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Everything posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Artwork©Rukunetsu ANOTHER S (TypeR) Soundcloud Really pushed to get the particular sound here - and I do hope you enjoy it.
  2. Wow DJ.This is..wow man. Great stuff, all of you. I hope I'm able to do this someday.
  3. Rappers of the North Star - can you take on this beat?
  4. Thanks a ton DJ - here's a new one for all to hopefully enjoy as well.
  5. DJ! - I was just saying that I haven't heard from you in AGES bro. Hope things've been ok with you though and glad you're still enjoying the mixes. Trying to take all the critique you and others have given me and sharpening my sound somewhat.

  6. Very interesting spin you put on this one Chris. Keep it up man..
  7. Special Zone '91 (Soundcloud) Wanted to do something simple/fun. Arranged it to 4/4 time and here's the result. Nothing too fancy, but I hope you're able to enjoy it somewhat.
  8. haha- thanks guys; but as originally stated, this is a cover : ) - had never planned for this to be a re-mix per se.
  9. Thanks a ton for the feedback C - much appreciated.

  10. Select your Hero (Soundcloud) (Sampled the ORCH Version)Another quick one before this hurricane lands. Hope y'enjoy OCR.
  11. Thanks for the feedback - both of you; much appreciated.
  12. I'm aware this song didn't originate in Bayonetta - but considering I heard it play in the game...I figured I'd post it here. Hope y'enjoy all - just something quick before the weekend's over (on my end anyways). Artwork©Rukunetsu (Take U)2 the Moon (SoundCloud)
  13. Network Space (Source) Arranged Network Space (Soundcloud) This is a cover - just felt like putting my minor spin on this simple but awesome tune. Hope you all enjoy.
  14. Glad you enjoyed the mixes Melody - and keep up the great work.

  15. Tackled this a while ago - but wow man; this totally blows my version outta the water. This is amazing; even for a wip - Keep it up.
  16. You've a great sound! Great work all of you.
  17. Hey, thanks a ton Algamest - I'll post a link to the source track right away. I'm finding that many are not as familiar with it as I thought lol
  18. Intense Azuma Battle (SC) Track 2 of my mini-album project, Ninja Attack Vol.1 - Hope you all enjoy.
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