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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. i was wondering how can you request to close your thread that you thinkg was a mistake or pointless, and im pretty much done posting ''wips'' in work shop fourms...... so hwo does one do this?
  2. http://soundcloud.com/aires/fm-the-matrix1 guys ita a rap track, well the 1min 30 secs of it, and around 57-58 is the start of verse one, and tell me what you then of the track, im counting all feed back.
  3. i was wondering how i could sample a nintendo 64's game to get its patches. please some one help
  4. i have this axiom 61, and you will not be disaponinted. (especially with ableton and fl )
  5. No, music is all mind and soul, so record what your mind and soul demand. (from an music teacher and agreed) this rule will ensure your music is never heard or realesed lol you would have to finish it, but yes you improve over time and time and can do better orver time.
  6. You should have got (or try to get) ''Prominy sc electric guitar'', its one of the most realistic guitar samplers out there that lets people use actual guitar techneics [ http://prominy.com/SC.htm ] , here a demo or prominys SC library http://www.prominy.com/demo/SC/Mr_SC.mp3. Real strat sounds are not that great as a first, not really a good stratocaster library (To me they sound like synths imo). It sounds like you hammer'd on barre chords with a filter on the track, and sounds of it arnt so friendly on some amp sims. but minus that the song concept is good. just the realstrat leaching it ; (
  7. yes i shorted it too much and left gaps in what i was saying. all im saying is that oc panels have metrics that arnt to friendly to songs that sound to close to a cover(or the originals midi)
  8. you said it could be coverish, is, but i said they may not like somthing close to the original and i listed reasons why.
  9. this is really good for a first try on reason 10/10 , keep up the good music
  10. they will count midi in sub panels whether it can even be judged. and even if per say its droned in one part thats Extremly diffrent, source midi instument replace, then it could get marked a a midi cover before it gets to panel with some other fun metric
  11. this is the first album from this community (non vg related) to get my Damn out of 10 rating and man this album us the only hardrock/metal based album on my playlist good stuff man!
  12. this is what i have so far, and soon hiphop lyrics with my collab! tell me guys what you think so far! http://soundcloud.com/aires/goodtimes-demo
  13. not really n to dub step but i like music 8.9/10
  14. maybe sega needs to stop listening to there fans for awhile, because when they did not they made sonic adventure series, when they did they made sonic 06(which was a solid for me) and warehog(which got boring FAST). hmmmmmmmm. the dumb complaining sonic fans at sega fourms,reviwer critics, and fan sites need to realize there gunna make the games worst if they keep naging on what they want and let the devers make there own desicion. the only thing sonic fans should work on is how to get sonic to the good ol' classic sonic vs robotnic storys or robotnic related storys, not stupid pussy looking villans, and what the hell is up with theses horrible punk emo bands, crush 40 is obviously the best game hard rock band and they already have that signature sonic sound for music...... SERIOUSLY! and raise ur hand if you want a death egg stoyline, death egg zones were gorgeous! /HandisRaised
  15. everyone on OcReMix should know my rating scale by now which is 1-10, but nobody knows my best rating which happens to be invisible in my scale due to lower then occasional use , But you sir are one of first 3 people to receive this honor of a rating. i give this mix a DAMN out of 10 p.s the master track is loud but i can simply reduce the vol in windows media player.
  16. any or most synth symbals or whisle are usually made woth white or pink noise(pink noise if you have the mini moog), you can even make them on drum machines or find them in house sample packs. you can never get tired of white noise
  17. i remeber making a kirby 64 remix that sounded a bit like your beat drop but with a saw to square pad not voice of east library excellent 10/10 (now only if i could find and finish that kirby 64 mix i was doing a year ago > )
  18. not really, but he does does need to add like 2 or 3 parts thats original like 3 shreding partss or synth brakes to make it diffrent.
  19. even sweeter, but switch the snare to a piccolo snare and try to experiment with the lead sounds you got sounding starting at late 1:10
  20. heres update #2, tell me what you guys think, i redid the mixing and ranges in this master and widend some of the highs. and this version does not have a guitar lead. http://soundcloud.com/aires/iced-puppet-c **note** this got rejected for sub cause they think its a midi drone when this sounds almost nothing like the source's cords (well a bit but hard to notice) >: ( but i wana fix this up for an small album im making, so please feed back on improvement**
  21. right, thats sort of what im saying, well its a port which i'v seen b4 thats excellent but not what i mean, im saying is from scratch.... well not scratch cause most games are OOP but not the case, even if the code was great, the stages in the game may not utilize it to the best. and i dont know why the term ''professional'' exsist in som things, even in music. an single person can make an product as good or better then a person with a title just because they have there items shown in public? i hate that. **following not about classics and sidescrollers (that i love so much)** plus sega has internal problems of to things that MAY be the following, a half ass team, they got s**t load of deadlines,student programmers new to deving straight from school, or just trying to make a quick buck. altho they may have gotten some 3D games right (as the team after half of sonic devs at sega left). i really wonder how sonic(3D) came from sonic adventure 1,2 to sonic 06 and sonic wii(s),then to the half Good sonic unleashed to werhog to the emo music band for the theme (same as sonic colors). and i would love my deathegg story line back with eggman damit or eggman as the main villin. and l would LOVE to spin dash sega need to step there game up, they need to realize sonic is one of the most or the most looked at Icon to gaming like mario. and stop releasing s**ty console shockwave arcade games!
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