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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Basically this. I don't know how much sleep I'll get tonight but frankly it's the only real way I'll get something started and even close to finishing...
  2. This is a very nice album, damn. That's not the lack of sleep talking, either! EDIT: I think my favorite so far is track 8.
  3. ALL OF MY YES Bless you Chernabogue. Bless you. Also, does the next source have to be from a video game, because .
  4. Happy Birthday!

  5. I was not aware of how awesome the music was, which is stupid, because David Wise always does an amazing job. And I agree with the scoring bit. He totally should.
  6. DKC3 allowed 103% with the banana birds and all the DK coins ...or was it 105%?
  7. So, Bahamut, when are you going to do the preregistration?
  8. anyone know where I could find an extensively sampled crackling fireplace sound? I remember that Tonehammer had one way back when during the Gnomehammer era, but that library is long gone by now.
  9. The longer I think about it, the more uncertain I get about this. While I really want to go, I don't have the funds to pay for a room myself and I can't really get anyone at my school interested in going. At best, I was hoping at least three people could have got on board, because that would then be ≈$200/person including registration, but now... I don't know if I'll be able to go. Without mincing words further, I'm looking to see if anyone's willing to share a room.
  10. Best compliment I've ever heard about G-Mixer In all seriousness, like what you like, but don't start blasting others for liking what you don't, et cetera et cetera. And as for G-Mixer's comment, in case you forgot–
  11. hold on a minute... alright, we're good. HAPPY BIRFDAY BRANDON
  12. Oh, look, D&D (sort of?) I don't know how close Pathfinder is to D&D, but probably different enough from 5e for me to be hesitant about joining in (I recently started playing 5e—or any D&D—for the first time ever a few weeks ago here at school), and the time that we play (or when I'm in class for Mondays) looks like around the time you guys are playing.
  13. No, I don't. In fact, I don't even know if my school has an indoor drumline.

  14. After some deliberation, I'm considering going to MAGfest this year. I'm looking to possibly bring a group of people from my university, so I can't decide if we should form our own block or join OCR's. Speaking of room block, has that been set up yet?
  15. think of something stupid to do, like a stupid motif, using a ridiculous instrument in the wrong genre, or just make a genre that you're absolute shit at. Even by doing something stupid with something random, I tend to find inspiration that I can pull into my original idea (or completely rewrite my original idea with).
  16. I stand corrected on my tuning stuff I told you. I found the file I was testing with, and this is what I had done in the past. You will use three sine waves. Second sine wave will be an octave above the first. The third and octave above the second. Your second sine will be your "base" note (even though it's technically not), as it will be your loudest frequency. Have this sine at 100% volume. The first sine will be around 40% volume, to give some "body" to the second sine (as it's an octave lower, again as I said in my first post you don't want to make it obvious you have several sine waves playing together). The third sine should be around 30% full volume. Play around with these values a bit. I didn't have quite as fast an attack as timaeus did, you will want to mess with that. With a slightly rounded attack, it doesn't sounds as percussive, and adds more of a muffled, underwater effect. Long story short, I also added a ton of reverb, layering and mixing it using send tracks. Here's my audio example, with a further description on-site. I hope either myself or timaeus (although preferably both) was helpful to you! if you're not quite sure what's going on, I'll gladly throw in some screenshots as far as what I'm doing in my synth
  17. the one panned far left? I want to say it's an FM-based lead, but it could be a synth made from hard sync as well. I haven't messed with FM synthesis in a while, so I might not be the one to give you the answer you want
  18. Tried something similar when I first heard Rozovian's "Spume" track on the Pokemon MissingNO Tracks album. Basically what timaeus said, as far as effects go. For the actual sonar "ping", what I discovered is that you want to have two sine waves, one to be your base note and the other an octave higher, with the second sine turned down far enough to barely be audible. You want it just loud enough to add character, but not loud enough where you can tell there are two separate sine waves an octave apart. (I also want to point out that there's a thread for trying to find a certain sound. Unfortunately it's a bit underused as of late, but people WILL help you when you ask!)
  19. I'm guessing "Dark Lord of All" isn't a valid title?
  20. nobody going to comment on the short clip of Shulk only in underwear, or is that just normal behavior?
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