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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. lol at people trying to play me with Seung Mina, staying at MAX RANGE the whole time so I can't get near them, still losing, and complaining that I won with the same 3 moves. How many fucking moves does Mitsurugi have that can get IN THERE?

    He disconnected, too.

    C'mon people. l2 soul calibur. If this were a real tournament no one would give a shit HOW you won, just THAT you won. Disconnecting is just 5 year old BS.

  2. nono, when it's flashing you have to hit the opponent like you would anytime and eventually he'll be staggered and you can hitt ABKG once :)

    Namely, you do a guard crush (the big blue lightening attacks) and they'll try to block it and get crushed (BIG purple explosion, and they fly backward), and bam.

    It probably happens with normal attacks if they just keep blocking, but their guard gets broke a lot quicker with a guard crush.

    I've only pulled it off like...twice :(

  3. Also, looking at PS3 online videos, the loading seems to be a bit longer too.

    I just installed mine to my hard drive, now I have no load times at all...

    Also: Spamming wouldn't be a huge problem if you could actually GI online, buttttt you pretty much can't.

  4. I started playing online today. I'm not pleased with the results of my 12 or so matches...-_-'

    However, I played against this friggen awesome CAS of Siegfried. It's armor was blue and silver. Unfortunately it kicked my butt into next saturday. Twice. But at least I gave him a run for his money the second time.

    More importantly, lag was present in almost every single one of my 12 matches, and I'm the one who did the hosting for all but one of 'em. It was a minor inconvenience at best, and a game-breaker at worst.

    Good news! I got past the nightmare that is Tower of Souls! (Lol, punz)

    Everytime I hosted a match I had really bad lag, and not the "jittery, skipping, frame freezing" kind that I can deal with, but the "I press a button and then the move happens a second later" kind. Now a days I just spam the auto-find thing whatever. I don't even look at the screen anymore i just sit there spamming the X button until the match starts (which has mad me pick Nightmare and Seigfriend a few times on accident -_-).

    I'm up to rank 75 now, and I'd have to say I don't think I'm all THAT GOOD at Soul Calibur. I know I'm GOOD, but I think what's really going on here is most people are REALLY BAD....which is what I already assumed.

    I'd say a good 1/3rd of my wins AT LEAST are gotten primarily by doing low sweeps and my opponents not being able how to figure out how to low block. It's gotten so bad my normal 10 move Mitsu strat is getting down to 2 or 3. Playing people online is making me WORSE. When I play my friends now I find myself having to relearn how to do everything else everytime :(, and then I get online and go back to sweeps D:

  5. hey guys I thought they said they would lessen the ring outs

    They definitely did...but only by a VERY small ammount. They made it a LOT harder for Mitsurugi to get a ring out, but for people like Taki is seems just as easy, and for Nightmare it seems EASIER THAN EVER. -_-



    I was so happy with my R. Kelly, and I've been googling "R. Kelly Soul Calibur" to see if anything while popup on the internet, adn then I found this.

    Either I'm unoriginal by accident, or they got wind of mine :(, either way, mine was made 2 days before that article AND HE'LL ALWAYS BEEN ORIGINAL TOO ME.

    Mine looks better too :(

    Seriously though, fight me. My thirst for Soul Calibur competition is insatiable.

  7. Hey, if it gets the word out...particularly to those people who live between Baltimore and Alexandria, then I say it's a tolerable annoyance at worst.

    Hey Ram, where'd you get those printed?

    I got them printed @ ClubFlyers.com

    The backside is a nothing but an ad for ClubFlyers, but because of that I only had to pay shipping (which ended up being like $3). They actually have an option to pick them up YOURSELF and pay $0, but I didn't want to make my family in Miami drive downtown just for some flyers.

    Also: Yea, if I hand out 500 flyers and 10 people go to the site for it, then it's a success. Especially at a cost of $0. You'd be SUPRISED how many people click on sigs, random links, and other things that're just THERE on the internet.

  8. I'm getting REALLY annoyed with playing rated matches where my attacks land a SOLID SECOND after I press the fricken buttons. It hasn't happened to me often, but when it does...........

    I'm tired of losing to terrible people because of fricken lag

  9. Am I the only on who thinks this is a good thing? SC3 had a lot of balance issues, in part because there were so many movesets what with all the create-a-character ones. Without them, the devs can focus more on the main characters' movesets without worrying about balancing upwards of 10-15 more that you won't even see in the main story. That's my theory anyway.

    Yea, I was already thinking this. People are complaining because Soul Calibur doesn't have a more dynamic moves set...well yea but that would make it less and less balanced. That's why you never see something like Mortal Kombat having any real serious tournament play.

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