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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. For me, it's a question of "why did you sample it?" The only acceptable answer to me is when it is used in an original song for remakes or homage. For example, I've heard a few metal songs which are written about the metal genre and the lyrics are about bands from the genre. So they'll include some famous riffs by those bands. That makes sense. What doesn't make sense and is the product of knowing nothing about writing music, is the "rapper" approach. You know, like how Vanilla Ice stole Queen's bassline, MC Hammer taking from Rick James etc. There is absolutely no reason these artists could not have created their own melodies in place of the ones they "sampled". They were just lazy and slapped some new lyrics over it and called it a day. It's like with these sample packs you can buy. I get using drum loops, built-in sequences in some VSTs like Nexus, and chord progression recordings; but not melody. The melody is the heart and soul of the song and even children can come up with their own instinctively. In short: Using samples, loops and sequences that come with a product you purchase to use in your own original music is fine because everyone who purchases the product is allowed to use those same sounds. Fair. Going out of your way to license, or for some people, blatantly steal existing melodies from other works is just stupid unless you are intending to make your own version of the song; like what OCR does.
  2. From now on, when you sign up to become a member of OCR, one of the questions will be "What is your opinion of Superman?" Answer wisely
  3. I thought Batman and Superman was about when Supergirl came to Earth and the comic was drawn by Michael Turner? They even made an animated movie adaptation. I don't know, I don't like DC comics that much and I hate Superman, but I do like Batman. So this movie fills me with conflicting feelings. I am interested in it, but at the same time I am not.
  4. Yeah the thing about these HD re-releases is that it's exactly the same idea as VHS to DVD to Blu Ray. They look a little better and maybe have a couple new bonus features. I'm not sure why people expect more than this.
  5. Hell and yes I am excited for both this and Ultra SFIV. I have a reason to play fighting games again!
  6. Well, tough shit. At least some of them will be staying Generic trance beats never get old. Although I do like the "darbuka" drum thingy I included and I like the speed metal palm mutes with the kick. Perhaps I should side chain the guitar at that part to the kick ever so slightly. So ya get a bit of that pumpin', only with guitars instead of synths.
  7. Ooooooh, so the drums do fit, but you dislike the samples. Now it all makes sense. I was thinking that you guys were like "four on the floor beats have no place in rock music!" type of thing. To which I was about to ask you what drugs you were doing and if you could pass some of it my way. Alright. The next WIP will be finished arrangement wise. To be continued....
  8. I'm not sure we're on the same page here. I can't say for sure that I know what this means. I assume you refer to the guitar being sliced up and shortened in length, but do you mean make it half the length it originally was? That's what I think you mean. Okay, are we referring to the beat or the samples used? Ooooookay, so you're talking about the intro drums there. That's actually a drum loop that T and I used on the Metroid remix, I just slowed it down because I wanted some softer drums and I liked how it sounded when it was slower. I thought it fit, but I can see what you're saying. I could try layering in some deeper kicks with it on the next go around and see how that works.
  9. I aim to create good music. I find this part of your post rather strange, to be honest; that you find the electronic drums and guitars not to go together well stylistically. Given the fact the you favorited the Metroid remix T and I did, which was an electronica mix with electric guitar accompaniment. The difference is, this has more guitar and the drums are more trance style. I dunno, this song has electronica drums and guitar. They seem to work together to me. Or maybe you didn't mean stylistically?
  10. Well, they do really screw you on trade ins. I took two games to EBGames (Gamestop) and they were willing to offer me $20 for them. I took those games to future shop and I got $60. That's really my only problem with them.
  11. It has been updated. Some more dance and speed metal elements.
  12. If you listen really close sounds like it shares many of the same intervals as the intro to . The Mighty Ducks theme is much faster, though.It's more obvious around 20 seconds in the mighty ducks theme and 30s seconds in the Life's A Bitch tune
  13. Obviously, one requires dog like hearing to figure this out.
  14. I have this goal, that I can finish this, thundercats and my remix for VV2 before the end of August and make all three not suck. Source: Remix thus far: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/storms-theme-wip-2 Is it heading in the right direction?
  15. So it's worth continuing then? I also do have the drums panned, but not drastically. So I shall start with that.
  16. This isn't what I thought you meant by "Ear-Training" I thought it would be "Figure out this melody, chord or whatever by ear". because I'd be down for that game.
  17. Thing is, that's better than any of my electronic tracks.
  18. So I love the remake of Thundercats and I've seen all the episodes even though it doesn't air here in Canada for another two months. I got a hold of the incredibly shitty Nintendo DS game. It isn't really worth playing, but the music is pretty good. I figured it would be cool to make a rock version (inspired by 80s hair metal bands) of both the Stage 1 theme and the 1st boss battle. I'd post a link to those sources, but I can't find them on YouTube; I just figured them out by ear while the game was paused. It's not finished and probably never will be, but here it is: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/thundercats-ds-rock-arrangment A friend of mine says he might play the bass for realz, but that remains to be seen. Go easy on it, it's my first remix. Nah, I'm just kidding. It ain't my first rodeo; I just suck. As video games proved though, sometimes we can feel like a guitar hero even if we really aren't. That's what this is.
  19. Isn't there a "music business" thread to discuss this kind of thing? Anyway, the fact of the matter is that indie games are typically made by hobbyists and students with hopes of one day becoming a licensed developer for console devs, getting a publishing deal and securing funding or simply coming up with a product that can generate enough profit to re-invest and make a better game the second time around. It's kind of like musicians, hoping that one day they can land that record deal or do music for a summer blockbuster. You gotta start small. I think people are forgetting that with technology today and the internet, it is possible to create an enjoyable video game with zero budget. So these kind of offers are usually take it or leave it. If doing music for low or no pay is an absolute no go for you, either somehow make better connections in larger companies who have lots of dough to throw around, turn the offer down, or leave the business.
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