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Tuberz McGee

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    Tuberz McGee reacted to KingTiger in OCR03241 - Final Fantasy VII "Honour, Pride, Green Tea"   
    DUDE CALLUM!!!!!!111! yissssss congrats on your 1st solo mixpost!!
    This seriously is really good, and not what I expected from you (but seriously you're always surprising me, so I shouldn't be surprised ). Mixed well, sequenced well, the mood is frekking fantastic. Grood Jorb D00D!
  2. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I think you might have missed a 2 in Timaeus's username. 
    But yeah, I don't think I got to be as overtly weird as I wanted to be. Maybe next time. Having a busy university schedule sucks yo. 
  3. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from timaeus222 in OCR03241 - Final Fantasy VII "Honour, Pride, Green Tea"   
    What the hell man there aren't even any guitars in this mix 0/10 good try tho
  4. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from SuperiorX in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I think you might have missed a 2 in Timaeus's username. 
    But yeah, I don't think I got to be as overtly weird as I wanted to be. Maybe next time. Having a busy university schedule sucks yo. 
  5. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to SuperiorX in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Nothing wrong with funky EDM all the time   #noshame
    And yeah I thought there was quite a bit of variety in this compo;  from all the vocal tracks, Jason's choirs, Maverick Astley, some of the more experimental tracks people like timaeus22222222222 and Usa came up with. Good stuff!
  6. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to timaeus222 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Strangely enough, I like using compos to experiment *out* of my comfort zone sometimes. My Round 2 and Round 7 tracks were styles I don't usually write with. My Round 4 entry was more "me" in that it had dubstep, but even that one was mainly similar to the "me" you last heard -once- in late 2013 (metal + glitch in Gunstar Heroes), not the "me" today. TBH, the music I'm most comfortable writing is probably funky EDM, but I don't want to do that *all* the time, so I branch out into variations on dubstep, glitch, and cinematic sometimes too.
  7. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from DarkeSword in Album Idea: Pokémon Starters   
    Just chiming in to say that holy balls yes I would go ham on this. <3 <3 <3 
    I would be ecstatic to do either Bayleef, Blaziken, Infernape or Emboar. xoxoxo
  8. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Album Idea: Pokémon Starters   
    After discussing with ToN, we're probably going to go with the second option, with the following strategy. Let's use Kanto as the example:
    A remix would be written by an artist for Bulbasaur. Another artist would then take the Bulbasaur remix and use it as a guidepost to write a remix for Ivysaur. The idea would be to make an "evolved" version of the Bulbasaur remix. A little more intense or energetic, possibly bringing in other sources from the game. Another artist would then build off of the Bulbasaur and Ivysaur remixes and write the Venusaur remix. Again, more intense/energetic, possibly bringing in other sources. The same would be done for Squirtle and Charmader and their respective evolutions. Rather than 9 individual, unrelated remixes, we would have 3 sets of remixes that share thematic ideas. This gives the artists in the sets a chance to collaborate in fun and interesting way, while still having the freedom to bring their own ideas to each individual remix.
  9. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Album Idea: Pokémon Starters   
    First off, not gonna run this because I have other things I need to focus on. So I'd be looking for a director that I can mentor through this as an "executive producer."
    The idea is Pokémon album in the same vein as The Eevee EP. The focus this time will be on the different starter Pokémon from each generation. There are about 18 starters right now in the core series (not counting Pokémon Yellow's Pikachu).
    The way I see it there are two ways to do this:
    We could do an 18 track album with one remix for each starter in all 6 of the regions featured in the core series so far. We could do a 9 track album with one remix for each starter and each of their evolutions (Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise), and then do other regions as followups in the style of Vampire Variations or BADASS. I know ToN is interested in possibly running this, but if we do the second option, maybe we can get a couple of other directors to handle other regions in parallel. So while ToN runs the Kanto album, someone else could do Johto or Hoenn.
  10. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Interesting observation you have there. Not sure I agree with you, but you have some points. I can see that a lot of us use the same equipment and instruments (probably because we're all in the same prosumer range) and of course all of us are also influenced by a lot of the same music: game music. That's why we are here on OCR . Using the same game that uses the same genre across its maverick themes would probably cause the tracks to be a bit similar.
    As for my own tracks, yeah, they sound like me even though they are in different genres. But if I would compare it to Eino's or Tuberz' tracks they are different too, with Tuberz having a bias to guitar oriented rock and Eino a preference for complex cerebral arrangements. So from a production perspective they might have the same production values (mixing, loud, compression, etc), but if you look/listen deeper I think you can quite clearly identify each person's own style.
    Anyway, interesting observation to ponder on
  11. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Mak Eightman in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Well, now compo is almost over and I guess it's time to say something about my first MM Competition. 
    Lot of creative and good musicians. Lot of great music and greatest ppl in the world.  Too little time.
    Due to life's things I had no experience. Had lot ideas for "trio", probably i'll try to unite our team in future.
    Thanks! People who gave their thoughts about remixes. This mean a lot for any musician.
    Now.. The only thing i didn't like in this como.
    I had a strong feeling that i'm listening an album of ONE single artist.
    Since first round till the last. Some electronic dude or girl made most of the tracks for his/her album and put em to this compo. It's just sounds like this for me.
    Same drums sound, same synths and mixing structure. As I said, most of remixes can be united to one album. Cause sound is the same.
    Someone say that everybody use same tools.. Yes. All of us using same tools. Still, we have our own sound.
    No offence! Just my ears. Sorry if you got me wrong.
    Best of all for OC people! Thank you voters and critics!
    Oh! Sorry for my suck tracks.. I failed my first competition  
  12. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Bored_Man in Vampire Variations: Volume III - History   
    If this does release on Halloween, that's gonna be a work night for me, so I can spend the night getting spooked by listening to it.
  13. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from timaeus222 in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I experimented with lots of new ways of recording guitars throughout this competition. 
    Also learned mixing stuff to do with drums. However, the most crucial thing I learned from my teammates was that any riff can be converted to 15/16 time. 
    A valuable lesson indeed. 
  14. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Cam3leon in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I experimented with lots of new ways of recording guitars throughout this competition. 
    Also learned mixing stuff to do with drums. However, the most crucial thing I learned from my teammates was that any riff can be converted to 15/16 time. 
    A valuable lesson indeed. 
  15. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I experimented with lots of new ways of recording guitars throughout this competition. 
    Also learned mixing stuff to do with drums. However, the most crucial thing I learned from my teammates was that any riff can be converted to 15/16 time. 
    A valuable lesson indeed. 
  16. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Well aren't we all glad that I ended up with Crystal Snail? 
    I'm happy with the amount of vocal love that this compo got. However, if this compo has taught me anything it's that I am becoming a busy man. I had barely any time for anything through its duration. University is kicking me in the balls and I still have one more year (hopefully honours). 
  17. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Round 9 music is up. Voting thread tomorrow. Sleepy now.
  18. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    That's hard to believe, since I saw your initial Maverick selection:
    1) Crystal Snail
    2) Crystal Snail
    3) Crystal Snail
    4) Crystal Snail
    5) Crystal Snail

    In my case, I never played any MMX game (nor Megaman for that matter), so I didn't have any real connection with these Mavericks. I started out with Gravity Beetle as 'okay, I can work with this' and that hasn't changed that much I guess, since I still find the first half of the track a bit weird and still like the second part
    Anyway, good stuff, looking forward to the tracks for the final round!
  19. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I walked out of this compo liking Crystal Snail more than when I entered this compo. I love that proggy groove so much. 
  20. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to jnWake in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Yeah, it was fun. I couldn't really pay much attention to it in the last 3 round set sadly because work and other stuff, but I really enjoyed the other weeks. Plenty of awesome tracks and rickrolls.
  21. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Sir_NutS in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    It was fun as always.  I'm looking forward to the next RMRB as I like all the classic themes way more than the sigma themes.  So long, and thanks for all the fish.
  22. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    I can't speak for anyone else, but while it was a very entertaining and creative run where we got to rickroll the rest of you for 9 weeks (high five to my Maverick Astley bros!), I'm also pretty beat and wouldn't mind a break. And a big shout out to Darkesword for again hosting a cool compo
    Now all that's left is to vote for the last round, wonder how my team did in the rankings and polish up my songs and submit them before I start remixing some other tracks!
  23. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to DarkeSword in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Music will go up tonight, scoring will be updated this week.
    No bonus 10th round this year. I think people are tuckered out. Thanks for remixing, everyone!
  24. Like
    Tuberz McGee got a reaction from Jorito in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Or you'll get TUBED
    Srsly though, stellar mixes this week folks. I'm loving this compo! 
  25. Like
    Tuberz McGee reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    One-line reviews.
    Experiment - Really digging this, especially the sound & the weirdish distorted square? lead, only the bass seems to be playing a different tune at points. Apart from that I like the strange feel.
    You Know The Game - Vote for change. Vote Maverick. Vote Astley.
    Tortured by Dreams - Nice combo of black metal cheese and synthy synth cheese. Lots of variation. I do feel it was on the same gear throughout (even with the drop and all), but I think it was all right in the end. I appreciate the time sig change in the drop. The writing in the drop, mainly the bell-y synth was kind of unfocused. Generally the arrangement could've "gone somewhere" more for my tastes. Overall tons of ideas & creativity, unexpected combinations & enjoyable journey.
    Myth Lab - Admit it, it feels good to rickroll. You did this just to do that. What's with the H in Astley anyway. Anyway, solid stuff. The chord progression in the instrumental part brings a nice sense of movement to the arrangement, the brief synth solo is very nice. I appreciate WillRock's effort, nice that you chose to leave it like that, embracing the process et cetera. Reminds me of OCR Talkback, which I miss.
    We are Many, We are One - super digging the sound & deliberate pacing. The structure doesn't sound fully realized, starting and ending quite abruptly. Good stuff though. A change in chord progression at some point was very effective.
    Beautiful Bloody Bats - cheezy listening sounds, but some dark vibe in the arrangement itself. Lots of room left in the mix, nice, it works. Some off-harmony stuff on the e-piano around 1:20? 1:48 the melody comes in really well. I quite like this, kinda meandering but doesn' seem to lose the point.
    Gate's Secret Dream Lab - interestingly similar to previous track. Much more defined structure & full sound in comparison. Make for a fun segue. There's a couple of chords really off here and there. Otherwise I really like what I hear, nice full sound with good leadwork, good flow to the track. Really need to double check those chords.
    Lost Chemistry - strange fade before 1:00 mark, seems to kick off only afterwards. Lacks a bassline. Feels like it could use one. Weird harmony 1:50-2:06. I like the overall sound & the driving beat & bell/epiano riff.
    Out of Time - punk-metal feel, I appreciate! There's a bit where the chords & melody doesn't quite work together (0:47-0:48 & 0:56-0:57) though I like what you're going for. Mixing is murky/unbalanced, structure feels incomplete (I don't mind that it's short) and I think I get what you mean with the title, I still enjoyed it!
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