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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Okay..So I listen to every genre out there. There's many songs on the radio I don't like, but I can still see why some people would. So I normally never listen to the radio. BUT SERIOUSLY, what the hell is with the recent abundance of music that nearly everyone agrees is terrible?! First Rebecca Black, then Lulu, now this.... Click that and prepare to suffer. Really though, I'm genuinely curious to know people's thoughts. There's always been and always will be songs that so many people hate, but I don't think it's ever quite been like it is now. I mean, the backstreet boys, A*Teens, etc. may have not been Dream Theater or Mozart, but they still had some well composed, performed and produced songs. What are your thoughts on Pop music today? Do you agree there is an abundance of "bad music" on the radio these days? If so, what do you think is the cause of it? What do you think future pop music will be like?
  2. I'm now following Garpocalypse on soundcloud! It sounds pretty eerie. In my opinion though, some of the sounds, like that bass could be better. Perhaps trying adding in some of your bass guitar as well? Also, at the end, you just have bass and nothing else save for some sound effects. I know it's a WIP, but I hope you plan to add stuff there as well. Perhaps, some deep drums hits? Some of the sounds, like the plucks and that harp(?) are a little too quiet. Regardless, nice work! Can't wait to hear the finished version!
  3. The tone is good, the timing is awful, the soloing is worse. Because the soloing sounds completely random.
  4. There was a movie that came out a while back that was poorly reviewed and failed hard at the box office, but was heavily pirated. Well, the film company decided to sue people who had downloaded it. "Experts" said that if something like just 10% of all the people who downloaded the movie were sued, the film company would have made like more than 3 times the amount of money the film made at the box office. Step 1: Make shitty movie Step 2: Blame Piracy for failure Step 3: Sue fucking everybody Step 4: You make money....lots of money.
  5. I'm pretty good at figuring it out by ear so usually do that. People who say, "I can't do it" just aren't trying hard enough. I didn't even know wtf a MIDI file was till just last year believe it or not. I was learning to play a street fighter song by ear and I couldn't figure out a specific part. This guy was like, "Is there a MIDI for this song?" So then I learned that MIDI isn't just a kind of keyboard that controls computers and that I could actually plug said keyboard into things like FL Studio and that the notes I could draw in with a mouse also counted as midi. Damn teenagers and their technology.
  6. Lol just had to bring up, the band I was referring to has on their facebook page their support for SOPA...lol I didn't even have to check to know. Sadness...
  7. and despite theater's expensive bullshit, Dark Knight Rises, Paranormal Activity 15 etc. will still roll in millions of dollars at the box office despite the piracy.
  8. Megaupload is down? This is great news. Because now I can rub it in that snobby ass band's face that the reason they make no money is because they're obscure and no one gives a shit about them aside from their facebook fans. Not because of them nasty pirates arrrr....
  9. Killer Studio Deals =P Seriously though, Symphonic Orchestra is badass.
  10. I love the Darkness comics and I love the Darkness game! Lighthouse Massacre is fuckin' killer and I've long wanted to make a remix of it, but never have....yet. Tally up a vote for the darkness!!!!
  11. Well, I've thought about it...thought about it some more...and I just feel, "done" with this tune. Also, I won't have much time to work on music. So, I'm gonna hang it up with this one and call it finished. For my first purely orchestral track, I'm quite proud of it. Obviously, I'm sure it's not perfect. Nothing ever is. Still, I hope you guys enjoy it! I'll probably roll the dice and give her a sub, just see what happens.
  12. On another note, people have spotted Jin, Bison, Ogre and Akuma in the new trailer. It's looking like this more recent leak list may be legit indeed. Check it out here http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7313/scr7170316.jpg I'd personally be happy with that roster.
  13. Well, I am correct in believing "dem" to mean, "them" right? If so your title is "Them Disjointed Chemical Zone". That makes no sense. If you were to say, "That Disjointed Chemical Zone" or just call it, "Dem Chemicals" it would make more sense. Whatever, it's only a title....but I still don't get it.
  14. Well, there has been some great feedback! I have put the remix and the source in the first post. Let us get the opinion of a mod! "Great mods of workshop forums, hear my call! Guide me with eternal knowledge of the sacred art of remixing! I pray that Ye will place thy blessing upon this song so that it may be sent to the council of the elder gods for approval!"
  15. Fine, I strongly dislike the Megaman character and his games. Therefore, I shall never do any music from it.
  16. Well....I did post that picture long before the Gem system was officially announced...
  17. The trailers get cornier all the time.... Anyway, I'm still excited.
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