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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. it could be argued that anything using iLok is ridiculous DRM, but hey, it's a small price for free! Also, just saw this appear on facebook today from ISW: I'm going to assume the intro price constitutes as a "software deal" in order to post this in this thread. I'm keeping an eye out on this one.
  2. sweet, it's x64 only. While my computer is x64, my DAW is 32-bit, and will remain so until Mixcraft releases their next version w/ x64 support. What the hell, I'll download anyway, just so I can be future-ready!
  3. you're not the only one. Funny little "xn--https-nw3b//" thing going on with the links
  4. I don't know about you but when I opened up the Youtube link announcing Sticks, all I noticed was "Boom Sticks" in the video title. As for this, like OP, I'm cautiously optimistic. I'd like to see something like this come to fruition and be amazing, both the cartoon and the game. Time will tell, of course, but still I'm waiting on this one. My screen is now soaked in soda. Be proud
  5. Wow, I've been an absolutely horrible participant. I'll just go ahead and throw in a towel and say I'm out for the last round because honestly I've been so out of the loop. Hope those of you who participated have enjoyed yourselves!
  6. Wait wait wait, before we get carried away- Flexstyle (or darkesword), is this going to be ssn open-call project or a "we'll call you" sort of thing?
  7. after clearing my browser cache and restarting my browser, I somehow have the old favicon showing up now. Weird.
  8. Quoting Mirby from another thread, but... Possibly bringing back backwards compatibility with the Gamecube? Or just allowing Gamecube controller use with fighting games?
  9. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA But credit to you for supplying the technical terms which I have zero knowledge of.
  10. Confimed (Win7 x64 running Chrome 35.0.1916.114 m). What's interesting is that if you ctrl(cmd)-click on the game title to open the game's page in the new tab, the remix page will load in the original tab. One CTRL+Click opens two pages, the mixpost page (parent tab), and the game info page (new tab). EDIT: I think the problem here may be due to this little bugger right 'ere: The main page is receiving a click, activating the clickable anywhere function, while the browser is still doing the standard CTRL+Click operation for any link you click in the listing, whether it's the remix link, or the game or artist link.
  11. Is it bad that I'm tempted to pick something from Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (in an annoying color that you can't read) as one of my choices? It'd have to be a boss though because there aren't any real Hero themes, unless there's a specific theme in the Dreamworld stage for each character (There's only one theme, but it's technically called "Spongebob's Dream" so I don't know if you could call it a theme for Spongebob...) I'll have to think over this some more. When is the signing up deadline again?
  12. I thought that "no head starts" was already a rule... Guess not. Oh, wait. Never mind, I thought that because you had told us to not begin mixing when you had announced that the first round's song would be Safety Dance before the sign up period ended.
  13. I have a feeling that he anticipated the song for this round to be "Can You Feel The Love Tonight"
  14. What's really interesting is that right now, I have several tabs that are using the old favicon, and several others using the new one in tandem with each other. I'm sure if I hit refresh it'll correct itself. I wonder though, if the favicon update is any precursor to other aesthetic changes to OCR?
  15. Silly, offtopic question, but how do we pronounce the compo? Arr-arr pee see? raWR Pee See?
  16. Nice! I feel that it looks a bit messy though at a small resolution compared to the larger res on your dA page. So, after reading the description on your dA page, I'm wondering, once orange is reduced in importance, what's the new OCR color going to be? Or are we going to stay with gray and less orange?
  17. That is rather interesting, I agree. However, people can post their choices here in the thread if they want. I don't know, I think having a few people coming in to the competition without publicly announcing their choice would be interesting; other participants can't attempt to prepare themselves for the competition [if in the villain bracket, that is]
  18. Something I've noticed a time or two recently in ReMix mixposts that some of the ads will overlap with the text. However, it looks like this was fixed with this update. Awesome! Also, I wasn't expecting the favicon update, but I like it! Nice work
  19. Caaan you smell the chloroform? How just close your eyes...
  20. They better use that lighting engine they were showing off when they debuted the Wii U.
  21. So, speaking of being pushy and the next round and stuff, when is it going to start?
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