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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. Just get back on the horse, man. I ended up dependent on Ambien because no one warned me about how you aren't supposed to take it for more than 2 weeks, and the withdrawal I went through after just 6 weeks of taking it and quitting sapped probably 15 pounds of muscle off of my body (in addition to literally almost killing me). It was SO demoralizing, so I can totally relate, but just get back to it ASAP. I'm almost as strong as I was pre-Ambien. Feels even better getting this strong the second time YOU GOT THIS. I wonder how accurate they are. They can't be TOO bad considering you lost weight and the metrics adjusted in a reasonable manner.
  2. Nice! Very solid cut for 1 month. dafug scale are you using to provide all those stats?
  3. I have never seen halc mad before. You done goof'd.
  4. It does depend on the genre, but maybe about like 6 dB or so is good for general purpose reduction (assuming the master is usually around like -10 dB), then enough make-up gain to maximize. Use a compressor with a visual gain reduction meter to help train your ear. Endorphin is nice and also free.
  5. Might and Magic, although I'm not sure which one. It's not Xeen and it's not one of the latter two.
  6. Put me down as a piano player and a guy who can whistle really well in case anyone needs those in their remix. But I can't do both at the same time. And I *especially* can't whistle with other people. It's just too hilarious not to laugh.
  7. Ask halc about how he "improved" my Game Boy.
  8. Over the years, I've beaten the plastic off of my N64. The controller is shaped excellently for destructive rage slams. Works better than ever.
  9. I'm married, and me and wife unit just moved into a house where I have a room all to myself for music and gaming. Winning.
  10. I forgot to mention that I did a couple of ultramarathons to warm up for my squats. My bad.
  11. 1. Just did squats today. Think I'm gonna sit down til Monday. 2. I've got a weird-ass gene for the taste of several plant compounds that makes a select few plants taste like soap/shit. Cilantro? Soap. Cucumber? Soap. Arugula? Worst flavor ever, cannot even describe. Here's my protein shake: 1 lb of ground beef + 1 lb of my sweet potato baller mix (1 lb. mashed sweet potatoes, a lot of vanilla extract and cinnamon, a little nutmeg). Mix it all together, and it's somehow insanely delicious. 2000 Calories PWO meal ftw.
  12. I forgot about this entirely until just now, and I know *exactly* what you are talking about. Too bad my top-loader NES doesn't emit that wonderful plastic-y odor :'(
  13. Bump. I just started playing this game. Looks kewl. Anyone want to join me and Jehm Faulking?
  15. Everyone has different foot anatomy. Some people have toes which descend in length from big toe to little toe. Others have a longer second toe. And the variations just go on and on. Unfortunately, Vibram only manufactures one general blueprint for their shoe shape, so if you don't have compatible foot anatomy, you're kinda SOL. That being said, there's a little more the equation. You may not have worn them for long enough to adjust. Your foot musculature is shitty and atrophied if you have been wearing conventional shoes for a while, so it does take a couple of weeks to break your foot in to its new home. Also, sizing is KEY. I wear a 43M. I bought a 44M online once figuring I'd be OK if it were just a little too big. WRONG. I wore them maybe twice before buying a 43M at a local running store. It sounds like yours are maybe too big. If you want to give these shoes another shot, you should head to a running store which carries them and have them fit you for them. They should fit rather snugly, almost just a liiiiitle tightly, and then they will stretch out to the perfect length over the next couple of weeks. I actually just got a new 43M pair of KSO Treks last week, and they're fitting perfectly already. Oddly enough, I can put both of them on in about 5 seconds now, often hands-free. Quicker than a conventional shoe. It just takes practice and a little toe dexterity. I think they look awesome! And I don't run, either. When I'm cutting, though, I do HIIT sprints. I'd rather be muscular than withered I'll take lifting any day. But there's also unstudied but reasonable to assume potential benefits of wearing them during lifting. Studies show that wearing them enhances proprioception. If this extends to lifting (and why the hell wouldn't it?), then wearing these shoes will enhance form while lifting and economize the various kinetic chains of your lifts and potentially allow you to lift more. evrybdy win
  16. Evolution, bro. We didn't evolve to run in these goofy modern shoes with thick heels. Because our bodies tend towards the path of least resistance, we adopted a new gait when these shoes were invented and became widespread. Now, we run in a heel-to-toe pattern which is not the biomechanic which our running kinetic chain evolved to support. Slamming down on your heel over and over while running hyperextends your ankle, knee, hip, and sacrolumbar region. It's no wonder roughly 90% of casual runners experience a running-related injury in a given year. This figure is closer to 10% in runners who run barefoot or wear minimal running shoes. Lateral foot position and ankle kinesthetic/spatial sense are unclear to your brain when wearing conventional shoes (again, we evolved our proprioception as naked cavemen). Your problem is your shoes and the gait they cause you to adopt. Start running barefoot or in minimal shoes. Conventional shoes worn during running place extraordinary stress on the knee joint Running in minimal shoes is still considered barefoot running Transition slowly Upgrade your life, and start wearing Vibram Fivefingers all the time. My back pain has vanished, and running is actually fun and pain-free now. Thxx, Vibram! They also just feel "right". Conventional shoes feel so bulky, again, because they disrupt our "expected" proprioception. There's just too much material on them that isn't, well, your foot for your brain to really know where your foot actually *is* when you're wearing them.
  17. Lol @ 405. Yeah, not gonna happen on my end. Give me at least a year
  18. Deadlift duel, you say... this is relevant to my interests... That being said, I'm only 6 weeks back into lifting after 9ish months off, so my lifts aren't anything to brag about at this point. I think I'm at like 5x3 260 lbs on deadlift. You'd pwn me D: yay!!! boo!!!
  19. Honestly, let him go at it. Trial by fire is a powerful thing. I know that sounds like unusual advice, but I started learned how to navigate the deep internet when I was 7 or 8. Yep, it existed even back in like 1997. I started pirating ROMs and emulators back then, and there were plenty of faux download buttons and misdirectors and such. I figured out how to spot them pretty quickly even at his age. It just took time. That being said, if you take this approach, you're sure to get a virus or two Your kid also may end up like me. This may be undesirable.
  20. The Genesis port of Zombies Ate My Neighbors always seemed crappy to me.
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