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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Well, if I could do it over again I would've bought something different. I was young and stupid (still am), but I bought the amp for 500$, 120 watts. I had too much money at the time and for the money I spent on it, I could've bought something cheaper with better tone. In my opinion anyway. You can't get Spider III anymore; they have version IV out now. They're great little amps for jamming and recording demo tracks though. They used to sell the peavey 6505+ as a combo for just 600$ a few years ago. I doubt they still have that available however...
  2. and no death growls gar! haha I only like death growls when they're done in moderation. Like bands like Amaranthe do it well.
  3. Thanks Mak. I actually have a very basic set-up....like, very basic. Just a Jackson guitar and a Line 6 Spider III amp. The world's most hated guitar amp.
  4. I felt like making a short little metal jam based on the "Play that funky music" riff by Wild Cherry. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/play-that-funky-metal-music I'm not a mixer, as most people who know me can testify to. So don't expect any mind-blowing production, but tell me what you think of the song.
  5. Killer. Most all of the melodies are crazy fun and I really like the drums and rhythm overall. You definitely seem to have put some thought into the harmony as well. Sounds like quite a bit of counter melodies and such. I think the different parts flow together nicely. I don't like the glitchy voice though. I know that's a popular electronic thing, but I'm not a fan of it.
  6. Wtf is going on in this thread? Anyway, I don't think this a bad remix at all.
  7. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/street-fighter-alpha-charlie I just wanted to do a little guitar jam of my favorite track from the Alpha series. I'll make a video version too. What ya think?
  8. I've never played Perfect Dark so I've never heard the original. However, that was seven shades of awesome. I do think that when those orchestra hits come in, they might be just a little over-powering. That's my only complaint though. I love the rhythm guitar and your lead playing reminds me of Stephan Forte.
  9. That's like, I've never understood the fascination with 7 string guitars in the last 10 years or so. Why do you need that low B?
  10. If we're gonna throw some funk into her, perhaps we could take a more Nuno Bettencourt (guitarist of extreme) style approach to the rhythm guitars? Make it a bit more technical and melodic? This is what kinda guitar stuff I'm referring to by that. So some more ideas anyway. Can't wait to hear what Metal Man has in store!
  11. Chemical Remix is bitchin'. The silence doesn't bother me either. Actually, I really haven't found much to whine about. Therefore, this is worthy of a dance gif
  12. Well, grooves 1&2, the bass doesn't harmonize with the guitar very well. You may be on to something with groove 3 however. Awesome.
  13. Well, I didn't want to get too far into it yet. So, what do you think we should add to it next? Got any riffs or melodies?
  14. I personally think that Steve Jobs was the Dimebag Darrell of technology. They're both over-rated and nobody cared about them until they died. Sounds mean to say, but it is the truth no less.
  15. Okay I've sent you all a PM containing the link. As you can tell, it's a rock/metal type thing like the original, but I'm hoping we can bring in some other styles. Like Funk or something, that's why I asked Gar if he can play slap style bass. For some reason, when I jammed over top of the MIDI, the longer bass notes had an extra eigth note worth of length on it....I didn't really realize that till after I recorded so I went back and cut out the extra length on those notes. Made it a bit better, but I'm sure my timing on this take still counts as a hate crime or something. My mixing is also absolute crap, but as already stated, I can't mix at all. That's why Mak is gonna handle the mix lol. What's important right now is that we can build off this with more ideas. What should we do with the bass? Drums? Guitars? What comes next in the song? Etc. I was thinking some wah and/or whammy lead in the beginning could be cool? Maybe with some echo and make it sound like the guitar is screaming or something? Or make the guitar sound like a siren.... Anyways, what should we do from here? What should we change etc?
  16. That works too. I'm cool with Mediafire, Dropbox or Datafilehost. EDIT: Okay, so my arrangement for like the intro part of the song has been written and I'll try to record the rhythm guitar over the vst bass and drums tonight! Then, if we've decided which file hosting method we're using, I'll upload it and you guys can tell me what you think! Share riffs, melodies etc. Then we can all expand upon the song =D We may as well write the whole song before we record all the parts of course. I can also provide the sheet music and tabs of what I have so far. Oh btw Gar, Metalman....any preferance on guitar tuning? The original was just E standard. Which works for me....
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