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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. I don't know if this will stop being free after a while, but I'm going to share it anyway. Saw someone share this on my facebook feed. The demo sounds nice, I'll see how well it actually works. Hysteresis by GlitchMachines. A glitching VST/AU effect. Possibly a more powerful alternative to the dBlue Glitch plugin? http://www.glitchmachines.com/2014/06/hysteresis-free-plugin/
  2. Damn, go ahead and remove my WIP status from my claim, because I'm pretty sure I've lost that project file in a hard drive failure. I'll just start all over then with that one. to clarify, I'm still claiming it, but there's no WIP to go with it right now too bad we're cutting it down to one game though, as I've got a rather decent track in the works for Deathevan's track from BoFII... I'll just hold onto it until we get to the second album then!
  3. Alright, so before we get much further, I'm going to go ahead and throw in the towel, because even if I were to win between Jason and I, I'll be out of the country for a week starting this Saturday, and most likely wouldn't have time to participate in Round 2. Again, that's assuming that I would have won the vote. That being said, good luck to Jason on the rounds to come. Go kick some villainous ass!
  4. While racing, make sure to take a break to drink your ovaltine
  5. Wow, it's amazing how you notice all that's wrong with your track once it's complete and submitted...
  6. aw, shit. I, er, uh... I meant "yay". Yeah, that's what I meant. So now that voting is definitely going to happen (although with two of the brackets instead of all four), how exactly will it work? This is the first time voting has actually happened
  7. by my clock (11:33 EDT), you've got 27 minutes. Depending on your upload speed, probably less.
  8. Question, are we free to upload our mixes to wherever for sharing once the submission period ends?
  9. While foregoing sleep is probably a bad idea right now, I know for a fact that if I go to bed and try to finish this in the morning I'll have zero inspiration.
  10. I doubt my submission will be much more than a WIP, sadly. hopefully I can pull my submission together before the deadline, but I don't know if that'll happen or not. Fingers crossed.
  11. But even if it doesn't pass, you can still get some feedback from the judges panel on what you need to improve in your track
  12. This game is beautiful and so is the source. I'll see if I can jump in this time 'round
  13. I take it that there is, according to Twitter
  14. I've got orientation for university this week, so this might put a wrinkle in my plans, but if I'm lucky I can get some work in over the weekend and have something for you by the deadline. Which reminds me, when I can find my headphones again, I'll listen to the Hero Round 1 and give my thoughts on it.
  15. You just won the internet. Somebody email Nintendo, there's a DLC to create!
  16. Had to do an image search to see if they've changed the baby Yoshi design since they first appeared. Nope. Not one bit. Yeah, I'm not sure how they'd be able to make a cart for a baby dinosaur with the equivalent arm-length-to-body-size ratio of a t-rex anyway
  17. Boy, Jason's source is quite an, er, interesting source... but that's what makes all this fun, right?
  18. This link on the Portrait of a Plumber website gives a 404 error. EDIT: Actually, all four mirrors for this single track do not work. Someone clearly doesn't want Tuberz track to be heard.
  19. Hmm... Let's hope the rest of the competition isn't plagued with similar issues. Or it could be us villains screwing with you pesky heroes
  20. Is it possible that the position of the string has moved on the page, and in some cases the change in position is conflicting with a browser's cache, causing it to disappear?
  21. Let me zoom in real close to the tip of your weapon real quick. Oh, but you say you can't see where you're shooting? It's ok, this is a cinematic camera, and that's all that matters. Look at the glowing bits! Don't worry, you probably won't miss your target. Maybe.
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