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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. Did a quick fix to remove the white. Main page still looks a little jacked, and doesn't look like I'm going to be able to remove that Google ad anymore, S'OH WELL, but userstyles is over bandwidth (with just text? o.o) so you gotta paste the code manually:

    @-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.ocremix.org/) {
    [COLOR="DarkGreen"]/* === QUICK FIX === */[/COLOR]
    div.tab-container {
    background-color: #000 !important;
    background-image: url() !important;

    div.tab-panel-br, div.tab-panel-bl, div.tab-panel-tl, div.tab-panel-tr {
    background: url() !important;
    padding: 0 !important;

    div.tab-panel { background: #000 !important; }

    Just make a whole new style, and paste this into it. It should fix things.

  2. Yes, an insane amount of system resources. The OS requires 1 GB ram alone - my system, which can run Crysis on medium, couldn't handle Vista.

    I call bullshit on that one. First off XP barely fucntions if you don't have 512 MBs of RAM, and I honestly wouldn't run it with less than 768 ANYWAY, so Vista needing a gig really isn't that outlandish. Especially since RAM costs pennies now a days.

    The Crysis / Vista thing is bullshit, and if it's NOT, you're doing it wrong. My PC can barely run Portal at minimum settings but runs Vista fine.

    In terms of compatibility issues: there's a lot of smaller programs that don't work on Vista. For example, the program that I had to use to hack my PSP Slim doesn't work on Vista. This is inconvenient.

    THIS...ugh. You're going to complain about the compatibility about a program made by 1 guy to hack your PSP not working on Vista and call compatibility issues? Cool.

    Here's one for you:

    I BOUGHT a popular OS X skinning program that now that doesn't work since I upgraded for Leopard because Apple broke the whole coding environment.

    And Ubuntu is FREE and "easy to use" but if you wanna talk about compatibility problems...yea good luck having a good range of software choices with that one. Linux really has no place in this conversation.

    Yea, I put Ubuntu or gOS on every computer I build for my family members, but that's because they only listen to music, browse the internet, and chat on AIM. They really have no business installing a bunch of other crap so that way I don't have to go in and clean out their computer once a month; becuase they can't figure out how to install anything. Makes my life way easier.

  3. I disagree. Jill’s statement came off very hostile to me. It sounded a lot like censure to me. A ban is merely the final form of censorship. Maybe you want to take it out of this thread which is utilized for support of OCR OurStage? Fine, but don't outright end it.

    Listen, I see both sides of the issues. PhiJayy is pointing out the [blatantly obvious] flaws in the system, and honestly, the nepotism is pretty thinly veiled, and even encouraged by the site proper, it appears. But you guys are leveraging the power of a community to which you have dedicated many hours to, which is also understandable. After all why not use it to gain more community exposure? The only difference is that PhiJayy is a bit more idealist, and pointing out the fallacies of the broken system. You guys are utilizing the Machine to its fullest potential in order to beat it. Not your fault the system is broken, you’re just working in it, which is why I can’t definitively agree with PhiJayy or disagree with you. I can’t say which one is right, but obviously it has spawned a discussion that has involved more than just PhiJayy, including McVaffe and Dhsu, so obviously it *is* a topic that merits further discussion. That said, comments like ‘there’s no need for drama’ and ‘you’ve made your point’ are clear-cut attempts [to me, at least] to nip any dissent at the bud. If you disagree, do so, but don’t go about it by shutting PhiJayy up.


  4. ... For me, whenever people from the OCR community need help, I do my best to give it to them. Whether it's technical questions about mixing, WIP critiques, legal or business advice, questions about the judging/sub process, or anything else, I don't mind spending a small amount of my time helping people in the community. Voting on OurStage is really no different.
    Submit to ReMix:ThaSauce, and support the greater arrangement community today!

    dually noted

  5. Insane amount of system resources? :\ I think people forget sometimes that Vista isn't for old computers. It's for new ones. If you have the hardware to run Vista, it runs fine. I mean try installing XP on a machine built for 98SE; obviously its going to suck. :|

    Honestly, I've been running Vista for about half-a-year now and the only issues I had were with copying files over a network. Those issues were resolved completely with SP1.

    The only other problems I've had stem more from the fact that I'm running a 64-bit OS instead of a 32-bit OS, and that can't really be blamed on MS, but 3rd party software developers who won't get with the times.

    QFT. I haven't seen all these "bugs" and "compatibility issues."

    In fact, the only people I've heard of that have compatibility issues are people using pretty specialized hardware/software. The average user shouldn't have any trouble with compatibility.

    It seems to me that the people griping about Vista most often are people who've either NEVER used it, or just used it for a short ammount of time. I've been on it since launch and I honestly see no reason to ever go back to XP.

    I've actually had WAY LESS problems with Vista than I had with XP over the years.

  6. Vista: DAW + all my VSTs = crash

    XP: Same DAW, same VSTs = no crash

    I don't use Vista, but my GF does. If it weren't for that crashing issue that has happened on several computers I've installed Vista on, I'd be using it now.

    Vista hates all things audio...that's the only real problem I've found. Otherwise I've NEVER had a problem, and my hardware isn't even all that great...

    It DID come with free 512MBs of RAM when I bought it, though...and that helped a LOT, lol.

    And, to Dyne, the only reason I use my MacBook more frequently now is because it plays WoW at Max settings, and all my addons, with 40FPS, I like Adium better than Trillian, and my MacBook can handle my iTunes library where as NOTHING on my PC can handle my music library over there...

  7. From the petition:

    Even if you could just let David Hayter write a rough draft to see what you think. What David can achieve with his screenplay is something very close to the Metal Gear Universe, something that keeps the heart of the series intact. Something that can win fans over, Something thats not just a mindless adaption of a video game, something worth watching.

    From reality:

    We have confirmed that Hayter pitched his take on the project to Konami but they have opted not to hire him to script and/or produce it. Hayter even penned a treatment for the proposed big-screen version but, alas, the powers-that-be passed on it.
  8. ETG has had some connection issues lately. Once you're connected though, everything else seems fine. Normally I use /server irc.enterthegame.com which chooses a random server from their pool, but the 4 following ones are usually the most stable for me:





    I stick to strickly to NewZealand, and I don't remember ever having an issue.

    I actually connect to NewZealand because the other servers had an issue with my router not having port forwarding for IDENTD

  9. Squaresoft Variation was produced just like most of his game soundtracks. Soule uses an extensive library of instrument samples (I can't remember the specific ones he promotes) to render his orchestral compositions.

    As for the thread's topic, you can usually find some way of getting a message to a composer if you dig around. For American composers, at least.

    It actually has a lot of similarities to the Morrowind soundtrack as far as the soundscape goes.

  10. ...Or why Otacon developed Stealth camo, that broke in MGS2, but implemented similar technology into Metal Gear Mk II...but not Snake's suit...




    oh but I forgot how to make the most helpful piece of equipment I ever developed...only for you, though. Not for me. I still have it.

    Oh, and Otacon can control that thing remotely from a fricken AIRPLANE, but snake only gets like 30'.

  11. I HEARD it was mostly coincidental and the whole thing on plagiarism was a practical joke.

    Without giving away too much, the theme IS in MGS4 towards the end. I am however unaware if it was removed from the Essential Collection or not.

    Really? Not from what I recall. The Metal Gear theme used in MGS4 is the one used from MGS3 and NOT the one from MGS1 and 2. It's similiar, but definitely not the same...

    Unless there's another instance that I missed, but THIS is the only time I even ever heard THAT song in MGS4.


    They use the PSX version of the Encounter music in MGS4.

  12. I'm just gonna hop in here real quick and sayyyyyyyy:

    I assume you are/were working on this song to be submitted to OCR. If you want your song to get even more exposure, or for whichever reason OCR ends up rejecting it and it gets to the point where you just want to move on to another project, I'd recommend submitting to ReMix:ThaSauce as well. This is already well above our standards, and I'd love to have it, and more songs like it :o.

    Just thought I'd throw that out there =P

    gjnw btw

  13. I don't know. The atmosphere is just different... the fantastic music is almost entirely replaced with mediocre, forgettable techno and the voice acting isn't as good as the original. Choices in cinematography are silly sometimes too. Snake can't do freakin' backflips, jump off of missiles, dodging bullets Matrix style, or any of that. That's what I meant by different aura. It just feels... way... different, even when compared to the style/ambience of MGS2, MGS3, and MGS4. It kind of sticks out stylistically.


    The music in Twin Snakes is a REAL disapointment. I really wouldn't play it until you've experienced the original. Don't get me wrong, I like Twin Snakes a lot, I just don't like it nearly as much as PSX MGS.

  14. Yeah, I ook a similar listen to OC ReMixes an year ago of OCR 1 - 1000 in alphabetical order, and the older stuff definitely is overrated by some in the community. It gives you a lot more appreciation for how much better the quality of the music has gotten here over the years.

    Those first 1000 songs made this site what it is today.

    In fact, I remember WAY back when when OCR had it's only streaming radio of just the first couple of songs I used to listen to it nonstop.

  15. I personally have developed a hatred for druids and rogues this season, despite how a rogue is my main partner and I have a few druid friends.

    Who's in range of making gladiator this season btw? Season 4 is going to start soon!

    Cheaters. That's who.

    S3 was ridiculous broke. I lost help when every 2v2 fight I joined was people in full vengeful. Even in the 1400-1500 bracket. I think I MAYBE got into the 1580s once, but I'd have to play late at night.

    I can stick destroyed S3 warriors solo, though.

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