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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. And you can always just put a stereo plugin on the master and mono-ize things that way.
  2. I started watching the first 5 episodes or so, and yeah, there are some really excellent tips and tricks to be learned from this guy. Ya just gotta listen to his shitty music It was Christian rock a la Taylor Swift if I remember correctly.
  3. by urban knight, Sir Mix A Lot, suggesting that there is the possibility that this man is a fan of butts. , by urban receiver, Samwell, accepting the offer of Sir Mix A Lot with both surprising, yet awkward, vigor.
  4. Indeed you are. Lufia is known as Estpolis everywhere in the world but here. RINKU
  5. Send me the piece. I may be able to. Probably not, though. I'm not that amazing at piano
  6. Who's losing this game of Words with Friends? Go ahead, we'll wait for your reply. Loser
  7. Jason is trying to calculate how badly TEAM FAUX VASECTOMY spanked all the other teams. There's a lot of 0's in infinity, so it could take a little while longer.
  8. You should play roguelikes. They'll redefine "fair death".
  9. I loved the "here's how much you suck" simultaneous level attempts which Super Meat Boy played upon the completion of each level. Seriously entertaining, and it really hit home how much effort you put into some of those levels after seeing all dat meat splatter.
  10. Birth is a beautiful thing... if you're into gore and shit. And that's fucked up, man, seriously. Come on. Happy birthday.
  11. Nice gains, OA & Soul Splint! I'm up 8 lbs. since getting back to the gym 30 days ago. Not bad
  12. Sending now. I didn't have the time to finish it, but hopefully what I've got is worthy of placing Good luck, YOU PEOPLE.
  13. I like doing LP type stuff, but I can't watch 'em for the life of me, although Game Grumps is usually pretty funny, and I watch Ben Briggs' stream occasionally because I like trolling the little bastard. As a kid, I loved to watch friends play games, but it doesn't translate well to LPs, in my opinion. Part of the reason it was fun to watch friends play was the bonding. There was still a social aspect; we were hanging out. Watching LPs removes that aspect and makes the experience pretty boring for me in most cases. I guess with LPs it boils down to entertainment value for me, usually comedy. Time, too. I don't have the time I did when I was a kid, not even close, so I really prefer not to waste what little time I do have watching protracted playthroughs of games I've already beaten a dozen times. I'd rather make music!
  14. I'd just register it as 10 reps of a 600 lbs. deadlift. edit: 50 reps
  15. Daenerys's storyline was among my favorites in the first 3 books, but once it just stagnated HORRIBLY in the recent 2. I feel like I don't know any of the characters in her life, nor do I care about any of them. Meh. But somehow, my favorite storyline has become Jamie's. Didn't see that one coming, but man, what a great character. SO much excellent development...
  16. Being that your palm is generally facing towards you when you bring food to your mouth, that'd be a chin-up A negative is the part of any lift where the angle between the joints involved are increasing. What that really means is that it's the part of any lift where you aren't actively moving a load. It is when you are returning the load to the starting position. In the case of a pull-up or chin-up, the negative would be when you are lowering yourself back down. So in order to do a negative pull-up, you would generally stand on a stool or chair or a bench and start the rep with the bar already at your chin. Then, you simply lower yourself down to the floor very slowly. That's one rep. Now you get back on the chair or whatever and reset for the next rep. They're extremely effective at building strength. Assisted pullups are -- unlike a negative -- a full rep, up and down, but they are done on a machine that can be found at most, if not all, commercial gyms. They utilize a counterweight system which subtracts from your body weight whatever weight on the rack you put the pin in. So if you weigh 200 lbs and you put the pin on 75 lbs., then if you do a pull-up, you will effectively be lifting 125 lbs, not your full body weight. A lat pulldown is another pulley-based machine which doesn't require you to lift your own weight in any manner. You just pull the weight down to yourself while keeping a straight back. Simple enough.
  17. Do negatives. If you can't do negatives with a bar, do assisted pullups with a machine. If you can't do that, do lat pulldowns. YOU CAN DO EET. EVRYBODEE STRENGTH!
  18. HEY. I'll have an FF3 WIP for you WHEN I'M READY. ... what date do I need to be ready by? srs. Topic relevance: Welp, looks like my remix will be incomplete for this compo. Studying for this exam is going to have to be more intensive than I thought.
  19. But what about Calum?!?!?1/ and hbd ashameeeeeeee
  20. Holy shit, I did not have the time to go through *any* of the material for the class I was in. I don't even remember which class it was. Production? Something like that? I hate school D:
  21. Omgad, I can't wait to listen to these when I get home this afternoon. You've always been one of my favorite artists, man. I could gush for hours.
  22. 3 days... Final Fantsasy 3 (sort of)? Fate, man. Fate. Make it happen.
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