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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I'd be down for giving some Ultra SF IV a shot if it's needed and seeing what you think. Thing is, I'm not sure that any of the new character themes have been "confirmed" yet. Perhaps a remix of what I assume to be Poison's theme? Which can be heard in this trailer.
  2. I've wrote a lot of short, but catchy tracks this last while and this is no exception. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/drivin-with-the-top-down I'm looking for production feedback on these kinds of tunes so any advice you can give me is appreciated.
  3. Quick, somewhat drum n bass style remix of one of my favorite game tunes ever. I also tried designing some sounds. That "transformer" sort of synth sound and that sound effect after the little break. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/street-fighter-alpha See how it stacks up against the original
  4. Calgary, Alberta. That's in Canada - where the snow never ends. I'd kill to live in either of these places.
  5. Basically I've been messing around composing some stuff here and there that could sound like film score or modern games. I compiled a few into this track https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/film-music-ideas Let me know what you think and any feedback is appreciated.
  6. In short, you might wanna grab a coffee. You'll be here a while.
  7. Timaeus and I submitted a remix a year ago which still hasn't been YES'D or NO'D. If it gets the green-light, who knows how long after that it could be before it gets posted. Basically it takes however long it takes. EDIT: Wait, I've just been informed it was voted on.
  8. Glad to see reception is so far positive. I added an alternative mix with some electric guitar in the last half of the song as well.
  9. Awesome stuff. It's always nice to hear some orchestral music that isn't a stereotypical movie/epic type of piece now and then.
  10. So I was watching the Animatrix recently and felt inspired to create some electronic music that would fit in an action movie. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/crash-the-program Guitar Version: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/crash-the-program-guitar-mix
  11. Hey, I wasn't being negative. It just seemed to me that some of the relatively simple examples are being described in overly complex ways. Granted, my reductionist viewpoint probably just comes from being so used to jamming with people who come up with a sequence of complex dyads and calling it a "chord progression" when really all they did was create a harmonized melody - So I had to look for simpler ways to describe it.
  12. Then why not just simplify it? An easier way to look at this is because your root note and fifth doesn't change, you don't really have a "progression". You basically have a chromatic passing tone between the third and fourth of the A Minor scale. I would just describe this as a three or two note melody (even if it's stretched over several bars) played over an A minor chord. EDIT: What I'm saying here is that I've seen this conversation pop up numerous times over the years. All of these extensions, added tone chords etc. are all still based on simple major/minor triads which even simpler are based on their root notes derived from a scale. It's from the root notes of the chords changing that you perceive a harmonic progression. Like, we can all agree that if a bass just plays the roots of the chord changes, you'll still hear the progression as you would if there was full chords being played. When you add in those extensions and stuff, you're really just creating melodic interest between the changes and to n00bs, this just needlessly complicates things. Through the progression you (and others described) you could literally draw a line through the extensions etc, transfer it over to another instrument and get the same effect. So saying something like play "Gm7 - Gsus 4 - Gm9 - F" is really a convoluted way of saying you have a progression from G minor to F major. All the notes in between can be perceived as melody.
  13. It's kinda just everyone taking turns throwing around music theory terms to describe what they're talking about in such a way that makes it sound more complicated and technical than it actually is.
  14. Okay, how bout this? I whipped this up in like 5 minutes. Basically, i VI VII. Just use a lot of Sus2 or 4 for the last two chords and chromatic ascent back to the tonic. I know it's not interesting, but I think it kinda sounds cool Here's that shit played back trance style http://tindeck.com/listen/bics Posted on my long inactive tindeck account, because this isn't worthy of soundcloud.
  15. Trading in games is only worthwhile if you absolutely hate the game and want to knock a few bucks off a game you might actually like. Trading a system is completely insane unless the system you're trading toward is backward compatible. The only thing I see myself trading is my Wii Mini toward a Wii U once the new Smash Bros and stuff comes out. That will knock like 15 bucks off the Wii U at most. I have worked part time in the past for Gamestop (EBGames) and the craziest people I've met want to trade their PS4 for a 3 (you read that correctly) because "there are no games on PS4". No shit, just wait a while and don't trade your PS3.
  16. Know that I am still totally committed to the One Night In Neo Kobe City mix, it's just that other projects, work, college and *head explodes*
  17. It's not a grey area. If you read the license agreements on most games it usually flat out says that all of the contents of the software are not to be duplicated, removed, reverse-engineered, etc. When you buy a video game, usually the only thing you're really allowed to do is play it and trade/sell it to someone else. Clearly most game companies don't give a shit though.
  18. So I'm stoked for the new Batman game and that Scarecrow is coming back. So I made my own theme for what a battle against him could sound like. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/the-scarecrow
  19. ...okay? Anyway, I'll try shooting the electronics with some compressed air and see what happens.
  20. So my damn guitar has been acting up again. Which isn't good since I've been recording stuff for people and I don't have a lot of days off to do it. Basically, it'll just randomly start making really bad crackling noises. At first, I thought it could be the cables, but I switched those out and the problem is still there. So I thought that maybe the input jack was loose, but it is not. I also check the wires to the input jack, but they too seem to be intact. The crackling and volume cut-offs happen whether I'm using a "real" amp or just a sim, so amplification is not the problem. I'm guessing that leaves either wiring or the pickups. This guitar probably ten years old by now, so maybe a component needs to replaced? I don't know, I want to hear some other opinions on what the problem could be. I'd take it to the guitar shop here in town, but they charge a lot since they're the only one in town and I don't want to pay them if it turns out this is something simple that I can fix on my own.
  21. I'm not really a fan of the old Godzilla films, but damn...this looks epic I know I'm gonna see it when it comes out. What do you think of it so far?
  22. Pitbull usually makes things worse. I cannot confirm this with your track (yet) as there is no link.
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