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Everything posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Rukunetsu Soundcloud Here you go group.
  2. Happy B-Dsy CHz.

  3. Why did I think it was the 13th for the WIP >__< ? I'll try and get something to Dusk and DJM asap. Many apologies.
  4. Love me some Gradius music - Really liking how this is sounding so far man.
  5. Happy B-day Emunator. May you see many more.

  6. Welcome to OCR Ghost : ) - hope you enjoy your time here.

  7. Happy B-Day Ecto : )

  8. (IL)Legal Function TYPE-R (SOUNDCLOUD) : o Nothing major, but something I thought I'd share regardless. Radilgy/Radirgy is a game I've never played, but has an OST I really like and one day I was just inspired to sample/create something for it. Hope it's somewhat enjoyable though : )
  9. Good going Red. And do keep at the music bro.
  10. Well said. I'd have to agree with this as well. Cold, but it's the truth. The notion that the more time you spend on a something automatically means it must be good/accepted will get you shot down every time. Be it Artwork or Music.
  11. I thought this was cool Blighty. Has that Christmas Special feel to it haha - Simple but effective/enjoyable production.
  12. Happy B-Day Flex.

  13. HAPPY B-DAY BRO! Hope you have a good one : )

  14. Welcome to OCR Brenzie.

  15. Happy B-day Kyoob. Hope you have a safe/enjoyable day.

  16. Happy B-day Kiwi. Hope you have a good one.

  17. Happy B-Day Argle. Hope you have good day.

  18. Happy B-Day Fusion; hope you have a good one.

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