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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Yeah see, the same looks, strength and bad ass attitudes of the "bad girls" in the 90s that people say is "sexist" couldn't possibly be the same as a female power fantasy. EDIT: Yeah really, a lot of these "sexist" images are actually the same kind of image a lot of girls I know WANT to have. It can't just be because they hope it will attract more dudes.
  2. Because those jokes make it sound as though women are inferior and only serve the purpose the jokes implies. Therefore, it's sexist. But you can have a game where you have a female protagonist who can be extremely intelligent, athletic, strong or has any desirable personality traits, but she happens to have a victoria's secret body as well. So that makes it just as sexist as the kitchen jokes apparently?
  3. 1. Of course they do. Just not nearly as much as men seem to for some weird reason. 2. My point is not really about "sexism", rather justifiably being offended by exaggerated anatomy. 3. Yeah, he's not murdering them or anything....but he's still a douche.
  4. True, usually they're in bad FPS games.
  5. The thing that is really annoying about threads/discussions like these is that it's a bunch of men pretending they speak for the majority of women. The second thing that is annoying is people pretending this is like violence against women. Games featuring women with huge boobs and perfectly shaped asses are just as "sexist" as games featuring extremely muscular, bald space-marines. Neither offend any sane person.
  6. To the first....yeah right. On the racism thing, yes it does. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
  7. No the argument is that if the character was really so offensive, his wife wouldn't have agreed.
  8. You know what's sexist? All the internet jokes and shit about women and "the kitchen" "sandwiches" etc. Video games favouring hot, scantily clad women is really not "degrading". Are you people forgetting that the guys who make these games have wives and families of their own? Just recently I read about a guy at Crystal Dynamics' wife gave birth to a little girl....whom he and his wife named "Lara". AFTER the supposedly "sexist" character his company makes games about for christ sakes. Just because they emphasize sexuality does not mean they actually believe women to be nothing more than sex objects. Just like I doubt Matt Groening thinks the only reason Indian people exist is to work tirelessly at 7/11
  9. Zircon is probably right Still There is nothing wrong with sexy girls in games, comics etc. Yeah, sometimes it's a little too over the top, but the only legit issue here is people actually being offended by works of fiction.
  10. Happy Valentine's Day! I've been doing some collabs with a talented singer and for the hell of it, since valentine's day was on the horizon I thought it would be sweet to do a cover of Robert Palmer's "Bad Case Of Lovin' You" with a heavier metal vibe. Unfortunately, singer doesn't feel his voice grooves with this particular tune and is a few notes out of his range! I could drop the track's key, but honestly, I've spent so much time playing and listening to this song the past day or two that I can't stand it anymore lol. However, if you're a singer and want to get some vocals in there, let me know! Also, any feedback is appreciated! http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/bad-case-of-loving-you
  11. I had an NS-2. Sold it because my amp has a noise gate built in. I'm confused as to why you are using socks. If you want to kill noise when you aren't playing, roll the volume knob right down on the guitar; that's what you're supposed to do. If you're doing sweeps or something and it's getting noisy, that's all on the muting technique. What's the sock supposed to do really? Elaborate moar.
  12. Thanks. I played along to the original song whilst recording and I know my harmony guitar slides out at different times etc. but meh.
  13. Hate fighting games!? How!? Indeed, Capcom's music for their fighters has always been killer. It is a bit short, but it's pretty much the same as the original. I didn't really change anything up for this one. I probably should for the next covers. The drums could use more power like you said. Thanks for the feedback
  14. Well guys, I shared this track with the community manager at the company making the NEW Tomb Raider game for this year! To my surprise, I got an email back from her. She likes it, and tells me she'll pass it along to the audio team so they can give it a listen too! I doubt I would get any feedback from them, but that reply made my day all the same! I believe a high-five is in order So once again, thanks all for listening and the advice! Now let's hope the judges like it too.
  15. I thought it would be cool to put together a collection of guitar covers of songs from all the Marvel vs. games. Starting with X Men Vs Street fighter of course. I'll do more later http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/x-men-vs-sf-gambit or youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAFRo1GxHi0 What other songs should I cover? I'd also be up for working with other guitarists on these for fun.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5krINDGIeqw Rockin' to that shit all the time. Xenosaga FTW
  17. No # ...why do people do this on every site that is not twitter?
  18. Comics? Not much of a "manga" fan, but I'm all about American comic books. They're the only thing I really love that's American aside from Newport Beach, New York Pizza and Vegas show girls. Them Yankees also make pretty killer cheeseburgers. Every time I've ate a Cheeseburger in the USA, it was always the best burger ever.
  19. Despite hating anime, since I am a big fan of the comics (still read them to this day) I am forcing myself to endure the anime interpretation of, "Witchblade" God damn that theme song is just terrible.
  20. I don't own the game, but apparently you can make, "NSFW" content with the character creator. http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2012/feb/04/soul-calibur-5-gamers-using-custom-character-settings-make-nsfw-content/ How is that last one even possible?
  21. The purpose of music theory in my opinion is to better understand the workings of music. This leads to you being able to transcribe the sounds in your head MUCH easier. That's the goal If you want to "take your writing to the next level", stop thinking about the theory so much and just keep making the sounds in your head happen.
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