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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. I have to agree with Flexstyle on Bandcamp. It's easy to use, both from the standpoint of an artist and a consumer. Also, as a bonus, Bandcamp will report sales to Soundscan (AKA Billboard Charts), giving that you provide the valid UPC and ISRC. As of why you want to report to Soundscan is your business, but that's one thing where you'll need another source to get your UPC and ISRC (CDBaby works for this! ).
  2. Well I've heard that Impact Soundworks is releasing some orchestral percussion stuff soon... Don't know if timpani would be a part of it or not
  3. if you aren't signed in, then it's 45 pages due to the mid-page ad (or two?) that OCR tosses in.
  4. Just got the PM. Brandon, he's asking for at least half of all claimed tracks to have a WIP, which isn't all too ridiculous. Is it early? Well, yeah, but it looks like there's some leniency here
  5. P.S. This is in jest. Although I will have to say, personally what's more offputting isn't the color nor the font, but how the size is ever so slightly larger. But hey, do your own thing, whatever makes you happy is what's important.
  6. from what I can tell G-Mixer, this project is private recruitment first, open sign-ups later. Basically it's a private project with potential public recruitment.
  7. I'm guessing that the list shant be publicized until fully finalized?
  8. nope. Here's the "what you can and can't bring" flyer. If a soldering iron counts as a power tool, then it's not allowed.
  9. While I'd LOVE to take a crack at building analog systems (for some reason I imagine that this could come in handy in the future), I'm moving into college in less than a month and I'm fairly certain that a soldering iron is on the "do not bring to campus" list.
  10. Alight, let's see... Right now I'm going to be talking from a purely production viewpoint because I'm entirely unfamiliar with the source. First thing you might want to work on is humanization, because this sounds very mechanical. You want to have more expression written into the piece, portions where it gets louder or quieter for emphasis (or louder or quieter in general, but certainly not at random). I think the first step right now would be to sit down and look at your velocity values and decide where the song needs to be louder or quieter, whether or not a chord needs extra emphasis or not, and then change the velocity accordingly. Good luck
  11. this is byootiful Honestly I don't have any complaints at all about this mix. Good luck!
  12. Hey Timaeus, how of curiosity, how many Impact Soundworks products do you own? I couldn't help but notice the Juggernaut in your latest remix On the topic of the latest Buzz deal, that pricetag tho!
  13. As much as I'd like to not burst your bubble (or at the least deflate it), this kind of project would have a ridiculously fast turnaround, faster than any other project on this site AFAIK. This would have needed to be started quite a while ago to come to fruition in time.
  14. Well, considering the fact that exercising affects your body's chemical balance, a prolonged period of no exercise could potentially affect you negatively. The only real way to find out if this is the case or not is to start exercising again and see if your body aches diminish or go away entirely. Although, you're the health professional between you and I, so I could be spouting absolute bullshit right now.
  15. I think it follows the naming pattern for whatever type of mix you did. Fallen Character Theme mixed with a map theme = Hero filename. Fallen Character Theme mixed with other Fallen Character = Villain filename.
  16. Ok, I don't know if anyone's made notice of this, but what do you think of Mojang's new rules on Server Monetization? When I read this I immediately thought of the OCR server
  17. Technically, they can't. I've seen a thread takeover elsewhere where the thread was modified to have an OP from someone else, but there needs to be an existing post somewhere on the forums that's older than the OP. The moderator can then move said post into the thread. Seeing as Touchstone's only been here since this year, I dare say a completely new thread will be needed.
  18. The system failure one sounds the best out of the seven IMO, although I should probably try listening with headphones instead of crappy laptop speakers
  19. I personally would still like to hear people's opinions on the match up, just to see what others thought of our tracks.
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