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Everything posted by Modus

  1. I really dig this arrangement, but the execution doesn't have the same pizazz. The strings/brass feel floaty and only half-present. Same with guitar. Maybe less reverb and a tighter attack would help. Better samples perhaps. But dude it's catchy! So catchy.
  2. Nah, matching melodies is easy through trial and error. I'd count my "problem" as a good thing if I didn't want to submit something to OCR some day, but I do :[ Every time I start with a source in mind, I experiment and stumble upon something totally different that sounds really cool. Then I follow the candy into the forbidden forest and come out with another.. damn... original! I go through those depressive spells too. It usually lasts a month or two where I just don't want anything to do with music. It's probably the same for you. I think it's our minds' way of telling us we need a break. When I try to do music too hard, I end up confusing myself and making no progress.
  3. Darker Nights is my favorite of all too. It's exciting to be unsure what's around you.
  4. Aha, I have a "fun" folder too, but different stuff goes in there. My music is all ordered automatically, so I don't even what is this? I can search by artist, album, or title at the click of a button.
  5. How is this not a Mega64/Megaman crossover? What is Megaman?
  6. Got it, Snappleman, but I have one more question. What exactly is considered low or high impedance? For future reference. I say that I have no interest in a pro audio setup, but that's just my empty bank account talking.
  7. I see what you mean, but I feel like the range is really pronounced with these monitors. Like I hear songs that have well-mixed bass frequencies, but they comparatively have less impact and depth than other mixes. I can tell that most songs don't even mix that low, but the few that do really shine with these monitors. I hear detail that is usually hidden. It's hard to describe. In any case, if my concern with ohms is truly unimportant then I'm done rambling
  8. Well the frequency response is 15 to 28,000 so I'm pretty happy with that (though I think a 15 Hz signal might scramble my brain >_>) But yeah, I specifically sought out the widest frequency range possible at this price point. The volume is also fine. So I guess all things considered so far, ohms are irrelevant. I gotta say... as I listen to these monitors more, the sound is blowing me away a bit. I'm hearing what I can only describe as great depth. The bass is also very punchy instead of washed out and muddy like all my other headphones. It feels like I'm hearing my WIPs for the first time all over again. I'd definitely recommend these monitors to anyone looking around.
  9. I got a pair of ATH-M50 headphone monitors for the purpose of mixing more accurately. Before someone goes off about headphones being far from ideal for pro mixing, I already know, but I'm a hobbyist and I don't care. I want my mixing to sound decent at budget price. Anyway, I was reading heaps of reviews and some people were mentioning that it doesn't matter what headphones you get if you're just plugging into a PC. They said you need a serious piece of audio equipment to handle the ohm impedance of medium to high-end professional mixing headphones. OK, but all I have is my PC and my iPod to plug these babies into. Could anyone shed some light on this? I'm not an audio engineer :[ P.S. These headphones list an impedance of 38 ohms, and I'm not plugging them in using those "amp"-type inputs. I unscrewed that off.
  10. Well I thought I was saving up for a PSP Vita, but this finally tips the scale in favor of 3DS. Sweet music too.
  11. This is JRPG-inspired.. so there's always a second form. Usually with a small amount of HP, but triple its original power. He's probably going to spam the same shit over and over too. MEGAFLARE! MEGAFLARE! ...
  12. I'm convinced you could work for Square making menu/background music for their JRPGs and no one would know the difference. Love the thumbnail too. Nothing constructive to add. Just wanted to give my props.
  13. I'll try to be more specific and useful in the future.
  14. I want a throwback 10 shirt! Retro anniversary shirts are "in". Also why did you guys choose a caveman font for OCR? I know yall already sufficiently hate me for pretentiously critiquing the shirt designs, but just in case you didn't hate me enough...
  15. This is seriously sweet with a nice, chill electronic vibe, but the low lead that comes in later sounds strange to me. It just sounds overpowering and a bit overly dopey. For me, it wears out its welcome after a while. We'll see what the mods say though.
  16. It deserves in every way to be in the main series Final Fantasy. People that have played it know this. Others, including me, have drawn an overpowering sentimental attachment to this game and its surrounding community.
  17. I never thought this would be a leading reason to use a 360 controller, but the rumble feature is seriously the best-implemented in any game ever. When a dragon flies close over you, it rumbles just a tad then BAM, maximum rumble when it's right on top of you. It also rumbles on arrow shots and heavy hits. It doesn't sound like much but man, it adds to everything so much. Also: 32 hours logged, zero crashes.
  18. hah.. it's funny because they're dancing.
  19. That's pretty awesome, but playing with a 360 controller makes the menus not so bad. My only gripe is that I want to map a quicksave and take screenshot button to the controller, but I'm not sure how. Anyone have an idea for this? Know a program?
  20. It's inconsistent. The female VAs are truly awful for the most part and other characters have no emphasis on anything they say. They say "oh my god, a dragon" in the same tone they greet you with. It's definitely not all bad though. I really enjoy the well-acted Nord, ugly-lizard-face, and scottish-elf accents. Gives the game immersive variety :]
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