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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Thanks man! Yeah, I played the hell out of this game. Still break out the gamecube every once and a while for it. I got all the AX tracks and drivers too! =D
  2. Sup? A while back I decided to cover the Sand Ocean theme from F Zero GX. It's only the best racing game ever made. Here's my version https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/f-zero-gx-sand-ocean Here's the source tune - I'm aware that this isn't top notch stuff, but I'm open to any criticisms you have.
  3. Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Rising, Pandora's Tower, Link Between Worlds and the new Fire Emblem.
  4. Sweet baby Gsus, this is starting to get stupid. Chord progressions are chord progressions. A lot of "classical" music was polyphonic, but it still had an underlying, implied chord progression. Also, it hardly takes much skill to learn and use the chord extensions and stuff used in jazz. If I play A m7 and then A m7 sus4 it's not even a progression. It's a fancy of way of saying "I created melodic movement of a whole step from C to D". Chord theory is chord theory. I'm going to play devil's advocate for a second here and say this: Academic types over-hype the SHIT out of Jazz music by throwing around fancy chord names and improperly explaining what "modes" are and how to use them. Much the same way that "classical" music elitists make counterpoint sound far more complicated than it is. This is all done in an attempt to make these genres somehow seem more significant or requiring super deep musical knowledge to pull off.
  5. You mean to tell me a Zelda game is really close to ANOTHER Zelda game?! I bought a 3DS because Link Between Worlds looked good (and my god, it was) and that inspired me to buy a Wii Mini and Twilight Princess...it's a good thing my job gives me a discount on these things. Now I find myself addicted to a series I played but was never really into before - this has made me start caring about Nintendo again. Like a lot of people have said though, I'm not going to purchase a Wii U until more games, first-party games mainly, come out for it. The trouble is, it's like Nintendo doesn't care what anyone out there wants. I mean, people have wanted a new star fox for quite some time and they still won't give it to you. Last night, I was reading an interview with Miyamoto where he said he's not sure what they could do with the F Zero series that would bring anything new and exciting to the table. Yet, they will release a million god-damned Mario Kart, Party and "New" Super Mario Bros. every year or two, but there's nothing they can add to a racing game that has been dormant for 11 years? Bullshit. What is with this trend in Japanese game companies in the past few years? There is fan demand and room to create new fans via the product old fans want, yet they flip you the bird every time? We all are familiar with Square-Enix and their Final Fantasies, but my personal favorite is Capcom. It has been seventeen freakin' years since Darkstalkers 3. We are fast approaching two damn decades of fans demanding a brand spankin' new game. Darkstalkers is the only series I know of where there are just as many compilations of the first and 3rd game as there are actual entries in the series. I recall when the HD re-release came out, some guy from Capcom said that Darkstalkers 4 would probably never happen now because sales of Resurrection were poor. I actually burst out laughing. No shit it didn't sell well - people have been playing that game and its 3 compilations for seventeen years. They don't want to buy it for the fourth or more time; they want a new game. It's as dumb as Ford threatening to make a new car if sales of the Model-T improve.
  6. Currently playing Fire Emblem as well - great game. I also finally got Twilight Princess and it's great but holy shit, I'll never see the end. Waaaay too long. I doubt I'll see the end of Fire Emblem either.
  7. Aside from the fact that I dislike the snare sound (I don't like the reverb), I'd say this just lacks energy overall. Get some rhythm going! I feel like the drums don't pack enough punch and the kick drum could use a more varied, complex but not too complex, beat. Also, your bass kinda just plays the root notes of your chords at a steady pace. I'd change that up for sure. Experiment with more non-chord tones in the bass line, add some sixteenth notes here and there, and just vary its rhythm in general. Automate the filters more and maybe even add in another bass with more low end where as the wobbles have more mid and highs. Then you could use the lower bass sound to play the root notes of the bass and the wobbles would play the non-chord tones and other stuff I was talking about. Hocket, essentially. Just some ideas....
  8. I highly doubt that, personally. Just because they don't develop for those platforms doesn't mean the developers have no knowledge, skill or past experience developing for it outside of Nintendo.
  9. Whenever possible, start with a melody first. This way, you are not bound by an existing progression and you can find out what chords are implied or otherwise suitable for your melody afterwords. Try to maintain a pleasing contour in each phrase - basically, try to keep only one highest and lowest point (which are not repeated) in the phrase. The other important thing would be to keep stepwise motion in the melody. This a common problem with n00b melodies is that they have a lot of leaps and skips that don't resolve by stepwise motion. As such, the melody sounds random. If this sounds confusing, just imagine it this way: If your melody is in A minor and it moves from A to E, try making the next note either F or D. Another cool trick is to try using different modes over the tonic chord of the progression. For example, if you're in C Major and you have a few bars of just the C chord, you could play C Ionian, Lydian and Mixolydian over that C chord and just play the regular C Major scale over other chords in the progression. This way you can still use the sounds of modes outside of the C major scale that still have the same tonal center - thus, you maintain the tonality and have more interesting melodies!
  10. I was sure I tried this several times and something always resulted in the amped sound being played back. Either way, I tried again and it works with no problem. Not sure wtf I could have possibly been doing wrong.
  11. So, with a program like Reaper, I can hear the dry take by simply turning off the FX. What I want to know is how I can record just a dry guitar track, but hear the amp sim when I'm recording with FL Studio? No matter what I try it seems that FL Studio always records the sound after it has been processed by the amp sim.
  12. While the guitars do sound rather thin and I'm not a huge fan of some of the synths sounds, this is pretty awesome and I'm glad to hear some Tekken Tag 2 remixin'!
  13. All I know for certain is that I will purchase a Wii U when Hyrule Warriors and the next Zelda come out. That and I still hold out some hope for F Zero.
  14. Didn't see a thread about this, but it seems like relevant news. They're down a few Rupees. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/nintendo-untraded-glut-sell-orders-loss-warning-003425639--sector.html
  15. So I did that, and none of the boxes for any of the effects were checked off. HOWEVER, just for the sake of trying, I clicked "disable all sound effects" and the problem has been solved. I'm guessing my primary sound driver has some built-in sort of EQ that can't just be turned off individually.
  16. So I tried all of the ideas here, plus more that I found elsewhere online. Nothing fixes it. Strangely, I'm noticing this on other computers as well; my track has more bass when played through the primary driver than the ASIO one...I honestly have no clue why at this point. However, I did notice something. Now keep in mind, this is coming from a sound-production idiot's point of view so maybe this theory will sound stupid, but I notice that in FL studio, when I playback the sound using the primary sound driver and I get all that low end, the waveform up at the top moves a lot slower (as does everything else) than when the ASIO driver is being used. Is this normal or is this evidence of my settings being fucked up somewhere?
  17. What you need, is to get yourself some XPRTNovice. He did a bitchin' sax solo on the last half of my final fantasy remix
  18. Well, I can't explain it, but it's happening. I would share an Mp3 but I'm not sure what good it would do since it's not a problem with the rendered file. Like, if I load the .wav or mp3 into FL Studio, it sounds just fine as long as I use the ASIO drivers. Switch to primary sound drivers and I definitely get a lot more bass...I thought that maybe media players or the sound driver itself had some sort of EQ turned on but I checked and that is not the case.
  19. So, from what I gather via Google, this a pretty common problem (mainly among people using FL Studio) but not a damn thread I've read just gives a solution to the problem. ASIO4ALL Drivers vs Primary Sound Driver. Upon playback, ASIO sounds great - primary sound driver sounds like ass. So, when I export something, I assume that the primary sound driver plays it back. Therefore, I deduce that this is why it sounds worse when windows media plays the file back versus real-time in the DAW. I've even tried switching in real-time between the ASIO driver and primary driver while the track plays back in FL studio and there is a very noticeable difference in sound. Why does this happen and how do I fix it?
  20. I've used both and honestly I didn't think one was greatly superior to the other sound-wise, but I did keep my POD HD because it's portable and I can plug it into speakers if I'm jamming with other people rather than hauling a heavy amp everywhere. Recording though, I (usually) just run the guitar totally clean through the pod and use Guitar Rig.
  21. I change my mind Alien: Isolation actually looks like it might be awesome
  22. This is actually one of the few years where I'm not excited for anything that's coming out in the world of video games.
  23. So for fun, I decided to jam over this backing track I found on youtube. Tell me what you think. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/rock-jam
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