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Everything posted by Swifthom

  1. I don't know any other game that can run out of control so quickly. You go from 'absolute calmness' to 'OH HOLY ****** CRAP WHAT DO I DO **** NO, RUN, SHOOT, CRAP, ****** AGHHHH' so quickly it's almost terrifying. The added nervousness that IF you do die, it matters, really strings up the tension. And it's good that it does that, because on my second playthrough, knowing what to expect and having the experience to keep cool, it's not 'actually' ever that hard. If you keep your cool and act rationally, don't panic or react hastily to situations, nothing is that difficult
  2. Put me down as Swifthom. Just pre ordered Rayman Legends
  3. Found a map of Nintendo's PAL distribution. So pretty much most of the world besides America and Japan has this issue.
  4. http://imburningout.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/nintendo-virtual-console-50-hz-matters.html?m=1 My blog explains why we should be up in arms, not why it happens. Please have a look at the videos, it all becomes much clearer when you see it. Back in the day TV sets came in 2 entirely different systems. NSTC refreshes at 60 frames per second but only has a certain number of pixels. In Europe we have PAL, only 50 frames per second but more pixels - so a better resolution. There's issues converting back and forth (squashed images vs motion blurriness) but only minor stuff. That is until video games came along. Rather than reprogram games designes for 60 fps, most publishes just slowed the entire game down. Until the Sega Dreamcast no European gamer ever played a full speed american/ Japanese developed game. Only a fEw were coded properly (Donkey Kong Country, made by Rare who are British) but there's a reason Europeans can be accused of being anti Nintendo. We aren't lying when we say they've always screwed us over. Of course PAL tvs have been capable of running 60 fps since 1995, and since HD came along the whole thing is a non issue. Still, as we were screwed first time around, and Nintendo want to be authentic, we get screwed again. Balloon Fight on the European Wii U runs approx 20% slower than it should. The music is slow, the animations are slow, the character moves slowly... And chances are unless Nintendo acknowledge this is an issue, all NES,SNES, N64 games on the Wii U VC will follow suit. Look at my link to see the videos, and some side by side comparisons. Programers on twitter have agreed, the 50hz thing was a bodge because at the time technology couldn't handle it. Now however, on a brand new 'superior' console, there really is no excuse. EDIT: oh, and if anyones wondering, the upside for a nerfed frame rate is supposed to be a higher resolution image. Back in the SNES days games just stuck bars at top / bottom of screen, squashing the whole game. So it runs slow and looks squashed. Yay EDIT 2: This also affected Sega Consoles (until the dreamcast) and the PS1. It's something that was grin and bared before, but now Nintendo is overcharging us (on the international exchange rate a EU virtual console is approx 1.8 times the cost of 1 american purchase) for inferior goods. And their only reason why is laziness. There was grumbling about the Wii VC being 50hz, but nothing came of it. Now we have a HD console that is no better, and proof they really don't listen to their fans.
  5. By the time of the gamecube most PAL games could run 60hz. Dont confuse this with choppy frames per seconds, its another issue entirely. All i'm saying to people not affected by this is, what if Nintendo was forcing you to play a nerfed game. Seriously, look up the side by side comparison videos, it shows just how atrocious this is. And this isn't just about refresh rates. they slow everything down. Everything. Including load times...
  6. Maybe 1 in 10 would agree. However Mr Iwata designed Balloon Fight in 60hz. Its the first game on the vc because he wants to share it with a new audience. I dont have Blloon Fight as Mr Iwata intended it. What i'm playing is a pale imitation.
  7. It is inferior. No one disputes that. You can feel and see Balloon fight is broken in 50hz. Europe, Australia, New zealand and a few others. Go here and watch the videos, especially the Sonic one: http://imburningout.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/nintendo-virtual-console-50-hz-matters.html WiiU is region locked so we have no alternative. And trust me, alter the tempo of the music by 15% and you will notice it. Also, nostalgia isn't that strong. You weren't playing Super Mario too fast, you were playing it as its supposed to be played. An analogy; you have a cheap car. You love it but one day someone buys yiu a Ferrari. After a few years you go back to your old car and realise just how bad it was. You didn't know 1st time around but you do now. How would you feel?
  8. I should have highlighted that before. The speed of ALL music in these games is being slowed down by 17.5 %. Musicians, imagine someone taking everything you'd worked on, and turning the tempo down on everything regardless. They do this to music, Animation, Speed of movement, everything. To be honest I don't care about the 'actual' refresh rate, and I only marginally care about the bars at the top and bottom of the screen. So when people moan about the 50hz PAL thing, I can see why some people on the net are going 'let is rest, it's not a big deal'. If it was JUST the fact the game is running at 50hz, I'd agree. The fact is the virtual console is porting a damaged product, and whilst this purchase was only 30p, if they get away with it they WILL be charging full price for future releases. So please, even if your not on a PAL system so this wont bother you, take a moment to consider it, and visit the link I posted before. I've heard people talking about PAL CRT TVs and how Nintendo can't discriminate. The fact is For over 15 years MOST CRT TVs are capable of displaying at 60Hz, ALL HDMI Tvs are capable of it, and as the Wii U ships with ONLY a HDMI cable, PAL CRT TVs are already obsolete for the system. With that taken into account there is no reason for Nintendo to peddle damaged goods. Because that's what this is: damaged goods.
  9. The little you had was good so i'd take a wav of it as was, short but sweet, but if you don't want an unfinished track out there thats fine. Cheers for reply

  10. Please watch this and sign the petition. It may not affect you personally but nintendo need to know they shouldn't screw their customers over The name 50hz is misleading, its not the refresh rate i'm complaining about but the way the gameplay itself has been nerfed. Seriously, i want my money back.
  11. Good luck, looking forward to the full product. I had a look at the program your using to program it and decided I could't really get my head around it in the demo period, glad to see someone has.
  12. Thanks everyone - all recieved claims noted on 1st track, looking forward to some great WIPs. Which is also brilliant, as it means if everything goes smoothly we'll get the Molgera/Jalhalla combo Brilliant
  13. We have a track to close the album - the much talked about but little progress made collaboration is just ready to start taking shape. It's been a while since the people who said they were up for it said so, but I'll start asking around in a week or so. It'll either be the best thing ever or crash and burn horrifically A few people asked for title theme but I'm yet to see a WIP or hear anything for any length of time. If anyone actually wants to tackle it i'd be more than happy. Also waiting for WIPs for Outset and Dragon Roost - but in both cases I am assured work is still underway..
  14. I'm putting finishing touches to it now. Doesn't cover every song, just some of the one's nearest completion. Musically it's there, i'm currently making a video and I should get it out by end of month - that was the plan To be honest I've been a little startled by the sudden dramatic upturn in interest in the last 3 days. Still, it's nothing but good news in the long run. Chernabogue - Would love to have you aboard.
  15. Don't know if you've seen my PMs. I loved your maritime battle track, do you still want it in the album?

  16. Gah, I checked this earlier, decided to think carefully before replying, and now there's 5-6 more responses. So, one at a time: Deadline - I've set May the 1st as I do have 10 remixes that have gone through 2 WIPs already. I actually emailed the projects team at OCR and asked them to have a look at this on wednesday, so the tracks I already have are being evaluated on some level. If you think you'll struggle with May 1st deadline to be 100% finished, but you CAN get the track done over summer, good, your still welcome. For latecomers however I think it'll be get me a WIP ASAP to claim the track and then get me a pretty much done song by May (even if you still want time to tidy it further up after that) I was quite happy for this to be a single CD size album, we're not covering every track just a selection that represent the story's progression. I think there's a space for small, personal albums amongst the enormous behemoths OCR seems to produce with regularity. That said I'm always happy to get more tracks I just don't want to postpone this much longer. G-Mixer + RexAsaurus - I'll PM you both over the weekend. I would love to have you both aboard. (Rexasaurus - I was mentally preparing lovely things I was going to say about your track ) Bottom line is - if you think you can turn something around before summer, I'll have you. DJ Mokram - Argle's joined us with a new version of 'The Legendary Hero' which scratches a similar itch, but no-one's stepped up to replace that track. I actually really loved the WIP you had done. Don't suppose you still have the files?
  17. If ANYONE wants DRAGON ROOST ISLAND I'd snap them up in an instant. That applies from now right up until the day we release this. Seriously, the album won't feel 'complete' without it. But that's fine; I wouldn't be doing this if I hadn't heard this song, it's perfect in every way: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02100/
  18. I'm so excited Okay, hopefully I'll have more news soon, but I see this as a brilliant opportunity (IF we get our asses in gear). We currently have almost a dozen remixes at various stages of completion. Out of those I'd say only 2 or 3 require more work, the others just require a little fine tuning. So I'm setting the final deadline for track as May. I've already spoken to at least 6 people, I'll contact a few more over the following weeks to check your good with that. I've also submitted what we have to OCR to see if they're likely to bite or not. Turnaround time isn't guaranteed, neither is the fact we'll become an official OCR album, but I'd love to attempt to co-ordinate this release around the same time as the HD Wind Waker release. So, to repeat, final WIP deadline: '1st MAY'
  19. Aww, I actually quite liked it
  20. I've just finished assembling clips of all of the tracks I have WIPs for together into a massive trailer Some of these tracks are fantastic. Looking forward to sharing them with the public. I'd just like, again, to thank everyone who's contributed. If anyone thinks there's is done PM me and we can arrange sending a .wav file over. As for the few tracks left to be worked on - not a problem. I don't want to rush this, take your time to get it right. I do want to finish this year though At the end of Jan I'll email OCR back with 'everything' we have and ask once again about official album release on OCR - to be honest if you took my tracks out this may pass muster Anyone think they still want a track and want a challenge for a quick turnaround, get in touch NOW (EDIT: Any singers out there willing to record a few lines PM me. We've a big project underway)
  21. Just listened to it at last. Great work, really, really great album
  22. The song is great, the video is great, everything is great. Finally getting the album won't be great, it'll be fantastic
  23. I'll find a day soon. Wednesdays may be best :P

  24. Okay, back at my PC, rendering now... See if I can aim for 5 seconds this time
  25. G-Mixer- i'd be delighted, people have asked but nobodies done any work on it as far as I know. Send me a good WIP and it's yours. Pokemonstein - yeah, will do when I can find time. I've a few surprises I haven't shared with anyone else yet, so when their in place i'll update the first post to explain everything MC Final Sigma - If you can find a collaborator I can take you. I can't see myself having time to build a track for you though... (MangaMan and I were working on lyrics for a ballad that we still haven't ironed out. I'll ask him if it'd be appropriate for that track, or if he has any ideas for another one...) SkyriderX _ your track is brilliant BRAN - THANK YOU
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