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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. QUICK, FUN, YOUTUBE, SHOW, INTRO https://soundcloud.com/ectogemia/youtube-show-intro
  2. Maybe I've not heard your track since my last critiques, but it was definitely getting there! Feel free to send it again if you think you've got the time to make some adjustments, but I won't be able to give you feedback til tomorrow sometime.
  3. You can change the ID3 tag without changing the file name. In iTunes, you can do this by right clicking the track and clicking Get Info and editing it there.
  4. Thanks, Jason, but I think I'll deal with it for now. I just extended the step sequencer to 8 beats and wrote in 2 bars worth of percussion at a time. No biggie. Maybe half done or so with this remix now. It's pretty sweet Also hilarious.
  5. The remix is coming along swimmingly, but I accidentally dragged a crash sample into the piano roll itself, and now there's a ghost/silhouette of that sample behind all my sequencing. The sample is silent, but my issue with it is when I sequence, say, 4 beats in the step sequencer, loopings gets wonky because that sample is longer than 4 beats and it appears in the piano roll in every pattern. How do I remove this piece of shit?
  6. I'll give it a shot for learning purposes, but I just played in a really prolonged scale in directwaves and sampled and chopped it as needed. This tune is crazy
  7. I've screwed with everything. It's still sounding weird. If it helps at all, when I drag in, say, the next octave down of the same pitch, it is half the length, so as you go down octaves, it becomes less and less time stretched, but more and more time-compressed, so it gets tinnier and higher in pitch as you go down octaves o_O this is really weird. I have no idea what is going on. And yeah, I'd use Directwaves, but I want to do a lot of audio editing with piano samples directly in the playlist.
  8. Does anyone know why when I drag a sample from Piano 01 or Piano 02 into the playlist, it is timestretched A LOT and sounds like a square wave? It's only the Piano 01 and Piano 02 samples, and I can't fix it :/ It would be awesome to have those samples in my mix. This is going to be a cool one if I can pull it off
  9. I'm actually really excited about this theme because these games are pretty much all I play :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  10. Where's the trash talk? This thread is dead D: you guys are fatties.
  11. Did I vote yet? My sent messages folder doesn't work for some reason, so I can't check.
  12. Yep, so I just now became aware of this album, and I have a perfect tune for it from the last Grand Maverick Thing that Darke runs. I saw that the deadline was 12/1/12. Sooooo, is it too late to submit??
  13. Music of my Rodeo followed by Hillbilly Groin. edit: zelda's lullaby and aquatic ambience always end up melding together when i'm improvising on piano.
  14. I never noticed that til halc pointed it out to me. Now I use it evry tiem.
  15. thxbro. Too bad DDR Kirby's entry was fucKING INSANNEEEe D:

  16. I left early on, too, for the same reason (thanks, Rozo ). Sucks when someone craps on something you put a lot of work into, but if it's garbage, it's garbage. You have to grit your teeth and improve, yo. But I practiced, I listened critically and tried to apply what I heard, I talked extensively to better musicians than myself, and I experimented constantly, and now I've improved to the point where *gyaassp* PEOPLE LIKE MY MUSIC!!! Do the above, and you, too, could have fans. P.S. you really actually have to do that stuff.
  17. I heard ectogemia's entry is also going into your permanent collection.
  18. It is me. I am Tuberz McGee. edit: dibs on 'Stars Too High'
  19. LINK Here's a tune for Maddox's youtube show. It's supposed to sound like an infomercial. But infomercials are fucking boring, so I threw in a solo. Don't tell anyone. If you like it, please like me on facebook and follow me on soundcloud for updates on my new tracks!
  20. DAW. I only just now purchased my first pair of stereo monitors. A $75 pair of Sony MDR-7506 headphones got me (and some other professional musicians I'm aware of) to where I am now, and my production value is "OCR quality" despite my studio's lack of stereo monitors. Aaand on that note, I personally know of some artists who have had among them dozens of remixes posted on OCR, yet neither had stereo monitors or high-quality listening gear til recently. In my opinion, the benefits of upgrading to a better DAW (workflow, plugins, better piano roll, more plugin support, less resource usage or more efficiency, depth of features, etc.) far outweigh the benefits of better listening gear. That being said, if all you have is laptop speakers, I would buy those cheap Sony headphones I mentioned. And if your production quality is already pretty solid, maybe listening gear would be most beneficial to allow you to kick it up a notch.
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