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Everything posted by -Dan

  1. This Gvox seems like very very very old. Anybody knows Sonuus G2M?
  2. The VSTi's are becoming more interesting and convincing every day, which made me think: synthesized guitars will finally become more popular? I dont have much time to learn how to play the keyboards decently and, if a synth guitar or a MIDI pickup is cheaper than a keyboard midi controller, it'd be a very nice idea! So, I start searching about it. What about Roland pickups, Soonus, Shadow Pickups, or old stuffs like Gvox... http://cgi.ebay.com/GVOX-GUITAR-CONNECT-PC-FENDER-ENDORSE-MIDI-INTERFACE-/280587917279?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item415457d7df So, Anybody here have experience in synthesized guitars? Anybody here have any knowledge of MIDI pickups like Roland Gk3 or indication of any products? Thank you all!
  3. Its nice. I love MarioKart I'd like to join! Im always online at msn, and ready for any help!

  4. I vote for Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64. This way the project would be more limited, but more focused.
  5. Hi man! I'm workin on another Treetops mix for the DKC3 album and I really liked your mixes. I'd like to know about your collab to master. I also added his contact on msn. Thx!

  6. If it was an open style Super Mario RPG project, off course I 'd like to join, however...
  7. I'm thinking about a metal version for Rockface Rumble - in my oppinion, it is the best or one of the bests DKC3 songs. Could it go to the bonus disc?
  8. and about $70?

  9. Well. it seems better you add me on msn. dantonfelipe@hotmail.com

    Im from Brazil and 1 dollar = almost 2 reals.

    Im thinkin about 50 dollars.

  10. I dont need the guide, in this case. Only the cart, if u have the box, it too. How much?

  11. How much broo?

  12. CapaLangley wrote everything I was thinking. I stress what he said. Where are your relatives? And what have you done to overcome this situation?
  13. Simply my favorite relax mix. So sweet. Congratulations and thank you Vigilante!
  14. Reading this thread and talkin with others remixers, I felt a slight preference for GR, but I dont find a consensus about Hi Gain Distortions. Lately I found out Recabinet, an impulse cabinet simulator, and I'm getting interesting results while combined with Waves plugins and Pod farm stuffs. Anybody here uses impulses or Recabinet?
  15. Guys! My version actually is a Metalcore Samba Dick Dale's style. Afraid to be fleeing the proposal! ahudhaduhda
  16. Hi. Have fun here!

  17. I think that a site "under construction", with a small art, covers, tracklists and the preview for download it'd be good and motivational.
  18. -Dan

    Do you have or know who has earthbound for snes? Im buying it.

  19. Hello! The BadAss project its only to Final Boss songs or can be normal Boss themes?

  20. Never too late to say: This is Epic! Top Ten!
  21. Crazy Calipso! Joe Elm! ahduhaduhda. Levei um susto no inicio, depois vi que vc é brasileiro.


  22. I like it! Good solos, clear execution, guitar rythm clear too. I dont know the original but I apreciated the theme. However, I feel the whole mix empty, cause its a WIP isn’t? I was thought that it'd be more heavy too, thinking in an Industrial Metal. Well.. Keep rockin!
  23. Hi Emunator.

    Nice to meet you!

  24. Its a pleasure to participate! Good work friends!
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