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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Some people who strongly desire to see reform with their own ideals hide behind the mask of a good cause. I notice that a lot when it comes to sexism. There are "feminist" women and even men who will lose their shit at the sight of a woman wearing revealing clothing (which she wears by choice), damsels in distress, how big Lara Croft's breasts are etc. Half of the time, these angry people who say they're "feminist" can't provide sound reasoning as to why the things I mentioned are sexist and more importantly exactly why they should be done away with. It basically boils down to "I don't like those things and may even possibly be jealous of how good that fictional woman looks in that video game" So if they scream "sexist" at it, they figure they'll get their way. One of my instructors at the college writes a lot about sexism in the game industry. As I recall, when I met her, she was telling me about how she wrote this article about how she was sorta pissed off that Bioware had this beauty contest where you could vote for the best looking female Mass Effect character. All I could think was...why are YOU, a flesh and blood, real woman, pissed off about a beauty contest for women who don't even exist? I always find it interesting how heterosexual women who identify as feminist will complain relentlessly about the portrayal of a woman's body in a video game and say that muscled up men are a "male power fantasy", yet these same women have no problem salivating over their favorite shirtless male actors like Brad Pitt; Men who are basically the prototype of this same male power fantasy feminists say is a bad thing.
  2. I picked up the new Tomb Raider today. Absolutely awesome game.
  3. I think we're going to see a trend of hackin' old games with male leads and replacing them with the female characters.
  4. Holy hell is there ever a lot of genetic fallacy going on in this thread.
  5. It feels rather empty. I found myself zoning out heavily between the 2 and 3 minute mark. Not in the good way though. In my opinion, adding increasing melodic layers (not too many), harmonies, perhaps some effects, more variation on the drums etc. in that part specifically would really help it out. However, it should be noted that I am incredibly tired and running mostly on coffee at this point in time. Regardless, I still enjoy the tune.
  6. I feel sorta bad for posting the link to the Conan O'Brien video now.
  7. Alright, feedback here so far seems to be fairly positive. Switched to mod-review to see what a mod thinks about this.
  8. Sounds like more run of the mill "they changed Lara" crying. Similar to the DMC Dante thing. It's also been said numerous times that Lara becomes stronger and more like the Tomb Raider we know her as over the course of the game. Who the hell just starts out as a fearless adventurer?
  9. Well, you say it gives women their due respect, but there was that whole "rape" scene fiasco a while ago... To be honest, I don't think there will ever be a game that gives women their due respect because there will always be at least one person who will scream "sexist" no matter what. Two of my college profs. are into the game industry. One was a writer for Bioware actually. The other just writes about how the game industry is "sexist". I'll bet they have great arguments.
  10. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw While you're there, check out the latest collab.
  11. Actually, at one point, I had recorded rhythm guitar. Kinda just decided it wasn't all that necessary and kinda killed the vibe. I personally prefer the synth for this tune.
  12. Only problem I had with Prince of Persia 2008 was the lack of characters. Yeah, I know that the dialogue between the prince and Elika was supposed to make up for that, but it still felt empty somehow. Still, they need to bring that version of prince of persia back. I loved the ending to that game.
  13. Righteous song! I left a comment on soundcloud and "liked" the track. I've never played Plants Vs. Zombies, but this inspires me to try it.
  14. Played trough twice now and it's still amazing.
  15. Conan O'Brien playing the new Tomb Raider is funny as hell
  16. I'm not sure what T is doin' on the mixing end of things but it's epic, I look at the file in the DAW and I'm just like 0_0 Anyway, one of the main reasons I picked those two sources was because the Tenchu melody has this down a fourth, up a fourth pattern, then goes into a stepwise descent back to the tonic note. The SFXT melody does the opposite and ascends the same intervals. So I think it balances.
  17. So, far the past few weeks, Timaeus and I have been working on this remix. It started when I sent T some MIDI I had been working on for an arrangement of "Rain" from Tenchu: Shadow Assassin's and the chorus melody is that of the end credits from "Street Fighter X Tekken". Because we need more modern VGM remixes, that's why. T's mixing skills are epic! Here is the remix...I've been hearing it in my sleep lol. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/aco-timaeus-tenchu-street The two sources http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGzuZljW0xk Thank you for listening!
  18. A guy I know actually prefers to watch people play video games. Just recently, he watched some Swedish dude on YouTube play games for seven hours straight. Needless to say, said friend has no life.
  19. I like it! The guitar does sound a bit.."sharp" is the only word I can think of to describe it. The overall gothic vibe this has is real cool. It reminds me of Nox Arcana or Midnight Syndicate meets electronic and rock music.
  20. The game is great. The only thing I don't like about it is the camera, but that's a staple of action games. The stealth aspect is still there, but nowhere near as complex and never mandatory as in MGS. The cardboard box returns as well. The whole "blade mode" thing is impressive and fun. It's insane just how precise you can cut things and people. There are also some cool easter eggs experienced via cutting things. In one of the earlier missions, you can attack a cat, but it always flips away. There are also some cardboard cut-outs of models in the game. If you try to cut them in blade mode, their clothes fly off. Relax, it doesn't leave them totally nude.
  21. Yeah. I'm just about finished my second playthrough on hard difficulty now. Jetstream Sam is like...Ninja Gaiden level hard on this difficulty. Even though the main story is short, the VR missions are actually challenging and fun. It's also fun to replay the levels and see if you can stealth kill everyone instead of hackin' them all to bits.
  22. I see IGN has a link to a live show of the music http://ca.ign.com/videos/2013/02/22/metal-gear-rising-revengeance-live-in-concert
  23. I thought the 360 did have backward compatibility, but it sucked really bad?
  24. It's a lot easier to borrow, lend or trade in a disc though.
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