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Everything posted by eilios

  1. Um. This is an incredibly confusing post.(especially the bold bit) Care to explain?
  2. This thread is for things that are temporarily going on sale, not for posting free VST plugins.
  3. Is it deceasedcrab's LP you watched? . I'm actually listening to TPC101d myself. RIGHT NOW. AT THIS VERY SECOND. I'd also like to know the lyrics, but not as much as you do, probably. More of a mild curiosity then anything.
  4. represent the stereotypes are there from my experience, but I don't really think there's much of a personality associated with it the person sitting a chair ahead of me is a super studious person and she's pretty straightforward and hardworking but the person a chair behind me is basically a super slacker perv
  5. It's worth noting in response to the OP(rather late response, but still) that 80% of comments are made as a direct response(if not a copy) to a popular opinion found within other commenters to get approval. If one person says "the original is way better" and gets met with even modest approval everyone will jump on the bandwagon to be in the cool crowd. That said though, I dunno if it was mentioned before, but Jonathan Coulton's epic cover of Baby Got Back absolutely smashes the original out of the water.
  6. and a dash of guitarist elitism while we're at it!
  7. I play trombone/baritone because... why? It doesn't really make sense at all, considering my personality is like that of the sun(so hot headed and massive that you forget how distant it is at times) and trombones/baritones aren't like that at all.
  8. This is a really interesting sounding track, that's for sure. Pretty nice, though.
  9. View from soundcloud, 'coz it's more apparent there. And the 40 seconds right at the beginning(not 0:40, but around 10 seconds in for about 40 seconds) there's no percussion 'n' just the melody, an' it gets pretty boring.
  10. Thanks, and just for future reference, what would you have me improve?
  11. That's okay, but when'er you have mainstream house, they have things to make 'em flow better. Transitions, filter sweeps, 'n' all that jazz, but I don' think it's that repetitive because those decorations help. The decorations you have aren't that opaque, 'n' it causes problems 'coz it makes everything seem more problematic. As for the 40 seconds, it's the 40 seconds at the start, an' if you look at the soundcloud link you'll pro'ly see what I was talking about. Also, you don' have to change your synths or anythin', you just gotta add to what you have so that it flows better. Basically everything Neblix said is brotally true.
  12. Sorry, I made an error. Because of the increasing size of the project, and the fact that I've been working on this for about a month straight and was unable to get anything else at all done because I was devoting so much time on this one remix, I decided to finish it at 16 and move on.
  13. Grats on getting picked! =D
  14. 'Course, the point of remixing is to take the original and put your own spin on it. Saying that you don' want to change the arrangement 'coz it was repetitive in the original is a copout, as is saying "mainstream house form". Both of them are excuses, 'n' not good ones at that. That said, though, I don' really like the 40 second loop of the melody with no percussion, gets pretty boring. The drop is pretty nice, though. WIP2 is glitched or some'in, though, and I don't mean like glitching, I mean there are parts of no audio.
  15. wubwubwub For once Navi's vocals/sound effects aren't annoying! Shock and AWE! This is great. I really like it.
  16. it says it's a community of exceptional talent i guess i can't join then =( will check out tho
  17. Thanks, I didn't really get that kinda vibe from it, but alternate interpretations are always welcome.
  18. http://soundcloud.com/eilios/rusticussion To quote: "Rustic Discussion. Get it? This is inspired by SNES/PSX era RPG music, and is supposed to represent a low level town theme. I hope y'all enjoy this one!". If you liked it, please comment and tell why! If you didn't, please tell why also. It'll help me improve as a musician.
  19. I usually buy digitally, but if I have the option I will get a physical copy 80% of the time.
  20. http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=1v3p6g513d2a2054 this is too addicting, it's like audiotool all over again
  21. http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=7h11405c0v321x5z53247v375u8v6t
  22. Ars Nova by PrototypeRaptor.
  23. Motteke! Sailor Fuku which is weird considering the last thing was super swear-y rap
  24. Maybe I might start doin' it. Maybe.
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