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Everything posted by Swifthom

  1. Are you a busy person at weekends?

  2. Now a very busy New years is over with I'm back.. Glad you all like the cover - that's some impressive work. I loved Pokemonstein's concept piece a while ago (and that's doing it a disservice, it was fully serviceable and a really good design) but this new rendering looks absolutely stunning. And we got a logo to boot MC - Haven't had a chance to check your stuff out yet but your idea sounds good. Are you capable of creating full track though or just the lyrics? Skyrider - Will check out tomorrow. If you want another track PM me and we can talk
  3. Tuberz is doing 2 tracks on this album? Now i'm really excited. I'll get back to my PC and try to send you FF9 in the new year. No idea why it only produced a 4 second song last time... it's mystifying. Hopefully it wont drag the rest of the album down too much
  4. Do you know what... I want to gather all the WIPs we have at the moment and show a brief trailer with a few 'brief' clips of some songs and the album art at the same time. I'll start asking artists with WIPS ready if their happy with that. And as delicious as the idea of having this ready for the new year sounds I doubt we'll be ready. Sorry I completely understand your desire to show it off. If you really don't want to wait, go ahead. I will say it is GORGEOUS. Everyone: next WIP date is January 20th 2013 This is so I can put the trailer together for the end of Jan? Everyone happy with that?
  5. Haven't had time to listen to the album yet but this song is beautiful.
  6. EDIT: can't get spoilers to work so screw it
  7. Xenoblade's the longer by far... But it also involves a LOT of needless backtracking and insane random 'stuff' that's practicaly worthless to anyone besides hardcore box tickers. On the other hand every speck of dust in the Last Story is there for a reason Edit: Oh, predictions for the end. Exactly where are you and what do you expect? I was quite pleased by how things I suspected at certain points turned out not to be... quite... nah. Need to know where you are before I can comment on whats really what. There are some BIIIIIG spoilers in Xenoblade.
  8. Played both. Loved both. They offer 'very' fundamental experiences. Xenoblade is a 'massive' open world adventure, with a huge exhilarating story that takes you through the end of the world and back again. The Last Story is much quieter, more personal, more involved, more detailed, but just as fun in different ways. Loved both, and bizzarely, if I play them again i'd do Last Story first. My full thoughts on Last Story: http://imburningout.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/it-feels-little-unfair-to-constantly.html Haven't reviewed Xenoblade, but it's an excellent JRPG (as long as you can forgive VERY involved inventory management, something which is very quick and easy and not particularly important in Last Story)
  9. At the moment 'anything' that was on the original Wii will only work on the TV. I 'hope' they find a way to shift the view to the tablet, but it's not confirmed. I really hope they do sort that As for floor, not tried, but I was pleasantly surprised when I decided I needed a drink, took my tablet to the kitchen and carried on playing whilst the kettle boiled. I only realized what i'd done 'after' I was back on the sofa, didn't occur to me at the time this was a momentous moment and something that was impossible before. Gameplay SO immersive I don't have to pause to make a cup of tea
  10. At the moment - for me - lack of Rayman is the thing about the launch which bothers me the most. Seriously, that game looked mint. Better be 'early' 2013.
  11. I don't live in the states but most reports I've seen indicated they are selling. I was told that they 'had' sold out the first wave and nintendo was continously resuppling. Was anyone actually in a shop on Black Friday? Were there thousands of unsold wii Us or did they turn over their stock? In which case does that make their low (ish) numbers due to supply rather than demand. If Nintendo are playing the long game it makes sense to me to only advertise the system when you have units to sell. They know the hardcore (served by ign, destructoid et al) are already being informed. Why poor money down drain advertising wii us to the larger market until they have stock to shift? In the UK although we had 'some' adverts from nov 1st I've seen many, many more over this weekend. As I said I can't comment about the states but that's the larger, overall impression I've got from the web. Nintendo's launch has hardly been glorious but if they are still limited units that are still being churned out that could explain timing. To be honest Nintendos plan from here to christmas looks okay, its next year that will be critical. We need some big news soon...
  12. It took a while, but in the end there were some quality RPGs for the Wii. Based on that I'm hoping for some good ones on the Wii U. Two Brothers will be an excellent start. My worry is Pier Solar Wii U won't happen, I wasn't interested in backing it for PC or Xbox, I wanted a console port that I'm more likely to own.
  13. 5 days left on this one that looks interesting: A kickstarter to bring a game that already exists onto other systems: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/573261866/pier-solar-hd-an-rpg-for-xbox360-pc-mac-linux-and It has already passed, but more investment means a directors cut and more platforms.
  14. Not seen it myself but I've seen some comparison videos on Youtube from people who have tried... Apparently there is a 'slight' upscaling, where the Wii U renders the image itself in the larger size rather than leaving it to the TV. It's not a massive improvement, but apparently on some games looks a 'little' better, whilst on others makes them look a 'little' worse.... EDIT: Aha, found it: http://www.zeldainformer.com/news/comments/does-the-wii-u-upscale-games-yes Also, if anyone's interested in getting a great game on the Wii U (or any other console), check this out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/573261866/pier-solar-hd-an-rpg-for-xbox360-pc-mac-linux-and
  15. In order to ensure that we release in 2013, I'm setting next WIP date for January 20th 2013 (final draft) and final WIP date will be 1st May 2013. Good luck people - if you can beat these dates do so Edit: Also - the introduction song to the game ; 'The Legendary Hero' is currently available if anyone wants it. If anyone is interested in taking up this song I'd love to hear from you.
  16. So, did anyone go? Tickets sold out far too quickly. However I'm off to Edinburgh playhouse tonight which is the next best thing. Girlfriends in the shower with no clue where we're going. Should be a hoot.
  17. I've just released a new audiobook collection at http://www.distantspires.com which consists of six short stories all written by myself, and with an original soundtrack which is a collaboration between myself, Joe Mason, and both Elizabeth and Rebecca Jackson. The entire set is available from the website for $4.50, and comes to just over an hour of solid Science Fiction / tragedy storytelling. Alternatively, if you want to dip your toe in before making a commitment, at the moment we have a free audiobook (The Prisoner) which is temporarily available for free. If you want to know more a brief trailer and excerpts of each of the stories are available on our youtube channel: I hope you all enjoy
  18. http://imgmr.com/index.php/wii-u/news/3147-3d-enabled-on-the-gamepad Some really interesting news; Wii U is 'technically' 3D capable, nintendo admitted a while ago, but they didn't want to make a fuss about it. Well according to ubisoft the gamepad is as well... Interesting... But this throws up FAR more questions... Active or passive 3D? I have an active 3DTV so if i was to wear glasses would they work with the gamepad? I'm not sure.... if so, would wearing active glasses to look at the TV be ruined by having to look down at a non 3D gampad? Also, assassin's creed III is only game confirmed, what about the other ports? Arkham City was 3D capable for xbox and PS3, is it here? Hmmm....
  19. Not a problem - sorry for disappearing suddenly - I've been living without internet for 3 months and only just got back online.

    Keep thinking about those lyrics when you have spare time and we'll meet whenever you are free to talk through what we can do

  20. It's open. Send me an audition piece but i'll put the track down as yours. Sadly Pokemonstein is indicating he might not be able to do the Legendary Hero. If anyone is up for taking on this track, i'd love for it to be taken, although i'm hoping his workload will free up sometime soon. Of all the tracks with a question mark over their head, that's the most important. Current status: Latest Update: 15/10/2012 Confirmed songs (passed 1st WIP): 1. Inside the Pirate Ship - - Pixelpanic2. Ocean - - Tuberz McGee3. Maritime Battle - - TheGuitahHeroe4. Forest Haven - - SkyriderX5. Molgera - - HoboKa6. Hyrule Castle - - Amphibious7. Farewell Hyrule King - - MeMark2+ orchestrated vocal sections from Thomas Swift: "These Accursed Oceans", "An Experiment in Controlled Madness" and "Fall of the Hyrule King + one or two surprises.
  21. Sorry to hear that. I noticed you drop out of Cid album and wondered. Sorry to loose you but I'll open the track up again.
  22. I'd join a Rayman album in a heartbeat If you want to join a zelda album there are several still recruiting (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php - not desperate at all)
  23. Just received your mix and enjoyed it thoroughly. Hello everyone, the dreaded October 15th has now passed. I've chased a couple of you, not everyone, for status updates. Glad to say we're still moving forwards, slowly. Could I ask all artists to put their latest progress on our KNGI forums? Additionally I think everyone who'se shared work on there (I know I would) appreciate feedback and constructive criticism, point out where we're making mistakes and what we need to change. Or, alternatively, big us up a little http://kngi.org/phpbb3/ I finally have a stable internet connection now so my full attention is back on to this project. I'm not going to set a deadline for finished WIPs yet but I'd like everyone who sees this to check in with me and let me know where you are. If you don't I may come looking EDIT: additionally. Anyone who wants to do a track but is busy, i'm patient. Every WIP I've heard so far and passed I've developed an attachment to. At least one person has asked if they should drop out and although, if you think you ought to, I can't stop you, remember I am prepared to wait and I'd be sad to loose what you've been working on so hard so far.
  24. I have just reviewed 'Sweeter Than Honey' by Will Buck which was languishing on page 60. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=886944#post886944 And I dare other people to follow in my footsteps and listen to Honeybee Manor from start to finish in order to appreciate what a magnificent remix this is
  25. Honeybee Manor is an awful song. It characterizes the worst aspects of early video game music, being both bland, repetitive, obnoxious, overly chirpy and frustrating all at the same time. In truth it is a blight on the FF7 soundtrack which is otherwise superb. I dare you to go search out the song on the internet and listen to it from start to finish (really, really listen to it, don't put it on in the background, sit there and close your eyes and experience nothing BUT the music). Therefore Will Buck should be credited for lifting this awful piece of filth out of the gutter. Not only has this song become serviceable, it now has it's own 'journey', a little muddy in places by for a remix 8 years old now that may be forgivable. It's a little too quiet, there are a few moments when it begins to rise and I wish it would just go that extra mile to lift you out of your seat, but overall volume isn't the killer. Purists might complain that though it was irritating the original song was at least engaging and cheerful, whereas this remix borders on the dull. Not so; there is a lot of delight to be had in here, that the song patiently and slowly teases out like the rising sun. Not recommended for guitar enthusiasts or people who depend on the pounding drums to keep them awake in their mix, but perhaps this is one for people who appreciate beautiful simplicity in their music.
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