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Everything posted by TGH

  1. Hey, I saw the comments in your latest WIP thread. If you want, I might be able to help you out with the drums...I know that GarageBand is terrible for drums, and I thought that maybe I could be of assistance by recreating your drumtrack with more powerful drums using FL. Consider it and get back to me :)

  2. So you'll pur moar on??? :DDD

  3. can I at least have a pickle on it

  4. That was a great fight, man It could have gone either way, and we definitely both deserved to win that battle. Maybe sometime in the future we can work together on something, if you're interested
  5. Alright, thanks. It won't happen again.
  6. I wasn't trying to be a bad "sport" by starting early....I was just trying to be smart with my time. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, and I didn't think I'd be looked down upon, and considered to have no sense of sportsmanship. I finished the mix in (WELL) less than a week anyway, so is it really that big of a deal? In any event, I'd like to apologize to Starphoenix, my opponent in this round, for starting earlier than the starting date. EDIT: Also, it had been implied in earlier posts on this thread that there isn't a designated time when you have to start. I was under the impression that if you knew you were going to win and you knew who you were going up against, you could start as early as you wanted.
  7. Nice, best of luck Oh and.... http://img857.imageshack.us/img857/6590/proofthatifinishedinfou.jpg EDIT: @pixelwave - yep, for this coming week's round of mixes.
  8. Just submitted my mix. So total time elapsed from start to completion = 4 days. Let all controversy be put aside now, lol
  9. Your sig is awesome. FL PRIDE FTW(?)!(?)!(?)! Good luck to everyone in the second round of remixing
  10. Haha same with me, as of late. FL is fantastic for that sort of thing.

  11. Haha.... Expect something very different from me.
  12. Dude, you're DarkeSword's brother??!?!?!?


    That's awesome, relatives on OCR! hahaha

  13. Alright, I understand that now. It should have been specified in the first post, imo. There has been talk on the thread about people starting early if they know who their opponent will be, and nobody said crap about it, so I thought it was ok. Should I be disqualified for breaking a rule that doesn't exist? I'm gonna submit it by tomorrow night anyway, most likely, which would bring my total work time on the remix to well less than a week (four days). I agree it would be unfair if I were to submit it right at the time it's due, but in my opinion it would be alright if I just subbed it early (using a website like tindeck, so I can't actually edit it). That would take away my would-be advantage.
  14. I'd never seen anything that says we weren't allowed to start early.....
  15. I decided to start my mix early on the off-chance that I won the first round, due to the fact that I foresee an extremely busy week ahead for me and choose to try to do it now as opposed to later. I'm actually very close to being done
  16. I most likely will, I don't think you can send other people's songs in though
  17. Damn. I love your style so much That modded synth. It's absolutely hypnotic....It inspires me to try to get more out of my sounds There's something about the progression that I just get lost in, and I love it so For the section starting at 1:00, not a huge fan of the 'stopping,' although I understand the intended effect and choose not to go against artistic license here When I focus my attention to the percussion, I realize that some of the hats can be a little distracting, particularly starting at 1:55 toward the right ear. Maybe quiet that down a bit. Everything else sounds fine to me though. Best of luck on the panel, man, this really deserves it imo
  18. TGH

    i liek ecookies :D

    Thanks man, and I'll do my best, whether it's in the competition or not :D

  19. haha I just counted again and I count 3. I've been keeping a close eye too, admittedly
  20. I may be miscounting, but I count a three vote difference
  21. not even dessert? :(

  22. :o Why can I not friend request you?

    This MUST be fixed.

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