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No Escape

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Everything posted by No Escape

  1. Questions... What day are the competitions held per week? Does the 1 hour rule mean you have to submit an origal work within 1 hour of comp start? *Edit- I clicked the link in the first post and read the rules, please disregard prior question* Is this originals or covers? Sorry I'm kinda new to the community , but I'm trying to get in quick . Feel free to tell me if I'm being a noob with anything...
  2. I'm currently working on a request for Aterlier Iris 2, but this track has some potential for my style. I think I could try it out.
  3. I'm trying to see if anyone wants to cover some songs from this very underrated (mostly due to production quality) soundtrack. I see a ton of potential in a lot of these songs to make a great album, but I need people that want to cover it. All the links are here so definitely let me know if anyone wants in (I've also rated how I think they sound). I will personally be covering a few tracks, but why not make it an album if we can? *EDIT*- I have since posted a recruitment thread in the correct place. CLICK ME FOR THAT THREAD AND JOIN THE FIGHT Ryuhi's Theme (upbeat, good fight track) -currently claimed by Brandon Strader Wiler's Theme (melodic, would make for good jazz,salsa, or techno track) Powers Theme (great song buildup, great hook at 0:58, potential for epic rock, techno, etc) Min Min's Theme (very catchy, great for melodic rock, trance, short source material) Virtual Ryuhi"s Theme (extreme potential for rock, epic, symphonic rock) Gengai's Theme (needs help, excellent choice for symphonic cover, short source material) Hayato's Theme (very complex, lots of instrumentation, weak leads, good flow in general, great for various styles) Shouryu's Theme (upbeat, weird sounding in general, needs vision to cover) Robo No Hana's Theme (very...oriental, drumming potential, not fight oriented) Ryumao's Theme (very dark and minor, good villain track) Yuka's Theme (oriental, could suit various styles, probably good jazz cover) Suzaku's Theme (upbeat, melodic, good villain theme, potential for rock cover, decent drums) - currently claimed by No Escape
  4. So uh no response... Partner didn't like?

  5. Yoz. I was listening to the mix again and I thought I would offer some help. Send me the FL session and I'll do a little engineer work. In exchange, I'm trying to start an album project for the Flying Dragon Ost. I can send you links to songs. Will you remix something for me?
  6. Thanks Iliad. I got it and I'm working on it now. I'll shoot something your way when it's finished (Or at least substantial).

  7. Hey I'll cover Shining Sword, but do you have a copy of the song you can send me? It would def make my life easier

  8. I'll cover Shining Sword. It's sounds like fun.
  9. Well I got tired of waiting so I'll post it here and wait for your response. It's not bad


  10. Dude your mix was absolutely sick. It's probably better than mine. On an engineers note, I would say keep your pans more centered. Hard panning (more 50% left or right) is usually used for doubling effects (the same track twice). Also, your intro piano needs to either have some strike taken off (around 2-4KHz) or some reverb added (I would set the cutoffs at 200-1000 Hz). I would experiment with the two until something sounds natural. Regardless, we should definitely collab sometime. Shoot me your e-mail and I'll send you something nice!

  11. Dude this is nasty. I'll send you a pm with some personal feedback
  12. Thats a big My Bad...Sorry, I thought it was an OCR album
  13. I'm working on a track for the Wild Arms project with Jade Lee Dragon and I finally have an intro. Unfortunately, the only really commonality between my song and the original is key, so I'm waiting to hear from Jade before I move forward. I guess I'm just looking for some feedback.. (link removed)
  14. Hey Jade,

    I ran into a few revelations about Lady Harken-A Moment of Tension. The first was that there is only like 34 seconds of source, so it's not going to be extremely source driven. The second is that I thought this song was a battle theme, so that's how I've been creating it. I basically have an intro and a little more done, but I wanted to swing it by you first, because it's not sounding much like the original.


    At the part where I begin fading the track, that's where I would be covering the section of 0:11-0:22 of the original song. I could probably stretch it some more in the outro, or maybe just use some of the reoccurring wild arm's theme (i.e. you'll never be alone no matter where you go). I just think that I have an awesome intro and I would hate to have it shot down after I put even more effort into it. Let me know what you want me to do.

  15. I'll get my balls busted for saying this, but I use Cool Edit Pro (which is very easily obtained cracked) for my mixing/mastering and it's a solid reference tool for leveling. I use the analyze phase and frequency functions to see where my mix is sitting overall. When speaking in terms of hertz (Hz), the audible range for sound to be perceived by the human ear is from about 33Hz to 18000 hz (18K). Any lower and pitch is not recognized (just sounds like rumble), and any higher just sounds like air (some people claim to hear this). The basic concept for a good mix would be to get all the frequencies to be "about" even when the song is in full gear. I say about because obviously the leads need to be louder and it will show in a frequency analysis. Since you are using pre-rendered sounds to record, I wouldn't worry about EQ (changing the frequency on individual tracks) as much as just using sounds that fit your song. However, if you're trying to learn, then I'll throw out a few suggestions on where instruments should sit in the sound spectrum. Kick- Should sit somewhere very low, between 40-80 Hz with a spike at 2-3 Khz to add "click" Bass- Should sit just above the kick at around 80-200 Hz with a spike at 1-2 Khz to add attack (which is the initial strike of the instrument) Guitar- This one is tough, but I would roll off the lows below 100 Hz and watch out around 3-4 Khz, which will make the guitar sound like it is crackling in your ears (painful) To add bite, try adding a little around 5 Khz. cymbals- They vary, but the hi hat should sit somewhere around 10 Khz, with the other cymbals placed higher between 11-16 Khz, I won't go too in-depth because it'll just hurt your head, but this should at least get you started.
  16. Dude, I've never gotten that good of a mix through headphones! That's impressive in it own right. Oh true story... I definitely lol'd at your combination of Ace Attorney and It's my new wallpaper
  17. I realized I never posted anything for the original works. Noob? Def. Since I technically covered 3 songs, I'll post them all. Loki- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEoWqOqAq9A Crash!- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9DLWsQOKWk Desires and Commandments- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBcxl4ZmXUk
  18. I like it. I think a lot of effort went into it no doubt. Personally, I think the whole mix is a little on the quiet side, so I would look for a little more volume. If you're already maxed out, I would roll off below 35 hz and see if you gain any headroom. I'm almost tempted to offer to help with the rhythm guitars, but I'm not sure if my sound will mix that well with your track. Check out my mix to see what I'm talking about
  19. So I noticed this mix is definitely distorting through my headphones when I preview it on this site. Is anyone else experiencing the same awful thing? EDIT: I downloaded it and experienced no distortion. P.S.I uploaded a high fi version for download as well
  20. I'll be honest, I didn't notice anything really wrong with the mix. It's just a vamped version of the original. Btw thanks for the post on where to upload. Gollgagh killed that thread with the quickness. But I'm all set, so you definitely check out the mix.
  21. Just a hard rock cover that I submitted like 2 days ago. It picks up heavy around 38 seconds. I'd love to get some feedback on it, because I've never submitted before. I think it's decent though. I guess I'll find out soon enough...
  22. I'm tiring of watching my mixes fail on myspace with their terrible 40,000:1 compression rate on songs that are already mp3's.
  23. That's a NASTY loud mix. Way to tear it up. It's pretty much as intense as getting a tomato thrown at your face. Example---->
  24. What about good old 4/4? It's the most natural signature, so why not?
  25. This over-all composition fills my need for ascending progressions. I will agree with Dj Mokram and say that the midi is a little off from the rest of the track. The snare sounds like it's hitting right at 2.5k and that's it. I'm guessing you rolled off the top and bottom to add more headroom. It sucks because this track is just my style as far as composition. However, the violins on at the last build of the song are spectacular. They definitely bring the whole thing to where it needs to be. I think that the mix could use some professional engineering help, but it's outstanding considering how much is actually going on. Keep at it!
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