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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Well, I know of at least one #1 album here in Canada that I loved the shit out of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MItj1nKOtmQ ...and everyone hates on them lol So basically, the world just gets worse all the time?
  2. Game looks great and music sounds great. Basically, awesome.
  3. Speaking of Nicki Minaj, I was using the youtube search and google translate sings Super Bass: Lol that's epic. Regardless, I think this thread has basically been answered by this point as, "Like what you like and gtfo"
  4. Of course it's opinion. My question was "what the hell happened to music?" I probably should have said, "pop music", but a very possible answer to the question is simply, "Nothing." In the days before the internet, the only way to find out really about "bad songs" was to hear them on the radio or someone forced you to listen to it. Now we have youtube and the like, with rating systems to collect popular opinion and it's easy to share. I think the idea behind this "Stupid Hoe" song with the phrasing, the weird rhythm, and the babble is to fit the title. In a nutshell, make a "stupid" sounding song. Because actually, lots of Minaj's other tracks, while not my favourite, are still way better than this musically. Which I guess could be viewed as genius in one regard, but it seems many people don't enjoy listening to it.
  5. Okay, but can you please provide an example of something by a popular artist at the time which was legitimately just as bad as the Nicki Minaj track from a musical standpoint? Like not in terms of lyrics or target audience. Power metal bands would say, "What's wrong with cheesy lyrics?" lol
  6. Lol yeah, pretty sure vocal music has been popular since the dawn of man.
  7. Something far more badass that slaves made for empowerment was Capoeira. Looks like dance, but one kick might take your head off.
  8. But....people won't pay for it if they don't like it. So why continue to make a kind of music or continue to promote an artist if they are disliked so much? A lot of the biebers, hannah montanas and such make more money by selling their merchandise than actual music I think.
  9. The most I know about anime and it's music was that the end credits to Gunamn Wing had an insane guitar solo.
  10. Well...at least you had angry birds. How about Street Fighter IV or Marvel Pinball?
  11. Well, in the spring a game I did music for comes out for it. So you could pick that up. Other than that, You can't survive without angry birds. It's as hardcore as it gets! Seriously addicting game.
  12. and dynamics, creativity, accessibility, and variety can still create "bad" things? I guess life is all about balance. No good without evil, no yin without yang, no pleasure without pain. This thread has been an enlightening experience.
  13. Touche, Gar. I'd like to clarify that this thread is actually not about hating, but rather about reasoning as to why there is a wave of music people just seem to hate in the mainstream, yet still sells like hot cakes. I thought it was more than a bandwagon. That being said, there is some great pop music out there in the last 10 years. Some of my favourites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU81dxEpKuk Thinking more about it after reading these posts in this thread, I would say that "bad music" can be exposed easier. Largely due to the internet and the fact that all of us can make myspaces, youtubez, soundclouds etc and people will always pass around things that they hate more often than things that they love. Because nobody cares about what you like, but they can all jump in and bash things they don't like.
  14. Actually, I hated all that music as a child. So nostalgia really isn't affecting me.
  15. As stated in the first post, yeah there's always been lame songs that are popular. It goes without saying that people will just find music they like and be done with it. 90% of what I listen to never makes it on the radio. But the thread is about discussing the current mainstream standard, which seems to be of considerably lower quality than years past. The point was to see what others reasoning are for this beyond, "it's just your opinion". The other point was to see where you think pop music is headed. Like this,
  16. I'm 20. My collection of tapes and CDs from the 80s and 90s prove that mainstream music was superior at that time.
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