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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I know most games purely by soundtrack. I actually don't really like playing games much anymore. The most I played of any video game until recently was various fighting games until I realized "Wait a minute, being good at this game really achieves nothing." Also, gamers always give me hell for usually playing single player games with a strategy guide or walk-through open. Why? Because I don't want to spend hours trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do or where I should go next and/or how to beat some boss to see how the story goes. I just want to play through the story =/
  2. Maybe a thread like this exists already, but I've already typed all this out: How many of you out there are actually excited for the new generation of video games? Specifically the new Sony and Microsoft offerings. Do you usually totally geek out when new video game consoles are on the horizon? Do you feel the same kind of hype you did in past generations? Any bizarre rituals you do in anticipation? Also, any fond memories of anticipating past console releases? I remember I was beyond stoked for the Gamecube when I was around 11 years old. I didn't get one when they launched, but I saved all my euros and allowance money to buy it. I remember talking to another fourth grader at school about how excited I was and he told me "Oh, that's soooo gay. You should buy the Xbox instead." That kid was a dumbass. Gamecube was epic.
  3. Whatever you do, just make sure you do it better than the Castlevania rap album Konami released back in the 90s. That thing....it..was horrifying. They made up for it though by releasing the two Dracula Battle albums which are still my favorite instrumental rock albums of all time.
  4. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/one-night-in-gotham-city Because Audio Fidelity was offering free mixing and I'm making my own website and I needed to make a short original composition for it (since that's what the site is about). I think it's cool. How about you?
  5. It is a complete mystery to me how guys like Don Mattrick and the person who wrote that blog are capable of clenching their asses without decapitating themselves.
  6. Well, I'm not really an audio dude lol Until 2010, I still wrote music with nothing more than notation software, my guitar and piano. I then found out about virtual instruments and DAWs so now I do that.
  7. I think that's what Microsoft is hoping for.
  8. Yes! The consumer is victorious! As it should be.
  9. Apologies if this was posted already.
  10. To answer your question: Money talks. Speculative or not, support of/apathy to stupid policies only encourages greedy ass corporations to keep making increasingly stupid policies. Just because a person is blindly loyal to the brand and willing to put up with the bullshit doesn't mean it isn't bullshit and people aren't justified in calling it when they see it. EDIT: Here's a classic example for you: I have Netflix and both a PS3 and Xbox. I watch Netflix with my PS3 because that way I don't have to pay for xbox live to watch Netflix, a service I already pay for monthly. With my PC and Playstation, I'm only spending money on the Netflix subscription and regular internet. Two expenses vs 3. The Xbox - Netflix story is just Microsoft's way of bullying you into paying for their premium online service to use a service that is available with no additional charges on other platforms. So I'm clearly unjustified in thinking Microsoft's methods are ridiculous and that people who are supportive/apathetic of those tactics when other, more consumer friendly options are available to them are insane.
  11. Say that in the "which system should I buy" thread. I want to see what happens.
  12. I don't know where I said I cared about which of the two he buys; just caring about bad business practices.
  13. See, it's those last two things not mattering to people that has me worried. People being A-Okay with that shit will just show Microsoft that their fans are loyal no matter how ridiculous they get. It also sets precedence for much worse business practices. Microsoft has no good reason for doing any of this crap with Xbox One.Anyway, if you're indecisive the best thing to do is just wait until both have been out for awhile.
  14. Happy Birthday, Chernabogue!

  15. Sylenth1, Massive, FM8 (I think that's what it's called), and Nexus 2 are all very popular and sound good.
  16. Well, at least I'm still cynical. But a fool could see that the PS4 is the lesser of 3 evils.
  17. Though a drum fill or something would have been nice like T said, the intro didn't bother me, personally. However, I listen to a shitload of rock/metal where the rock is in your face right away so that's probably why. I can't say much about production since I can't mix worth shit. The composition is pretty damn solid overall though. The lead lines are great and its style takes me back to a lot of 90's VGM and speed metal albums. I think that the ending is too sudden because that last note isn't sustained as long as it probably should be, the build up to it is intense enough though. Just prolong it a bit more, try two final hits instead of just the one and perhaps harmonize the guitar lead at the end with another guitar playing a third above for maximum metal! Still though, this piece rocks hard.
  18. Hate Draggin' Ballz in general, but I do love that riff around 40 seconds or so. I'd say the only thing I don't really like in your track and the original is the snare. Feels like it needs more of an "80s" sorta snare sound (you know, that deep punch with the fancy reverb that hair metal bands often had) since Dragonball Z came out in 89.
  19. The only thing I do related to video games is music. I think that I have not played 80% of the video games whose music I listen to and make my own remixes of. Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, F-Zero, Castlevania and most fighting games are pretty much the only series I would honestly consider myself a "fan" of. In terms of game-related things I like: Cosplayer girls. For the most part, I actually sort of hate playing video games.
  20. Still 11 - 49 Elixir. Probably will remain that way until the day I die.
  21. You don't unlock moves as far as I know. You can unlock Steve, Alisa and one other character that I forget at the moment. Which makes me wonder, if they release more characters down the road, are you going to have to buy them and then play more to unlock the ones you purchased as well? That would be ridiculous so I hope not. The ability to increase your stats (Strength, Health and Luck basically) isn't really much of a problem when you're fighting people around the same level as you because they will have attained around the same number of Skill Points as you, but of course they may have allocated them to different stats entirely. I didn't really notice it initially, but good players from previous Tekkens at level 0 who go up against someone who is like level 10 and has evenly distributed their skill points, struggles a bit more than you would expect. This is because the opponent will do more damage, have more health and chances of landing critical hits and rage mode are higher. So if that player manages to land in just a few good combos and a couple lucky throws....it can be over real quick. So if you're good at these games, and are just starting to improve your character, you don't have as much room for slip ups against n00bz as you would have in the past. I can see some people having a problem with this, but for the most part, if you're fighting people around the same level, the RPG elements make the game more interesting. The only other thing I can see people really not liking, is the "coins" system. You have to spend virtual coins to play arcade mode and online. Arcade coins and Battle coins respectfully. You can only have two Arcade coins at a time, which replenish one per hour and 5 battle coins, which replenish 1 every half hour. There are also "premium tickets" and coins which will work for all modes. Tickets can be earned through in game tasks, coins can be purchased. If you win the battle, you get to keep your premium tokens. So if you want to play hours on end, you'll have to pay unless you're good. I can see the hardcore hating this aspect and I will agree that it's kind of a strange way to monetize the game. Overall though, I'm having lots of fun with it. I might even pick up Tekken Tag 2 sometime in the next few months. That's probably what Namco is hoping for too.
  22. So I'm playing it right now. So far it's pretty good. Not too sure about these RPG style upgrades you can make to the characters though.
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