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Everything posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Happy B-day!

  2. Understood - thank you for the listen regardless m'friend. : )
  3. Gen - Fatal Moment (SOUNDCLOUD) Tried something a bit different here, but I'm hoping it's somewhat enjoyable. As always, I'm open to critique and what have you so don't be shy : )
  4. Happy Easter to you all as well. And like Brandon said, let's not forget the reason for this season in the first place. God Bless!
  5. Happy Birthday : )

  6. Finally tacked a request that was made of me some time ago - had a blast making it, and I hope you're able to enjoy it somewhat as well. Aqua and Trees Type R (SOUNDCLOUD)
  7. *insert obscure song nobody knows about here* Just kidding. Macross VF-X2s' Title Screen music.
  8. Just a quick mix I thought I'd share. Nothing special, but I hope it's somewhat enjoyable. SOURCE: Sweet Home Pt.2(SOUNDCLOUD)
  9. Just thought I'd share this with all the Anime fans here/OCR in general. If this is in the wrong place, don't hesitate to move it admins : o. That said, I present to you AnimeKONSAATO 2. A small collection of remixes that I hope you may find somewhat enjoyable - it not, at least nostalgic. Artwork/music.video creation was done by yours truly. AnimeKONSAATO 2 (SOUNDCLOUD SET)
  10. Happy B-day!

  11. Happy B-day Superior. Hope you had/have a good one.

  12. : 3 oh, i'm fully aware of that L - Seems my semi-sarcastic tone wasn't properly conveyed >_> (But really. You deserved credit/mention as well regardless.)
  13. *Just read the description at the bottom of the Download page.* Mixing and Mastering by Level 99. Level 99's HomePaGe : D There we go. And thanks a ton L99; Great job on your end m'friend.
  14. Collab between the awesome DiGi/Level 99 and myself - released officially to the public (even to my surprise XD) and I thought I'd share it with the forum. We hope you enjoy. * Emerald Dreams (DiGi Valentine Bandcamp) .
  15. Agreed. However, it's still pretty early I suppose we'll have to wait and see.
  16. Living in the City - Sonic R. Don't judge me . ___.
  17. 12 Platinum trophies? Very Impressive TC.

  18. Happy B-Day Derrit.

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