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Status Updates posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Happy B-Dsy CHz.

  2. Happy Birthday : )

  3. Hey - that was a pretty sweet mix there bro! (slight distortion aside lol) Here's hoping someone'll take the chance and actually rap on it > : D

  4. Hey TL - unfortunately I don't have the midi original, as I played by ear when making that remix :

  5. How've you been man?

  6. I can give you the beat - but YOU must come up with the concept though : ).

  7. I do appreciate the comments regardless - at least you took the time to listen, despite being unfamiliar with the genre. that said though, : ) no need to apologize. I know you were honestly just commenting - just as I was honestly voicing thoughts at the time.

    No hard feelings or anything eh?

  8. I just recently noticed your reply on the Tenchu request thread - Thank you very much m'friend.

  9. I never thanked you for your comment on the Sulyya Springs remix. It was much appreciated.

  10. I'm aiming for the first of November : )

  11. I'm glad you enjoyed the tune/took it for what it was Maia. Means a ton.

  12. Many thanks for that! It's much appreciated but I do hope you keep up the good work on your end. Noodles or not, you've definitely got skills man.

  13. Me again! Happy B-Day bro!

  14. preciate the kind words m'friend.

  15. Preciate the kind words/criticism m'friend (great points made btw); And yes, I do draw the Bg's for my images. For the ones I don't draw, I do some minor photoshop work to 'em. Also, I'm glad you like my style in general. I know it's not the norm here at OCR - but I'm very grateful.

  16. Thanks a ton for support m'friend! Keep up the great work on this end as well....had no idea you were here : )

  17. Thanks a ton for the feedback C - much appreciated.

  18. Thanks a ton man - still lookin' forward to our collab when time allows haha

  19. Thanks a ton Modus!

  20. Thanks Crulex!

  21. Thanks for the backup on that point - p.s; : ) I'm a guy.

  22. Thanks for the input there Rockos! I'll ensure you're recognized for your help : D

  23. That's where rushing to post gets me lol - good lookin' out. It's been adjusted.

  24. Welcome to OCR Brenzie.

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