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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. ooooo... yeaaaaahhhh. I like dat beat it's like sex and elevators in the same song
  2. if Metroid doesn't count as all game violence, than I guess I am in the group of non-violence gamers while I enjoy playing a bit of MW2 with friends along with the Halo games, I don't own any of them myself and I'm not obsessed with them, though I really do like the Halo series. I'm sorta sick of all the violent games involving guns and stuff oh there is one large exception I freaking love Need for Speed
  3. Normally hate metal-related mixes, but personally I really enjoyed this one. It was probably all the sexy guitar riffs. Nice goin'.
  4. yeah I'll try for Feb, but no guarantees. I am glad it's not an immediate deadline, however.
  5. until 2002? don't remember him, but this guy was president during the sexy times of Nintendo.
  6. I'm just getting on this thread to speak of my appreciation for Brandon Strader's beautiful signature
  7. oh and I'm gonna be the vocalist to my track that track will be all on me trust me, I got dis
  8. yeah iTunes can do mp3 easily I use it all the time and find it extremely convenient no
  9. ah, shucks. yeah well I'll go ahead and claim it as long as the first real deal deadline isn't any time soon at all.
  10. I can potentially take Number One, but since this a "not anytime soon" project and because I'm so busy, I wouldn't get any WIP in for a long time.
  11. i think i can i think i can i think i can i think i can
  12. again, we are just about to finish and eventually release the Sonic CD album, and someone already brought up Knuckles Chaotix and that's interesting people. I think that we just need to take a break for a bit. additionally, there is a VROOM record happening with some Sonic R stuff in it and then also a SEGA Saturn project with Sonic R stuff, so this seems rather unnecessary. maybe within the next few years, but as for right now, I'm not sure this would work. this isn't to be offensive or anything and if it sounded like I was snapping at you, well, I happen to sound like I'm doing that when I'm actually not. I just don't think this project is really necessary as of right now.
  13. I'm thinking about help funding just to get it to the PS3/360/Wii U thing because I'm much more of a console gamer and that would be nice
  14. hey guys we could ya know maybe just enjoy the fact that this is a new game that will probably be awesome
  15. I'm down for that but we probably need to give ourselves a bit of a break due to the Sonic CD album before we jump into something like this
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