No Escape
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Everything posted by No Escape
wip The Man With the Machine Gun: FFVIII
No Escape replied to mirev's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I know that Gario, I was going for dramatic effect! lol But these guys are dead on about the rest of the track as well. I didn't say anything about it because I thought I might come off as too harsh, but there are a lot of issues that need work here. And I was talking about getting a *gasp* cracked version of FL, but I'm curious about Reaper as well. Is it better? -
finished OoT Remix - Gerudo Valley
No Escape replied to Malheureusement's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I want the clap back! Give me the CLAP! lol I like what you've done with the track. I think it really grew from the first post and the effort shows...it's pretty sick . A couple of the leads sounded a little quiet about halfway through, but it wasn't too big a deal, though the flutters or swells were kinda drowning at about the 2 min mark. they really overtook the lead. Again I'll say production sounds pretty good, and I don't have really anything to say there. I'm sure these other guys will cover anything I missed. I say good job! The outro is way sick! I was in completely! -
wip The Man With the Machine Gun: FFVIII
No Escape replied to mirev's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Alright, I hear what you're trying to do, but this track still is not there yet. If Cubase won't allow you to loop, then either seek out one of the many knowledgeable Remixers on this site that can help (I can't, since I've personally never used Cubase), or use a program that's free like FL studio (which I believe most of the sequencing oriented Remixers use, including me) and you're in business. The timing issue will constantly haunt you if you don't sort it out in some way. Here are a few examples of the same source that you're covering, so you can see how high the bar is (and these are only WIPs, not finished products). Anti- Synes mix HeWhoisIam's mix Gario's mix I can see that you're trying, but sometimes you gotta change the way you do things a little to make a product better (I now sequence all my drums because I couldn't play in time) Good luck! Aaaaauctually, there may be a thread somewhere within this vast community on different DAW's. Any vets happen to know? -
Sick! That's the type ppl I like to work with -FAST. Since you're new, I'll let you in on a few things... 1. Don't post WIP's for an album (or prospective one) on any OCR threads. PM the links to me until I can find a place to host us where we can share freely and review each others stuff. ( I learned from sad experience) 2. Expect to re-work things a few times to get it just right (again, experience) 3. Make sure you check out the other album project threads, because I know some of them need help, and "official projects" will likely need to be released before this one can become "official" 4. Let's have fun and make a SICK album!
I checked out his blog stuff, and it's up to snuff. I think he'll bring something good to the table. I'll make sure I get at least some form of WIP from ppl before they get the go-ahead. Thanks dude!
Crack away my friend. It's yours!
wip Ecco The Tides of Time (Prototype and Genesis)
No Escape replied to wildfire's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Ok I listened to the tracks (and the original since you covered it twice---huh?). That got me good. I much preferred the 871 version (again, please label them so I don't have to keep clicking back to your post to figure out what's what). Your skills label you as trumpet, but to me it sounded like sax at the beginning (am I mistaken?). I like what you've done with the mix, and the track has a good feel throughout. That said, the whole track needs a 1 Db boost, no doubt (and it would be safe for the sound integrity). Also, the track has no real low or high end, which makes it a little bare to the ears. A little more cymbal work and some low end on the pad setting your using would do wonders for the track. Other than that, timing is pretty tight, the real instruments sound real (but could benefit from some effects), and the sequenced stuff sounds like it fits. Actually, on that note, the rolling thunder sound at 0:50 makes for a weird transition into the sax. But I've gone on long enough... The track has definite potential, so keep at it. -
wip City of Corneria (Version 4) updated 08/08/10
No Escape replied to zikon's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I like your additions. The ascending progression at the end (G,Eb, F) is a nice touch of epic, and epic goes a long way with me. The brass isn't right yet. I read that you added it pretty hastily, so I'm sure you can hear the strange cutoff setting when it fades. I'm not sure the higher octave of it sounds as realistic as the lower, but it could just be me on that one. I also noticed that your vibrato leads are a little sharply panned to the left (sounds like 30-40%). I would center them more, and if you have to, shift the string rhythm to left when they come in. Cymbal work sounds decent, but I would tone down the orchestral drum (I don't know what it's called, maybe timpani?) that comes in for 8 measures at about the halfway mark. Make it hit every other measure (1st, 3rd, etc) and see if that sounds a little better. All and all, it's better in every way than I last heard it, so good job. -
mod-review [LoZ:LA] Shrine of Destiny
No Escape replied to dbrown1986's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Ok now we're talkin. Great revisions. Cyril's right, the added bass is a bit too heavy, but that's just a fader move. The rest sounds good. Good stylization, good transitions, and over-all good flow. One more thing though: the cymbal swells that are panned to the left should be centered a little more and brought down just a bit. Over-all, this track is definitely coming along just fine. -
wip City of Corneria (Version 4) updated 08/08/10
No Escape replied to zikon's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Yea maybe I went over board with "fake". They sound like real hits, I think they just lack a human feel (they were all dead in time, with no velocity or release changes). Also, I re-listened to it on mediafire, and it was much easier to download (The first time I got stuck in some ad loop while trying to get it and I was very frustrated). Tindeck is still better (plays in window automatically when the link is clicked and never gets "looped up" like that, but you're all good either way). And don't worry about the short length... I'm sure I'll probably post some short intro for review, so I don't wanna seem hypocritical (AKA see my own "and please make that revision longer..." quote posted in that thread lol) . Anyways, keep up the good work. -
Now I get it. Thanks for helping out guys. I have posted a recruitment thread, which I have linked below and in my first post. JOIN THE FLYING DRAGON BRIGADE! CLICK ME FOR THE RECRUITMENT THREAD!
Hey guys. I'm trying to recruit re-mixers for a cover of Flying Dragon (which I intend to make an OCR album). Since this is a 3D fighting game, I'm hoping to keep an epic feel to the tracks, but I'll take any genre of music. I personally will be covering some of the tracks as well, but currently almost everything is open. I'll leave the links to the sources below. Due to very poor production quality on most of the soundtrack, I only intend to cover the songs that I feel have enough melodic potential to be Remixed, HOWEVER, if you are familiar with the soundtrack and would like to cover a different song than the one's below, just let me know and it's yours. Currently I intend to cover the following 12 tracks: Ryuhi's Theme (upbeat, good fight track) -currently claimed by Brandon Strader Wiler's Theme (melodic, would make for good jazz,salsa, or techno track) -currently claimed by JH Sounds with WIP Powers Theme (great song buildup, great hook at 0:58, potential for epic rock, techno, etc) Min Min's Theme (very catchy, great for melodic rock, trance, short source material)-currently claimed by Dayve Virtual Ryuhi"s Theme (extreme potential for rock, epic, symphonic rock) Gengai's Theme (needs help, excellent choice for symphonic cover, short source material) - currently claimed by Kenneth Boxall Hayato's Theme (very complex, lots of instrumentation, weak leads, good flow in general, great for various styles) - currently claimed by Impulse_Aural with WIP Shouryu's Theme (upbeat, weird sounding in general, needs vision to cover) - currently claimed by Impulse_Aural with WIP Robo No Hana's Theme (very...oriental, drumming potential, not fight oriented) Ryumao's Theme (very dark and minor, good villain track) - currently claimed by Tandrews with WIP Yuka's Theme (oriental, could suit various styles, probably good jazz cover)- currently claimed by SiriusBeatz Suzaku's Theme (upbeat, melodic, good villain theme, potential for rock cover, decent drums) - currently claimed by No Escape with WIP
wip Final Fantasy 8 - The Extreme (female vocalist request)
No Escape replied to Nekofrog's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
You show me that studio ready Sony sub for 100 bucks. I shopped around at Best Buy, E-bay, Craig's List, and Sam Ash. The best deal I could find was a Yamaha sub (I can't remember the model) for almost 300$. I need an active sub, because my near-fields are active as well (Event 20/20 's). I currently am drawing a Pioneer home theater sub off the stereo link, but it has no power, and I can physically hear it draining from the Event's internal amps. -
Wow. Ok. I'll clear up a few things here. A Capella is vocals with NO instrumentation. This track would not qualify for that in any way. I will also agree with Gario on his review. This track needs a lot of work (even the revised edition) before it will get accepted. If I'm saying this as a noob on OCR then it means you have more than a few serious production problems. I don't ever comment on source usage, so you'll have to get help from others on that. The build up ( I know you know where it is, because the volume feels like it doubles out of nowhere with some clipping), is way too hot and needs to come down in volume a lot. Some of the other portamento (sliding) sounding leads are pretty solid. The bassline feels like its EQ'd funny, and gets much stronger on the 3rd note of the descending progressions. I have to agree with Gario again on the boring arrangement. Despite anything you say about progressive house being repetitive, this track needs much more diversity. Please give us more in the arrangement, and add some change-ups to those drums. They sound like you looped them through almost the entire track with and on/off switch for different measures. I'm picking the track apart, but I hope it helps when you hear it. I would love to hear this track revised to be a great dance track, but that all depends on you. If you keep at it and post your new revisions here, the mods will tell you when it's OCR- ready (Again, I found this out the hard way by submitting my track first, before posting it in these threads) Good luck!
wip City of Corneria (Version 4) updated 08/08/10
No Escape replied to zikon's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
First off I will say this track was hard to download. Please get a Tindeck.com account (it's free) so users can not only preview the material, but also download it with ease. On to my review. The Instruments sound pretty sequenced/fake, but you're on the right track. I like anything with an epic feel to it, so I'm probably being lenient with my review. I think some more drums would help out a lot. I notice NO cymbals. The snare has a good verb setting, but it's too quiet in the mix. Take away a little verb and add some volume. The string leads, on the other hand, sound dry/fake. If you have no better patches to work with, try adding some release and some long delays (mixed at a 15-30% wet/dry ratio) to give them a better epic lead feel. The progression could definitely be a little more epic too (That's ALL personal opinion, and the way it is works well), but I would add some sort of ascending progression to the first few measures (when the progression comes in). I won't comment on production value since I know it's a WIP, but expect a stronger critique of that on the next revision, and please make that revision longer. I'm the worst with wanting to share my 1 minute intros and all, but I'll call for self restraint here (people in general want to hear finished products, and very few will give time or consideration to short demo works). I know from sad experience. All that said, you better keep this track moving, because I like where it's going and I expect to hear more -
finished OoT Remix - Gerudo Valley
No Escape replied to Malheureusement's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Hmmmm... I just listened to the revised track, and I gotta say, there are a few changes I wasn't diggin. Changing the leads to swells felt off when I heard it. It was like the track lost it's drive when I heard it (without the attack of the instrument, there was no real lead feeling, and the riff is sweet, so there's no reason to take it away). I much more enjoyed the original way. I miss the original piano rolls as well. Also, the major tempo change is prob a trance no-no. Pretend that you were in a club, and that tempo drop happened and lasted as long as it did. Dancing would certainly be awkward (Unless the tempo was cut exactly in half and we were left with enough beat to keep a 4/4). Admittedly, these all seem like personal gripes as I read my own post, but I'll leave it as something to think about. I don't really have any production complaints. I think you're doing a great job on that end, and honestly, if I heard the original track with this amount of production value in a club, I would not assume it was some random dude doing a remix. So keep up the good work! -
finished FF7 vs FF8 - The Man with the crazy moto
No Escape replied to Anti-Syne's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Much better this time around. Easier on the ears no doubt. One thing that I noticed really stuck out were the contradicting synth lines (prevalent right in the intro). I can tell this is intentional, but I personally think they clash just a bit too much. I'm probably just nit-picking, because I know a lot of people dig overlays like that, but just something to think about. The hi hat still seems like it's at the same velocity throughout the entire song, so it feels a little off to me. Actually, I'm not sure it's the velocity, but rather the lack of change ups on it. It either plays on the up 4/4, or doesn't at all. I would add some variation to it, like build ups or quick little double hits. All said, it's much better than last time, so I can only assume it'll keep getting better -
WHOA WHOA WHOA! In my convo with Darkesword, I was told I needed 5 heads before I could even post in the thread. If I can post there, it would be great. I feel rather ghetto recruiting in a request forum. Dude, can you PM me some info on where else to recruit?
I see almost every track has been claimed, which gives me a warm and fuzzy. Let it be known that this is the only thread I haven't "shamelessly" posted a link to my own potential project thread, but I will when I manage to get enough support I'm so excited to hear not only my own "Blind" mastered track, but the others as well. This seems like an awesome album that I'm proud to be a part of Thanks all contributors Let's make this album strong as can be!
wip Final Fantasy 8 - The Extreme (female vocalist request)
No Escape replied to Nekofrog's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
LOL! COME ON Gario! I'm fair. I fully review the tracks and gear my recruitment towards ppl that I want on my project Also, I wouldn't put production at terrible by any means, although unless I literally take the track to my car, I can't hear where the low end sits ( my nearfields just don't have the bass response I need, but a sub is mondo expensive). And I'll say it again... I've heard your stuff, and I want you on the project too. Take a track, and MAYBE I'll slow down on the recruiting. -
Nice... Wiler was my main until I discovered Powers was broken. Still, Wiler is the most fun character to play as (maybe Ryuhi?). His theme is sick, but I'll need someone with skill to cover it (some of the leads are pretty fast). My whole goal is to give this soundtrack a HUGE production boost (which isn't hard, half the tracks sound like they were recorded on a radioshack keyboard). I would also love to do some "rival battle" themes (which would be originals) like Guilty Gear, but that would have to be cleared by some admins when I get permission to start the project. Keep it up guys; more posts means more interest; more interest means more remixers; more remixers means more ALBUM!
wip Final Fantasy 8 - The Extreme (female vocalist request)
No Escape replied to Nekofrog's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Lol Harp sweeps. I like the rather long addition to the track. I too heard some clippage action at 3:30. I like the rhythm throughout (It's a good setting, very fierce). I still have to say my favorite part is 2:02. I wish you would throw another one of those in the song, but that's all opinion. Production seems better than the last time I heard it too. Nice job! So it's time for my shameless recruiting campaign (lol shut up Gario). But really, I got Brandon Strader, I sent a PM to Sixto ;currently with no response, and I majorly kissed ass but it was my hope to get the rock "trinity" on my hopeful project. I'll leave the thread, so maybe you'll get the urge to do something on it. BTW, your Wily theme is the best on site hands down THREAD HERE