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Everything posted by TGH

  1. TGH

    gahahaha, thanks man :D

  2. Spring man is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. prophetik, you evil bastard
  3. Saw this on Youtube, I think the day you uploaded it Such a superb blend of atmospheric/dissonant soundscapes and Pink Floyd-influenced groove, much to my liking Jesus, I'm seriously amazed at the effort put into this, the attention to detail, and of course the music itself. I could never even IMAGINE doing something like this, never mind actually having the ability to do it! All the sounds used are just absolutely splendid. I especially liked the section of "The Caterpillar" and "Tulgey Wood" combined Downloaded, for anytime I want to just lose myself
  4. TGH

    Shittt, I missed your birthday....

    Sorry! :( Happy belated!

  5. Just wanted to let you know that I would be perfectly OK with you taking the extra time to finish. (PLEASE finish, lol...) I'm hoping this is the case.
  6. I don't really see the harm in doing it, everybody can see the votes anyway and people could just tally up the votes themselves if they want. Voting should be closed anyway EDIT: DAMMIT SNIPEDDDDDDDDD
  7. *swats bug on computer screen*

  8. mistuh Satuhn suh, 'ello theah.

  9. I don't like the change you made with the drums, personally. They used to sound full, now it sounds like they are covering less frequencies somehow (that clap isn't as pronounced). I don't think there was anything wrong with the drums before. At times now also they sound too quiet. The other EQ changes you made seem to have worked though, things sound clearer than before to me.
  10. Stop changing your avatar! >:o

  11. Finished and submitted my round 3 mix.
  12. I actually found the fuller parts to be a little harsh in the mid-low range, it could just be my headphones though. Maybe pull down the mid just a bit on a master EQ. Not a lot, just a little Other than that, absolutely fantastic. IMO there's enough interpretation here to qualify as an OCR-passable arrangement. The ambience is excellent; the voice samples, as well as everything else, fit really well. I would wetten up that arp with some reverb or delay though at around 5:05. Nice panning on that instrument And yeah, perhaps a little bit more original material in there would help out with your chances of passing. Don't be excessive with it though. Can't wait to see this on the front page
  13. Thought I'd share this one here http://www.box.net/shared/bsa1tuvegx Source: I've never played the game, but a friend showed me this theme and I just had to remix it Mellow, chippy, arpy, ambient-y (haha). Hope you guys enjoy, feedback is appreciated JUNE IS BOSS MONTH GUYZ so I'm remixing a really mellow theme. Oh well, the GRMRB is helping me with boss mixes
  14. I had one cheeseborgir. And I'm satisfied. *hands back cheeseborgir* When I've had one cheeseborgir I don't just go off to other cheeseborgirs, I let the one cheeseborgir settle for a while first. I don't get bored of one cheeseborgir.


  15. TGH

    going to Old Dominion in VA. Far enough south to golf for most if not all of the year :D Excited is me

  16. Dude who do you think you are, changing your avatar multiple times and whatnot, why are you so indecisive? Why don't you make up your DAMN mind? And now you have to find something to make me feel bad about just to make me feel bad.

    *noms cheeseborgir*

  17. TGH

    gulfings are gud, finals are next week, and then I am DONE

    After that it's just golf golf golf.......then college :o

    How bout u?

  18. haha, tell me why I would even do that if I win by default this round :P

    I never told anyone to vote, I just made sure zach72 voted for everybody, since I'm assuming he wants his votes to count

    Also you never gave me that cheesborgir :(

  19. TGH

    nuthing muche, but hey make sure you vote for all the contests in round 2 or else your votes won't count. You don't have to vote for the ones which have already been decided (due to a default win) though :P

  20. TGH

    ey watchu doin

  21. TGH

    Happy birthday dude! Hey keep at it with that music thing while you're at it too :D

  22. If anybody's wondering or can't figure out, the first half of my mix is in 7/4 time
  23. I just used Bubble on both you guys, it was super effective.

  24. Although the reverb definitely helped (it definitely sounds a lot better with the rest of the soundscape) I think you should still try to find a way make the longer notes of the lead less 'opaque;" meaning they stay at the same velocity and pitch for a long time....if there is some way in Garageband to utilize LFO, which is great for fixing that type of thing, I would definitely try it. A good example of when this happens is :56. Things still get too loud at 2:58. I think right how they are at 2:55 is perfect, and shouldn't get any louder than that. The square might be a LITTLE loud at :50. It IS too loud at 3:07, 3:22, and 3:52. I know you like those parts but the lead will be just as pronounced if it were a little softer. An instrument like that really grates easily if it's too loud. Actually, pretty much the entire second half of the mix has the square lead too loud. On another note, I think this REALLY has potential. Hope this helps
  25. Awesome! I'll get started on the drum track right away

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