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Everything posted by Ramen4ever

  1. Instant bookmarks. Thank you for posting those. I don't want to be a poor sport after you've taken your time and effort to show me a very nice selection of remixes. I do want to say that those are almost if not all from the C64 version (as you've implied by where the remixes are posted). I like that one, but not as much as I like Jeroen Tel's powerful NES title screen track for that version of the game. (My original youtube link) That deep bass line is just so good. I really want to hear a non-8bit version. Which is what I was hoping to request a remix of. p.s. I didn't realize just how different the title theme was for the NES version till I listened to the C64 version. I know I said "any system" but I'm clearly mistaken. I would like the NES version specifically. Sorry for the mistake.
  2. Overlord/Supremacy - Title Screen To my knowledge, there are zero remixes of Overlord/Supremacy, regardless of which system it was ported to on OC Remix. I won't presume to hinder creativity by stating a genre, so my only request is to pretty please, remix the song. Thank you kindly, ~Noodles
  3. This shit is loooooow lol. I like it. My kind of dubstep. As soon as it got to 0:15 I was just thinking " Ahh yeah, finally someone that understands what a bassline is supposed to sound like!" Of course the track still sounds like it's a work in progress and has some ways to go but the ground work is getting there. What it needs is more variation, unfortunately the Gerudo valley theme has a tendency to be quite repetitive. I think there also might be match up issues between the instruments which is resulting in the overall song being a little muddled. I can't wait to see what developments you have in mind for the next version.
  4. I like it. Very good Dubstep. Though like Vidilian said, you could make the bassline have even more bass. Most specifically the lowest notes could resonate out a little longer at some places. Right now it's just kind of teasing my headphones in some places where you make the bass go really low. Love those parts, as that's what I like in a good dubstep. I don't think it needs to be any dirtier. Scratching or wobbling the shit out of it wouldn't make it a good song. It would just turn it into noise. You'd probably be fine with the current bass. As you said, your goal is 3:00. Sounds like a good plan. Hope to hear more, soon.
  5. Pretty solid. I actually don't have a problem with anything high pitched, or maybe I just missed it. My concern would be the groovy beat being a little too soft for my tastes. I personally prefer songs in this style to have a little umf in the bass line. Like Jem-They or Menusha& and the Girls - you boys can boogie too. Everything is already there, it would just need to be less muted.
  6. The main guitar? that comes in after like a minute or so. There's no time stamp that I can find to be more specific. If you listen to the song it's the instrument that when it starts to play, it starts with quite a loud note. Extending it might work. here's the idea I personally would go with if this were my song. I'd try to make that Trumpet theme very smooth, less "cuts" between notes. The higher the quality of the notes, the better. the overall style also, imo, allows for some playing with dragging out notes to accommodate better phrasing if needed. This is an example.. sort of, of what I mean for the Trumpet. Except far less mushy. The key being the quality of the notes, and the way they connect from one note to the next. Then with the lead guitar, the one that I referred to as having a really loud first note, I'd let the notes resonate out more, instead of being cut so short. Maybe try to create some kind of solo or just an extended variation of the themes it plays. I'd also try to experiment with the first guitar that plays the chords, to see if I can try to get away from having the same interval between each note in every chord.
  7. Could use some equalization to balance it out a little maybe? the Trumpet sounds like it's just for support after a short while. The guitar chords sound funny to me. I can't quite place my finger on it but they remind me of the sound made when someone does a "chord" or actually a double stop but is actually just playing an Octave. There's nothing genuinely wrong with that but I think it could be made more interesting. This is just me but I'd experiment with doing a non-chord style sequence in the guitars. It could yield some interesting results.Mix it up with chords and non-chords maybe. The main theme kicks in pretty loud. Which goes back to equalization. though I think it's fine, I would try to fix it up a little though. Sometimes the notes sound like they cut off or are interrupted when it would probably be better to let them resonate out at the end of each little sequence. I don't know, I may not be very helpful with my ideas here, maybe even the opposite. Overall it could use a little fine-tuning. It's not very interesting, nothing about the song makes me want to listen to it ever again. Unfortunately.... that is my reaction.
  8. I don't want to offend anyone, but this is quite possibly the most disturbing comment I've read on here. I can't even imagine how someone can have this view point. All you care about is the frequency of a song? What does it matter if a single track has been remixed ten thousand times? The artist doing the remix is trying their first interpretation of the song. Their first. If you've listened to all the remixes of a song and you're getting sick of it, that's your problem and you should deal with it. But it's NOT a valid reason for diminishing someone elses remix. Why bother with music at all if you're focused on what's been done or not done before. Every band plays their songs again and again on tour. Every classical piece has been done thousands of times by thousands of different musicians. The only thing new is the interpretation of the song on the day of the performance and how it varies from one day to the next. The very point of doing a remix is to create your own interpretation of a song and to incorporate your own ideas into a pre-existing track. It's only natural that a number of other people will also try their hand on that exact same source. And some ideas will be similar or even identical. We give each other constructive criticism with the good intention and hope that it'll maybe, just maybe give the artist some inspiration or will help them fix something that we think was detracting from the quality of their work. The technical aspects and quality are what allow the artist to later concentrate on the mood and feel of the song that they're trying to accomplish. Which in turn is what most people want to hear. A high quality work that is easy on the ears because its been finely polished.
  9. Has some potential. Like previously stated, you should do something about the mechanical sounding guitars. Though that doesn't actually bother me that much. As far as the actual dubstep part goes. I'd make the wobble lower. It's supposed to be bass. At the moment it's coming across as more like just loud annoying mid range wobbles. It's also got a pretty dull rhythm, to the point where I wouldn't miss it if you took out all the wobbles from the track completely lol. It's not like you have to follow the exact same wobble rhythm sequence the two times they play. I'm gonna go on a branch here that actual Dubstep fans may disagree with. The key part to a dubstep is 1, the quality of the bassline/wobble notes. and 2. The rhythm of the wobble itself. wobwob wobwobwobwobwob wobwobwob wobwobwob, rinse repeat. no thanks. Skip to the end if you want just the recommendation -------- If you're looking for some ideas that might help you think outside the box, Listen to Excision's Warning track. It's very creative in rhythm. Though this track may be more relevant for you A Dubstep by Kush, I think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JXZca2A02c It could be considered uninteresting but the oriental-like melody that occasionally plays and the smaller details in the bassline make it into a good song. It shares something interesting with your track, neither has what could be considered a hard drop. --- I think you should increase the quality, fix the EQ problems going on, and do something with that wobble so that it's less annoying, actually goes somewhere or is at least more interesting. The quality of the notes is really hurting this. I first listened to the youtube version and that was brutal, the soundcloud version is a little better. That's my thoughts on it at least.
  10. As a cellist all I can say is good job.
  11. I listened to it last night, but didn't have a chance to reply at all till now. Unfortunately I don't have speakers or headphones atm. So I'm gonna have to go off memory, The static effect at around 1:00+ is still messy. Like Rozovian said, it has some rhythm problems. Overall it's getting better, the singing is still pretty unimpressive to me though. Hopefully someone can give you more constructive crit.
  12. Anyone that plays a classical instrument, specifically a bowed instrument would notice as well. It's the way the notes change, plus the notes themselves. There are slides and accents but imo it's not really possible to recreate an indistinguishable violin sound on a synth. Or any other bowed instrument really. There are too many bowing techniques, too many sound impurities created by an actual string and horse hair. Pressure and sound differences at the tip and frog of a bow. The changing of the bow direction itself, often makes a noticeable change in the sound. It's not just notes. Also the slide doesn't actually sound like what a slide sounds like on a violin. Vurez definitely gives the synth some personality. The slides help with the ethnic like feel of the remix. And the accents help with the military like nature that the drums are portraying. It's a good mix. For me a synth violin bothers my ears but I still like it as a remix. Creative, interesting, good sound quality. Good stuff really. Here's some violin if anyone wants to hear what I'm going on about. You'll probably notice how there's a sound difference between when notes are slurred and played separate.
  13. Like you said, balancing issues. It could definitely use some equalization. Also is it only skipping for me, shortly before the vocals start? Or is that an intended sound effect? if it is, I'd take it out. It sounds terrible, like a corrupted recording. Other than that, it's not bad. I don't really feel anything from the vocals, or the middle part of the track for that matter. I can faintly hear the second track you posted, personally.. I think it might be better if you brought that out more. The nauseating Descent games had a few good tracks, so it's nice to see a spin on the source. Hope to hear a balanced and updated version soon.
  14. I think in it's current form it's already damn good. I like the style, it's very relaxing, melodic, not to mention nostalgic.
  15. This was an instant download for me. Great work.
  16. I kinda like it. It would really benefit from being higher quality though. Right now it sounds pretty distant.
  17. The guitar chords that come in at 0:22 sound like they are clashing. Though the real problem imo is the over-lapping you have going on with the guitar solo starting at around 0:33. That comes back a number of times in your song. There's an intonation problem throughout those themes.
  18. I think "Out of tune" really hit the mark concerning that solo. The guitar is out of tune, there's no pleasant way of saying that. I'd try to do the guitars again, check the tuning, and really pay attention to the intonation. And it doesn't start at like 1:33.. to my ears, it starts clashing at 0:22. The solo at around 1:50 is actually the one that starts out okay till about 2:01 when for a few seconds, it was bad enough to remind of that infamous amateur Final Countdown cover. Overall, if the intonation was good, I think this would be a lot easier to assess. Please do something about the intonation and repost.
  19. Awesome! I wanna Download Stage 8 and 4, immediately! Only thing I can mention for the first track, is that I think you messed up a note on the Piano theme at around 5:07 I heard a stutter. It does kind of take away from it a tad. but It's still good. I don't know if this constitutes as a remix, I wouldn't be surprised if these are labeled more as covers. edited: no idea why an emoticon popped up in my comment, strange.
  20. I love Oblivion and its ost. I like your remix. I think it could benefit from some tweaking though. At 0:35, is when the song really starts up, but whatever you're using for the bass line is terrible it sounds like a noisy distortion/static. Like when you're using an old tv and trying to fix the antenna but the sound is still screwed. lol Some more static kicks in at around 1:10, besides the bass line. I would try to up the quality of the instrumentation, do something with all the themes that sound like static. That would be my recommended first step, then repost it. And go from there. Hope that helps. and I hope even more to see a second version.
  21. Yeah I'm not too sure about this. How do I say this... It's too similar to the original, the guitar, even the composition itself. It makes me wonder, where's the remix? I like it when the violins come in, but that doesn't really go anywhere either.
  22. My advice would be to back off from the lows. It's too much. Or maybe just change some of the chords to sound better. You're playing at the beginning reminds me of opeth's acoustic stuff. Which I like. Also near the end 2:15, there's a melodic section that you could have emphasized far more. I would have backed off the low there almost completely and really brought that part out, and maybe even add some improvisation and take that little solo somewhere. Personally, no matter what version of Grabbag I hear. That portion of the song is always the high point. ..In your playing its kind of hidden.
  23. I had a negligible issue with your Astral Observatory remix. But this one is just awesome. I love it.
  24. Awesome. Playful. I'm not sure if I like the sound of whatever you're using for the main theme in the beginning though. What is that anyway? Piano with something on top?
  25. I can't hear Red Light District - Death Toll in there at all. It sounds like Grabbag. ... ? Why is it called Red Light? The track itself sounds decent. Though it doesn't sound "good" to my ears. Or maybe just not very interesting.. It reminds me of the Tristram guitar theme in Diablo, which on the other hand I really like. Except you switch to full out chords after about the half way point. Maybe it's that some of the notes really sound dissonant with the chords. I don't know, it doesn't sound pleasant to my ears. Sorry
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