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Everything posted by Swifthom
I wrote this a while ago: http://imburningout.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/pandoras-tower.html Yeah, I like the game, and I admit it takes an hour or so to really hit it's stride. The first dungeon is incredibly simple and just exists to get you used to the mechanics - and even then the game doesn't really hits stride until 3 or 4 dungeons in. Personally I really liked it However I can see why other's wouldn't.
Aside from some minor vocal fixes I need to record this weekend there are only 2 wavs left on the Wind Waker album. I haven't heard anything from you for ages but I still love your song as it was, I just need a wav as opposed to the mp3 I have
I quite enjoyed Wii Fit Plus a few years ago, and as I already had the balance board I decided it was worth shelling out for a fit meter in return for a free copy of the game. last night I installed the download (it took a while ) and Monday will be my first day out wearing it. It'll be interesting to see what it registers from my day to day routine. I'm also curious as to how well it will be able to distinguish between me walking and using public transport, so 24 hours from now I'll be able to give a full report on how it can handle: walking up and down hills, sitting in a car, sitting/standing on a train, sitting on a tram, stairs from 1 floor to 1 floor, elevators up 3-4 floors, sitting in an office and working behind a bench and all the minor derivatives in-between. The game itself looks good, they've got most of the old activities plus some new ones that are designed to feel more like 'games' to draw you in. We'll see how long that remains fresh for. It's all presented with several minor organisational tweaks to make this feel like a far fuller health package than it offered previously. It still announces your overall fitness by BMI however which for anyone with built up muscles is a sad, sad, sad thing
EDIT: Latest Update: 08/11/2013 0. Title - Tom Swift - Final wav 1. The Legendary Hero - Pokemoneinstien - Final Wav 2. Outset Island - Argle - Final wav 3. Aryll's Theme - Mark Jackson - 85% done 4. Grandma's Song - TheRex - 99% 5. Pirate Theme - PixelPanic - 80% done 6. Cursed Ocean - Tom Swift, Asterlius, TheShaggyFreak - Final Wav 7. Dragon Roost - TheRex - Final Wav 8. Forest Haven - Skyrider X - Final Wav 9. Ocean - Rozovian - Final Wav 10. Hyrule Castle - Amphibious - 80% done 11. Legendary Hero - Argle - Final wav 12. Ocean - Tuberz McGee - 85% done 13. Miniboss theme - Skyrider X - Final Wav 14. Jalhalla - Chernabogue - Final wav 15. Final Battle - Tom Swift - Final wav 16. Farewell Hyrule King - Tom Swift - 99% done 17. Farewell Hyrule King - Mark of Two - Final wav 18. Staff Credits - Tom Swift, Mangaman, Mark Jackson - 65% done Pokemoneinstien has just sent me an mp3 of his completed rendition of 'The Legendary Hero' - we just need to apply the vocals which are already recorded and get the wav and that track is finished. Which means all that is left are Grandma's theme (I am going to be recording the vocals next weekend and sending them to you TheRex, promise), Ocean (I haven't heard anything from you for a while Tuberz, the song is there I just need a wav ) and Hyrule Castle (same position with you Amphibious) and Pirate Ship (any word Skyrider?)... And then we need female vocals and a few minor changes to the final track which I need to sort. But in short the album is now 90% complete! If anyone out there thinks they could take on Molgera's track, or any of the others listed that we're not doing, and complete it before Christmas please let me know. However with the current track list we've all of what I'd consider the important themes from the game.
hi Skyrider - I have the wav for that track as Pixelpanic left it (the same as the flp file I sent you but with all the plugins that I don't have working ). However he's expressed dissatisfaction with it - if you can put a little time into mixing the track a little further it would really be appreciated by both of us
I've known this for about a week but I might as well update people here. WE HAVE DRAGON ROOST So yea, a major hurdle down, thanks to TheRex for sprucing up and old mix for the project. He's also nearly done with Grandma's theme as well which is awesome (I will PM you this week when I know about the status of voice artists, promise). Small strides being made on other tracks. I really need to talk to Tuberz McGee, Pokemoneinstein and Amphibious about their progress, the tracks appeared 90% done but I need wavs people And on my end the collaborative final song we have newly recorded vocals which sound much improved. We're getting there
Thalzon, just one pointer before you do make that switch. 1) Did you buy unite guts and unite chain? You can get them right after the prologue and the thing is... the game doesn't tell you whether you should or shouldn't get them, but you definitely should. In fact I'd go as far as to say they are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL and there are parts of the first level which will beat you to a pulp if you can't reflect enemy attacks back at the enemy. It just so happened that I did buy them but not realise their usefulness until about 3 hours into the game. It's big flaw is it doesn't signpost these things. Going back and replaying I can kill enemies that took ten minutes first time around in about 30 seconds, if only i'd known then what I know by the end of the game, never mind the new abilities you learn
Wahey, I finally finished the W101 last night. https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAADYUV6ouGjNiA It's an incredibly tough game to get into but the rewards were worth it. A ridiculously overextended final boss (but who wasn't expecting that ). Some might say the character models are barely above PS2 level graphics but they are crisp and clean and there are up to 200 characters on the screen at a time, plus enemies, plus a ridiculously vibrant environment that just sings to you. After 6 months of drought this, following so hot on the heals of Pikmin 3, has really restored my faith in the console. And I suppose it's wind waker next then
Ah, sorry to hear that. Concept from ground up or specific problems? Good luck getting someone new, I learnt a lot putting that track together so I know its rough compared to some others.
Sorry to hear about the computer crash - it's really irritating when that happens. Oh well, keep working on it, but in the mean time if anyone would like to crack the whip on Dragon Roost let me know. It's an awesome track and we really need a take on it for the album. G-Mixer, are you still watching?
Same here. Yesterday I played the first 'proper' level (not the training bit) and struggled through feeling fairly 'meh'. Today I played the second level and it 'clicked', replayed the first level and died 5 fewer times and the level was completed fifteen minutes faster. And in addition to that I had TONNES of fun.
Cheers for the update - I'll send it to you again soon. Due to my work wrapping up majorly I've not paid this project the attention it needed in the last month. However we are making project on the final track - a grand collaboration on the staff credits, arranged between myself, Mark Jackson, MangaMan, Orangedragon and hopefully Chris-Ameratsu and Terra Matter. Also we're looking for a bass player to join in if anyone's available? Also if anyone wants to get involved, who can play live any instrument (string, brass, woodwind) please get in touch. I'd love to turn this into a masterpiece In other news I'm still waiting for a few final WIPs. Please keep working on your tracks, I'll set a final, final absolute cut off point in a month once I have an idea how soon I'll be able to get my final piece wrapped up. See the first track for our Looking forward to wrapping this up soon.
Disney movies, everything owned by Disney (which WOULD now include all future releases of Marvel movies (including re-releases of ANY previous movies) and Star Wars Movies, everything Disney had any part funding.... If the content isn't on DVD and can't be streamed legally... You know, actually, Disney 'might' just be able to do it. And if they convinced a few other big studios like MGM, Universal et all. to port their movies over to the Disney Propriety Disc Format (DPD for short) it could actually take off ... To be honest though, I bought a Wii U because: 1) I get through on average 1 new video game every 2 months. The release rate of 'great' games on the Wii was just enough to keep me interested. I know it wasn't for everyone but it did for me, and I was under the false assumption the Wii U would manage a similar release schedule (yeah, they fooled me there ) But weren't people originally saying how great a Wii HD would be? 2) Although I get along with first person shooters there are other types of games I prefer. 360 and PS3 seem to be go to consoles for FPS games but I've always admired the quirkier, adventure titles 3) Yeah, I do trust Nintendo, in a weird way. I fully demand more than JUST Nintendo, but a selection of 'similar' scope to GC would satisfy me.
Crowdfunded Projects (Kickstarter, Patreon, etc.)
Swifthom replied to DarkeSword's topic in General Discussion
I love that analogy... But it's wrong. Zolton asked for money to buy a cheap vanilla ice cream but got enough to buy an extra fruity, organically sourced, home-made icecream from the super posh farm. Then he went to town on the sprinkles, because he'd been given more money, and realised that he only had enough for a normal sized scoop because of all the extras, which was a shame because for 6 months between being promised the money and spending it he'd been promising himself and boasting to everyone about how this would be the largest portion ever! However, if he was patient, Zoltan knew with the change left over from the first scoop, and some more cash he'd aquire through 'perfectly legitimate means' he could enjoy that first scoop now and have a second (just as extravagantly adorned) scoop six months later. -
1.2 million copies out of 24.7 million gamecubes isn't 21% of gamecube owners playing Pikmin, it's about 5% ???
Crowdfunded Projects (Kickstarter, Patreon, etc.)
Swifthom replied to DarkeSword's topic in General Discussion
Point and click adventure games can be 'incredibly' complex, and get exponentially more so with size. Writing, acting, drawing non linear stories with a thousand variables is a recipe for disaster if done wrong -
Crowdfunded Projects (Kickstarter, Patreon, etc.)
Swifthom replied to DarkeSword's topic in General Discussion
For Kickstarter if you miss your goal you don't get a penny. You should ask for the amount you need to do the project. Ideally the amount to do project on the lowest budget, but it's on your own back to make it possible. On the other hand if you get over that amount, you keep everything you get. Also bear in mind tax and Kickstarter commmision costs etc.... On the other hand a 'little bit' of accountability to ensure that investors WILL see a product is a good thing. I fully accept, and Kickstarter states themselves, they offer no recompense for failed projects and advise you to only invest in projects which you believe will succeed. So Kickstarter is an interesting half way point between a purchase and an investment, a little bit of both but not entirely either. And it's pretty marvelous. Could be better, I admit, but it's allowed so many things to happen that just would never have taken off otherwise. Video games, restaurants, artworks, specialist equipment, comic books... I love it, but I do know about the risks. -
Crowdfunded Projects (Kickstarter, Patreon, etc.)
Swifthom replied to DarkeSword's topic in General Discussion
Double Fine... It's an interesting one. Gut reaction is 'bad news' but the more I look into it the less horrendous this seems. You have to remember what Kickstarter is. It's an 'investment' that this game will be made. And thanks to the successful Kickstarter, it will be, and it'll be a lot larger scope than what Tim Schafer envisioned. He is emphatically 'not' asking for more money from current backers and he's 'not' saying the game wont be made. He is however putting an alpha version on sale, to attract potential new customers, and leveraging all the other assets of Double Fine to ensure they have the money to make the full game. There will be a game, it will be given to backers, and after it's released he will continue working on it to expand into his full vision and there will be NO EXTRA CHARGE for that update. Essentially it's now an episodic title with 'buy episode 1' and get '2 as a free update' situation. So, to re-emphasise, no one is loosing out and Double Fine ARE honouring pledges and ARE NOT asking for more money from their current backers. Sounds bad, isn't as awful as it first appears, may be good in long run if it works http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-03-tim-schafer-needs-more-money-to-finish-broken-age EDIT: For the record, I didn't back the project. Nearly did, and I wish it luck as it's exactly the kind of game I'll love, but I decided to wait and see what turned out/ -
Agreed, top one. Having never played FF11, is the last Cid that one or the one from FF13? Do we have an FF13 mix now?
Hi guys, sorry to pop in here urgent like this, but I was hoping someone here might be able to help me out as a huge favor For one of the tracks I'm working on in the Wind Waker album I need a female singer to lend her voice to a song that needs touching up. We have lyrics arranged and set out and just need a good quality sample of a female voice singing the lines. I can explain more, give a demo track to work from and a copy of the lyrics, to anyone who might be interested, so PM me if you, or anyone you know, might be able to help. Only a few lines are required, some which will be put in tandem with other singers and one line to be sung solo at the end of the song. Ideally looking for a young(ish) sounding voice if possible. Anyone who helps out will be credited on album and will receive my eternal gratitude
For the last six months the Wii U has essentially been a NES/SNES dual emulator They're all guilty of it.
Videos of Knack remind me of the werehog from Sonic Unleashed. It might be better, it probably will be better, but yeah, that's the type of gameplay I see. I've realised today i've more VC games on my Wii U than 'new' games, and that includes everything on the eShop. Thats mainly down to Mega Man games and also the 30p sale which made me think I might as well download but... It's still a worrying sign. CONTENT PLEASE
I'm an idiot... How could I forget the brilliant Toki Tori 2 soundtrack. Just treads the line between ambient and properly musical brilliantly. Not necessarily sleep music but as background ambience for working it's perfect: http://twotribesgames.bandcamp.com/album/toki-tori-2-original-soundtrack
Well, I think the Ecco the Dolphin songs go without saying, particularly 'Songs of Time' from 1996 which is the original composers vision of what the music in the original games would sound like if made properly not on the mega drive soundcard (oops, does that count as a remix?) I've always had a soft spot for 'The Longest Journey's' soundtrack as well. It's a little engaging but, particularly if you've played the game and know the story, FULL of meaning.
Actually Nintendo of Europe did the translation, audio dubbing and release over here and they REALLY pushed them, particularly giving Xenoblade a LOT of tv ads, and after they were all out they billed it as a 4 part series of RPGs on the Wii. Seriously, they billed them as being as vital as Zelda. Its the only time i've felt sorry for American gamers. The games were ready for you but it took a year and another company to get them out. Shameful. EDIT: yeah you've corrected yourself