnet7mq6 revised version BTW jesus man, what are you waiting for, RESUBMIT YOUR MT. MOON MIX!
  7. Another mix of mine, reverting back to a chillout style Route 120 was probably the most memorable route theme from Ruby and Sapphire. http://www.box.net/shared/i72mrch3xsi3jnet7mq6 source: Enjoy! And let me know what you think
  8. This was my entry for the fourth round of the GRMRB vs. prophetik, which I ultimately lost. Since that round I've lost the project file for this mix so I had to add stuff on top of the mp3, hahaha It's my first attempt at dubstep, I'm not sure if I'm gonna submit it or not. Mix: http://www.box.net/shared/umgbxtef6o3yc11tgfl5 Sources: and
  9. ....i so sorry josef

  10. Prophetik, congratulations on making it to the finals Your mix was superb and you deserved to win. This compo was really a ton of fun! Thank you to all involved who made this compo what it was, including my opponents, the voters, and most importantly Darkesword. I hope everybody enjoyed what I had to offer for the compo. Btw, keep an eye out for me soon on the front page
  11. Sounds a lot better. I'll provide a more in-depth comment tomorrow most likely, as it's 1:30 now I can tell you it's a big improvement though, nice job
  12. The source is one of my favorites from GSC The piano is kinda weird fading in the left ear, center that at first. Or better yet, individually pan the notes about 10% either way randomly. Then once the flute comes in on the right, pan it back to the left Cries are cool. Try some subtle volume automation on the flute, it sounds sorta mechanical as is. Also lower the volume on it just a little bit. After the intro, there's a clipping issue. Quiet down your tracks. There is some cluttering in the low-mid range EQ, I think the piano is causing most of it with its low notes. Try bringing down the low end of the piano's EQ a bit to free up some space down there for the bass. Not so sure about some instrument choices here, mainly in the respect that your bass and that thin synth that comes in later in the track might not fit in with the orchestral instrumentation. I would consider finding replacements. The arrangement is good, but I think for a track in this style it's too short as a whole. I would add another verse after that flute ends at the end, in order to 'conclude' the track more efficiently. It seems like the flute and piano were building up to something more exciting than....the end of the track. I would also consider adding percussion to make the track more powerful. Taikos and timpanis would sound great I think in the middle of the track in order to drive the more exciting parts a little better. Bottom line, I think this is a great base for a more developed and polished track. I know you can do it though
  13. Ahh, good catch there I have a tendency to mix hats too high in both volume and high end EQ... Fixed. Same link as before. Thanks!
  14. SUPER AMAZING COLORFUL GIANT TEXT UPDATE! yarly. http://www.box.net/shared/cgq22f2hcbv2kz7xi3ye
  15. I've been participating in the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle, I made it to the semi-finals As to the amount I've tweaked it....I completely re-did it Thanks for the comments, I'm glad I was able to re-do this since I was terrible back in the day when I first made this HAHAHA Christopher Walken
  16. You can haz cowbell. http://www.box.net/shared/cgq22f2hcbv2kz7xi3ye
  17. Unless, of course, you lose. Then you LOSE.
  18. Some comments about my track. It's my first attempt at the dubstep genre and I'm actually fairly happy with it Especially considering the whole thing was a product of writer's block, haha It was an absolute blast to make, probably the funnest out of anything I've made thus far Also, that's me saying "GO!" hehehe
  19. Darkesword, I'm sorry but your votes can't count since you voted past the deadline. Try to get your votes in earlier next time. *shot*
  20. What about Darkesword's vote?
  21. Mine's pretty much junk Some writer's block led me to experiment and create what is easily my weirdest mix of the compo so far, lolol.... I won't disclose too much about the track, but for something that was done with writer's block, it turned out a lot better than I had expected. I feel bad about advancing in the compo by way of my opponent not being able to complete their mix the last two rounds...that being said I'm glad that I've got an honest match up this time
  22. Not to change the subject or anything, but I've finished and submitted my Round 4 mix.
  23. Once again, expect something very different from me this round.
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