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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. Should OC ReMix really be so very concerned about how another website views its own attempts at improvement? A better WIP system would hardly be an attack on VGMix. As you mention, VGMix would still be the only site where all finished remixes are automatically posted.

    And if somehow the VGMix community is offended, I think that has more to say about their sensitivity than any insensitivity on OCR's part. They've had years to implement their vision. Do they really expect another site to hold itself back because it might look like it's moving ever slightly toward the vision of an inactive website?

    I, for one, look eagerly forward to any improvements in the OCR WIP process.

    EDIT: And for clarification, I should also mention I still hold hope for a finished VGMix 3. I was a huge fan of VGMix 2 until the day it was hacked to pieces.

    DJP is talking about making the "Works in Progress/Completed" boards as the place where people could get their completed works posted...similar to VGMix.

  2. I think the WIP forums would need a MAJOR overhaul before it could be any kind of viable service similar to VGMix. The forum showcases MAYBE 5 mixes on the front page, which I'm sure would be changed, but how long would you display songs on the front page? What would determine how they actually STAY on the front page? (right now it's per-reply, and that hardly seems like a fair system). Even so, having a link to the forums on the main page helps a lot, is it REALLY better than having it on (an ideal) VGMix system? Would it actually get a good amount of exposure? Who knows.

    This is completely ignoring the fact that right now trying to find something in the WIP/Completed forum is an absolute nightmare. Back during the original forum reform, I offered up a solution of a sort of "standard" for posting in the WIP forum that would make it a lot easier to at least READ, and I remember Darkesword agreeing, I don't remember anyone else even responding, and nothing has happened since.

    BUT I think what's MOST important here...is freedom. I think the real reason VGMix exists is because artists want to have more freedom with their music. Freedom to do whatever they want with their music. Even if OCR had a similar system integrated, I feel like people would post on VGMix still...because they can. No offense to DJP, but a lot of times things at OCR come off as "Well this is my website, and I'm going to run it the way that I want it, no matter what anyone else says" which may or may not be the case, and it's totally JUSTIFIABLE because it IS his website, but that in itself just makes people want to have more control of their songs. That being said, it seems like it'd be LESS of a "community divided" issue, so much as it is a FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

    Isn't that the real reason VGMix was made in the first place? Because people wanting more control over their music (and a bunch of other stuff, I know)?

  3. Just a suggestion. I would wait til The DKC2 project is finished. This way you can get more people to participate and help out with this project. You should have no trouble finding some willing participants! Sounds like a sweet project!

    Yea, about that. This project has already been completed by mithius. The whole thing is done. I really should see if we can't get that thread title changed to something a bit more appropriate.

    Anyway, the completed project can be downloaded here: http://remix.thasauce.net/thestoryofhyrule

  4. I would have responded to this a lot quicker if you'd quoted me. :< Anyways, my iPod/iTunes is supposed to automatically compensate for the MP3 gaps, but isn't doing it for CD1 and CD2. This sometimes happens if an MP3 is re-encoded (doubling the length of the gap), but I'm not sure if that's what happening in my case. After listening again it seems that only some of the tracks have the problem. :?

    Did you download them from ThaSauce or mithius's mirror? The one's on the ThaSauce have all been retagged on a Mac, with iTunes, to make sure all the tracks are seamless (there's a check box for that).

    If so...iono what's up, else I'd say redownload.

  5. I have a feeling they're going to totally mangle it and sell it for the kiddies.

    This is pretty much guaranteed. Just look at some of the Donkey Kong stages from other games, most notably being Double Dash (and later Wii), where the Donkey Kong stage features a volcano with a big angry face. That's so out of place for Donkey Kong it's ridiculous.

    The odds of me seeing alligators with ridiculous his, razor sharp teeth, and a well done Candy Kong as slim to none :(

    Plus, I mean...that soundtrack.

  6. Note: The points you gain are based of the level difference. If you play someone closer to your own level you lose less, and gain a BIT more.

    The match making matches you up with level 1s all the time though, which is where the problem lies.

  7. Note to mention.....

    Each character doesn't get their own stage any mode.

    Weapon demonstrations are completely gone.

    Real character profiles are completely gone.

    The art gallery is like 4th'd.

    What we get is better gameplay, WAY better graphics, a bigger cast of playable characters (all (most) of which, while some are still pretty low tier, are viable in competition), and online play.

    Ehh trade off.

  8. my friend owns this game and has been playing it and stuff and he brought it to my house and i had never played it before and i won half the time just pressing buttons and i remembered why i dont like these type games so i played smash bros

    Your friend must suck pretty bad at Soul Calibur.

  9. Did the Halo community just all migrate to SC IV or something?

    Well duh. Isn't that true for most games on XBL? EVERYONE thinks they're "good at Soul Calibur" because "they beat their friends all the time." Frat boys, 13 year olds, and cool guy high school jocks around the world are learning just how NOT GOOD they are, and they just can't handle it :((

  10. Edit: hey! thanks for the anime remix link >:3

    Not to break your heart but....

    Doug Arley, "Ramaniscence", for ID3 tagging, MP3 hosting, and new website design.


    ALSO, digg!

    The project has really seen a nice traffic spike since the japanese blogs got ahold of it, but it could use every little bit it can get. People DESERVE to hear this project :o.


  11. Even if you don't know how to GI you can just circumvent spamming by learning your fastest anti-spam attack. Everyone's got a few.

    Mitsurugi's 3A at close range is great for that.

    QFT. I've NEVER been able to GI a damn thing online, yet I still enjoy an 81% win/lose ratio.

    You just need to learn how to play :(.

    Actually I've noticed, more often than not, the problem isn't that people don't know how to play their character, but that they don't know OTHER characters. I guess after the 10 odd some years I've been playing Soul Calibur a lot of stuff has been auto-programmed into my head. I know where people are going to go after a certain move, I know what people are going to start with, I know which of my moves can fix into the space between there moves as far as time and distance are.

    THAT is the game right there, and THAT is why Ivy will ALWAYS been a pain, because they just can't make up their mind with their girl -_-

    WHICH reminds me, anyone seen Ivy's infinite yet?

    NOT fixed in patch.

  12. Like I said before, the amount of effort it would take to put a WHOLE other character into the roster is just ridiculous, and even if they DID put him in, he'd just be a clone of someone else like all the existing "bonus" characters...and for that, why not just make him yourself. Isn't that THE POINT of create a character?

    Who needs another light saber holding character that can't break any armor off or customize at all anyway?

  13. there's the possibility of other jedi being DLC and Obi-Wan is badass

    orly? That's not what the Soul Calibur director is saying.

    ...Specifically, Sasaki responded "we don't have any plans for that" when asked by XCN if we'd ever see both characters from a galaxy far, far away battling each other on the same console.

    And HE'S talking about not even putting Yoda and Vader on the same console, let alone Obi-Wan.

    Besides the likelihood of a DLC of THAT MAGNITUDE just isn't all that feasible. They'd either have to already exist somewhere in the games code, or ALL systems would have to patched. Not to mention the balancing that'd have to be done for that 1 character.

    Oh, and this:


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