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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. An improved version http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/spider-man
  2. Thanks Gar. Well, I've dropped the guitar leads a bit as you suggested.
  3. The original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQZPkM4NSgc My desecration of it. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tekken-3-gon-theme
  4. A cover of the 1994 Spider Man cartoon theme http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/spider-man
  5. I'm still an amateur and when I really think about it, most of my gigs composing music for people have been paid. Not huge money, but paid regardless. I've really come to learn that if you want to get the best gigs with composing, you have to meet people face to face who will hire you to make music. If you do what 99% of people are doing now thanks to the internet and just sending unsolicited material or advertising it on forums, the only gigs one will likely get are by n00b "game designers" living in a basement who don't know what they're doing and know they can get away without paying anyone. If things turn sour, they'll just slip back into the shadows, never to be heard from again....
  6. People keep using examples like this, but they're forgetting the preset I speak of copies a musical phrase. It's literally as if it was lifted directly from the song "Confusion" and you can just pitch shift it to whatever you want. Indeed, I have been changing the settings and just randomizing the arpeggiator.
  7. Ahhh shit. I now know why it's called "New Order". The song in the blade movie is "Confusion" by New Order.
  8. Recently, I purchased Sylenth. I was messing around with some of the presets, changing them to suit my needs when I stumbled across this one arpeggiator preset called "New Order". When I played it, I was overwhelmed with a feeling that I heard this exact phrase before and blood began to spray from the ceiling. That's when I figured out it is exactly the same as the .If you match the key and tempo, you can sync the sylenth preset up to that song... Could a company not be sued for such a thing?
  9. Would it be possible for you to upload a clip of this undesirable effect you're getting?
  10. Holy shit, Batman! This fighting game looks insane! I'm not even really a DC fan, but this is still something I have to check out. What do you all think about the game so far?
  11. Great advice there, Dan! Appreciate the posts. Also, the part in bold is so extremely true. That's how I got the opportunity, I worked with one of the actors and he knew the director since high school. The actor likes my music and showed it to the director, who liked it as well. Said actor suggested I try out as an extra and when I arrived, he pointed me out to the director as the "music guy I've told you about". Although he already has a more experienced composer doing the majority of the soundtrack, he felt confident in giving me the opportunity to writing music for some scenes in it. It really is about who you know. Yeah, it's not a AAA Hollywood blockbuster, but it's a foot in the door and it's one more connection that I didn't have before. Who knows, maybe one day the director and actors will really hit it big....and perhaps that will lead to bigger and better jobs for me as well. Baby steps.
  12. Which makes you my new favourite judge Closer everytime. Awesome! Thanks!
  13. Well, his bail has been NO'd http://wtvr.com/2012/07/09/lamb-of-god-singer-blythe-formally-denied-bail-remains-in-jail/
  14. Again I shall elaborate further. I'm talking little details as those are most important. Obviously, every second of the music must fit behind every second of the scene. Everyone knows that. What I'm asking for here, is people who have experience with doing cinematic type scoring to point out things they have learned about writing for film that are unique to that medium and they discovered on their own. Things to pay attention to that they feel are often missed even by other film composers. I wouldn't have accepted if I didn't have the confidence to do it, but it is my first film project and knowledge is power so I want to hear the advice of as many people as possible.
  15. So, today I got to visit a movie set and met with the director. I was originally trying out to be an extra, but I wound up being hired to compose music for the movie. I'm pretty stoked about it. It's a horror/action movie about vampires. Looking through pictures, seeing the set, costumes, actors, props, etc. It seems to take some influence from "Vampire: The Masquerade" since it has a sort of "Urban Vampire" feel to it. I've never actually wrote music for a film before, just independent games. What are some special, but not obvious differences I need to keep in mind when writing for a movie?
  16. At long last it has been NO'd! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39085
  17. Excellent points. Actually, I'd say all the posts here are good.
  18. The Casino doesn't have metal, but the places before did. Now, I mostly get to hear country music. You should see how wild some of these country girls out here can get.
  19. Currently, I work Casino security which also doubles as a music venue. Before that, several venues. It's a shit job and I hate it, but that's beside the point. I've also been to shows in many places as a patron because I love the music. If you want to talk about just metal music, I can sit here and discuss pretty much any band and scene you want. I love the music, but my experience with the communities is why I say what I do. Metalheads love their music more than any other subculture. That is both a blessing and a curse.
  20. Well, a lot of the things that go on at metal concerts like moshing I believe were first made popular at punk rock shows as far back as the 70s. A guy was actually killed at an Exodus concert in the 80s when Paul (the vocalist) jokingly said, "I wanna see a dead poser". According to legend. There a lot of metal bands out there that are great musicians and real nice people. I've even met a few of them. The guys from "Edguy" are pretty awesome and funny, Kamelot's Roy Kahn, Kerry King from Slayer, Alexi Laiho seemed like a cool guy etc.
  21. You're dumb. I've been hanging around with various metal communities all across North America and Europe since I was a kid and I can safely say I have witnessed more blind-following, musically narrow-minded elitists in that subculture than punk, goth or anything else I know of. There is a lot of positive things I can say about the metal subculture too though.
  22. So as anyone who's into metal of any kind probably knows that like a week or two ago, Lamb of God singer Randy Blythe was arrested and put in a Czech jail. Back in 2010, there was some incident where Randy allegedly pushed a fan who jumped on stage not once, not twice, but three times. Said fan hit his head and died in a hospital 14 days later. Currently, Randy paid his bail ($200,000 I believe) but will be held in the jail for at least another week. The metal community, being the ironic sheep that most of them tend to be, are saying Blythe is completely innocent. Most fans started saying this the day it was announced he was arrested without viewing any footage of the incident so that they may form an opinion for themselves. Here is footage of the night of the incident: Most recent news I could find: http://exclaim.ca/News/lamb_of_god_call_on_fans_to_help_pay_for_randy_blythes_mounting_legal_costs Your thoughts on this matter?
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