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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Yeah, he should definitely get more than 9. That's ridiculous.
  2. Just testing out some free amp sims and stuff. I got annoyed with the fact that even under my best settings, direct monitoring will always give me that little bit of annoying ass latency. So I've solved the problem by using my pod as an interface to send a dry signal to the computer while its speak output is routed to an actual amp which I use for monitoring. Much better results! Check it out! https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/overture-of-destruction
  3. Damn right I love power metal, Gar. This certainly has the Stratovarius kind of vibe. However, I feel like the drums just don't have as much "power" as they could. Like, the double bass sounds really "clicky" to me. Snare also feels kinda weak. There are also some parts that are mixed rather quiet - the solo and the arpeggios around 2:30 for example. The whole track could stand to be louder. The vocals feel too dry and the singing itself doesn't have the long sustained, soaring type of melody this music usually does. Also, the transition into the death metal segments feels awkward. The key to pulling off the melodeath stuff that has both clean and growled vocals (I've been practicing as I recently formed a melodic-death metal project. Feels good to write the heavy stuff again!) is to layer the two vocals styles together and let the guitars carry the melody when the vocals are just growls/screams. If you just break into flat-out extreme metal guitar work after having nice, flowing chord progressions and melodies, it can be rather jarring. This song is a good example of what I mean - Also, your track ends rather abruptly.
  4. Tried it. The TSE808 sounds just like the original plugin as far as I can tell. I can't hear the supposed difference, but it's nice that it's included. As for the amp sim itself, it's no better than free alternatives like the NC8505 or Poulin LeGion. While it comes with a few effects, the only useful thing is the tuner. So, while the plugins sound fine, it's hardly a justifiable purchase in my opinion. Get the regular TSE808, NC8505 or LeGion, Poulin Lecab, some impulses and a noise gate and you'll have just as good of a metal tone assuming you know what you're doing.
  5. Maybe it's just me (and it's probably just me) but I think the track is lacking low-end? I also echo the others statements. Keep workin' on it, Alex! \m/
  6. I swear we've had this conversation a million times by now. I haven't been able to read all the posts here yet, but I'll just add my two cents to points that have inevitably already been brought up. I define "new" VGM as stuff that was created when it became possible to actually put recorded music in games. That technology has been around a while. So I wouldn't call Blazblue's soundtrack "new" as it sounds like the same metal I heard in Guilty Gear from the 90s which sounds like thrash metal from the 80s. Save for some of the dubstep additions, I wouldn't call Tekken Tag 2's soundtrack "new" either - still sounds like good ol' electronica for the most part. Yeah, there is more of the film-score style orchestral stuff than there was at one point, but I hear just as many other styles in new games as I hear ambient-orchestra stuff. A lot of the orchestra stuff is also not in 4/4 time so it's harder to remix into a more popular style like EDM. Also, a lot of new games have the types of ensembles that old chiptunes were basically trying to emulate. Plenty of new games have pieces with melodies that can be adapted into new compositions and remain identifiable no problem. , , , , , Battlefield 4, and Timaeus and I remixed TWO tunes into one - and . There's also plenty of great songs from the newest DOA that could be remixed. Like , this and this.I'm convinced at this point that the main reason there aren't more "modern" vgm remixes is simply because most of the new stuff doesn't have MIDI readily available and no one wants to learn by ear and the people who can probably just prefer the older stuff out of pure personal taste. What I'm trying to say is, there is a lot of stuff worthy of remixing out there. Maybe more stuff than ever before. If you can't find remixable tunes from the last five years, you're either not looking very hard or don't rely on your ears enough.
  7. Break out the birthday cake! In just one more month, this here mix will have her first birthday since bein' subbed. Here's hoping its present will be getting "Yes'd" or something.
  8. Any game that has a plot with a beginning, middle and end will have linear gameplay to some extent - this is obvious. You can make the same argument regarding Final Fantasy and apply it to any other "open world" game. While the eternal flames of war about whether the linearity of FF-XIII was good or bad burn on, I think both factions should be able to agree that the addition of open-world gameplay from past FFs in FF XIII would not have been a bad thing and could have only made the game better if you already enjoyed the linear chapters.
  9. Wow, I forgot I was the one who created this thread. Perhaps we should change the title to just "Lightning Returns" since it's out on Tuesday. I don't think it's that they weren't fun to play, it's just a lot of people didn't find them fun to play to the very end. I got about 75% of the way through the first XIII and to the final boss in XIII-2 and honestly at that point I was just bored with the games. They were fun while they lasted, but there is no way I would have paid $60 or more for either of them. Which is why even though this game looks better than when it was first announced, if I do get it, it will be used or until it drops in price.
  10. I'm 99% sure that any voice clips or other sound within an episode of the show will belong to the company that owns/made the thing and to use it, you would need permission from the animation company.
  11. I guess I'm getting better at moving away from sheet music and writing with just the MIDI controller or just recording in guitars without writing it all down first. I've been forcing myself to do it that way now as it makes collaboration much easier and is a faster method if you can get the hang of it. It also eliminates the need for creating MIDI in a program outside the DAW. It's a tough habit to kick though. I also used to compose from the method of starting with harmony and then adding melody, but now I do it the other way around and I think it is by far a better method most of the time.
  12. My old NES still works as if it was brand spankin' new.
  13. I wouldn't be against extending it. I think it has potential. At present though, I'm doin' guitars for Chernabogue's "Badass Vol. 3" track and I think Argle is still up for doing some Prince of Persia for that album as well. So possibly after those tracks are finished we could do more with this.
  14. Before this thread, I felt all dirty and weird because I actually listen to more "modern" game soundtracks than retro stuff.
  15. Lies. Overly feminine looking man-Marth doesn't count.
  16. A remix I did with Chernabogue for this Dwelling of Duels thing. This version on soundcloud is the arrangement without my pitiful attempt at playing keyboards (I'll put a link to that, subbed version) and instead just features my pitiful guitar playing. We placed 15th, though. So I have not entirely shamed Chernabogue's name. Soundcloud Version DoD version can be found in the .rar here If you heard it, liked it and/or maybe even voted for it - Merci, Danke, Toda, Gracias, Multumesc and whatever of other form of "Thank you" we can throw at you!
  17. My only vote for "new" character would be female Marth/Lucina but that probably won't happen since they already have normal, not as cool Marth in the game.
  18. ......someone please tell me that this is all a bad dream and I'm going to wake up soon.
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