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Everything posted by Ramaniscence

  1. From what I understand, it's like.... Imagine if Mario was the thin one, and Luigi were the fat one. Other good examples are: "Does is metroid's HAND his gun?" and "Does Zelda hold his sword with his left hand or his right?" =P So like............. Bowser the super thin lizard... Samus the d00d. Thrall the Draenei. Injecting Protoss Kerrigan Female Ryu Also: I'm so down for this. Hopefully work doesn't swamp me again this month >_<
  2. I saw this on Twitter, and my FIRST thought was "...I wonder if NintenJoe-..." oh there he is =P
  3. There's nothing wrong with the site itself, just the administrator has a bit of a reputation around here for... a number of things. Nothing truly malicious or anything iirc. Above all, is his passion for Chrono Trigger/Cross (for better or for worse). Regardless, the site is a generally solid source of information.
  4. If you can remember what it was a remix of, as much as I hate to say it, this would be he place to look: http://chronocompendium.com/Term/Music_(Chrono_Trigger).html A list of (near literally) every Chrono Trigger remix anywhere, commercial, fan-made, japanese, or oherwise.
  5. I'm curious as to whether you've even read through this thread at all? The problem is not the album tags; the album tag for all the songs is already uniform. The problem is the album artist field, which is being fixed.
  6. I'm going to be 25 next month. I can hear up to 18, and then I can hear 21. I was in marching band for a million years, and starla says I'm def all the time because my music is so loud... SHOWED HER SHE CAN'T HEAR 17.
  7. Ch-ch-ch-changessss. SO hex just updated the Nerdapalooza 2010 event: -Venue announcedd -NEW dates -Ticket prices. The full lowdown is here: http://nerdapalooza.org/?p=286 The highlights:
  8. If you want, I could set you up with an FTP account on thasauce for FAC it'd be like... http://hosting.thasauce.net/FAC/ or even http://fac.thasauce.net/ or something like that. Then you could just make folders per month or whatev.
  9. Anyway, edited first post to make sure I clear up any possible conclusion, I wanted to again thank everyone who made this project possible
  10. Now that A1 is over I guess it's safe to say we started this album like Tuesday afternoon ROFL.
  11. Actually, if you'd payed attention, you'd notice that we already HAVE A Bad Ass.
  12. yeaaaaaa, ya'know. There were some things NOA thought would work, and some things that just wouldn't be appropriate for this kind of album. I think the phrase they used to describe the kind of music you would make based on your name was "rap music of the worst kind" or something along those lines. I was pullin' for you, bro. But it wasn't meant to be
  13. I've been trying to get ahold of you for like 4 months? Where the hell have you been? You should've been on this thing! L2 ANSWER YOUR PHONE.
  14. ReMix:ThaSauce PresentsThe Official Duck Hunt HD ReMix Soundtrack THE TRUTH: The Official Duck Hunt HD Remix Soundtrack is a Duck Hunt remix album created as a 2010 April Fools joke. It is the spiritual successor to the first Duck Hunt Remix Project: Repercussions of Fowl Lamentations. The entire project, including all the songs, artwork, and website, was completed in less than three days. It features dozens of talented artists and musicians from both the Video Game Music ReMix and Nerdcore communities. I'd like to thank everyone who helped out with this project, and everyone else who I contacted who didn't get a chance to help out. We got an INCREDIBLE amount of work done in an extremely short amount of time, and the quality of this album for being done in literally no time at all is absolutely incredible and couldn't have been possible without everyone's effort. And thanks to friendlyHunter, Binjovi, and hex for all providing the artwork <3 THE JOKE: In early 2010 I was contacted by Nintendo of America. As it turned out they had heard what we had done with Repercussions of Fowl Lamentations and were wondering if we would be interested in creating a soundtrack for the upcoming DUCK HUNT HD REMIX. Of course I was skeptical at first given the nature of content of the original album, but after we sent a few e-mails back and forth, I was convinced. The first thing I did was contact Protricity to help co-direct; being one of the major driving forces behind Repercussions of Fowl Lamentations I could not imagine attempting this sort of project without his input. Next I contacted my good friend, the multi-talented, Shael Riley. Shael's had a lot of success lately with his bands The Grammar Club and Shael Riley & the Double-Ice Backfire; couple that with his involvement on the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD ReMix project, and you have got yourself a veritable power house of musical talent. Last I went to my room mate hex. He runs the summer nerd music festival Nerdapalooza, and I knew the connections he could provide would be absolutely invaluable. Since we were given a virtually unprecedented amount of creative control over the soundtrack, we have been able to create, what I believe is, one of the most diverse original soundtracks in the history of gaming. The Duck Hunt HD ReMix soundtrack features songs from a wide array of artists from throughout the community. It is rich with styles including, but certainly limited to: trance, melodic trance, epic trance and house trance. Also included in this melting pot of musical style are: Gangster rap, hip hop, crunk, emo rap, and nerdcore hip. Finally what about soundtrack would be complete without a little black metal, death metal, progressive rock, glam rock, pop rock, acoustic rock, NES rock, and... well you get the idea. Be sure to listen to this album with an open mind, open ears, and an open heart, and prepare to be truly moved with every single musical marvel. Douglas "Ramaniscence" Arley Album Director Thanks to everyone involved on the project! A BAD ASS - B-TYPE - BILLCOCK - CHARK - CHILDREN OF THE MONKEY MACHINE - CHILDREN OF THE WASHING MACHINE - CHOZO NINPO - CLAH - DJ BUTTZLUNAR - DJQUETZL - FUNKY49 - HALP0 - INJURY - JMR - JOSEPH BELL - JUST64HELPIN - LONG DAO - ME FIGHT MONSTER - MOLTO PENE - NYKSKRYP - ORGASMIC ALLIANCE - PIGLETT - PROJEKT ZERO - QUARTZ RELIC - SWORDOFDESTINY - T. S. ROFLUTIONARY - TALC - TH3HT - WILLROCK - ZORKIN
  15. Man, I've been working on an ALTERNATIVE entry since I finished my first one so quick...but I don't know if it'll be done in time. WE SHALL SEE which one I decide on...both are infinite amounts of awesome.
  16. Well I mean...it's a reliable source: http://media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/k-_v9uPxEKS_lr3URj0jSogw86LCQ356/_9--AhikFAprNYzTQeDYeKjLC7-NaSaG.jpg
  17. That's....strange. If anyone else has this problem, let me know. In the meantime, you can get it here: http://wardriver.thasauce.net/albums/war005_jmr-throughTheRinger/ Also: More updates from and about Wardriver soon.
  18. For the prologue the voice acting was....less than good. After that it's been a bit more standable SO FAR, though I'm honestly like 10 mins into the actual game post-prologue, so...we'll see. Nall's voice was a bit of a shock, but no more than hearing Nall's original voice for the first time.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZVrnz2fxd8 <-- this
  20. They....changed the lyrics to intro..... ...what?
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