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Everything posted by Drachefly

  1. Yup, totally. The quasi-mood reversal (it met half-way) was a nice twist. Just put this in my top-tier list. Nice work!
  2. This is completely upside down! Gah! / HAHAHA! >.< / : D
  3. I love this remix. It fuses such disparate elements and does them all really well. I just get it running through my head at random times, and it takes a LOT of repetitions to become unwelcome.
  4. How fortunate! I just happened to drop by to listen to Holy Mother (2353) when away from my regular computer, and I saw this in the sidebar and said 'hey, Metroid 1!' and then it was a remix of Ridley's lair, which has been sorely neglected, and I caught it only 9 days after release! Anyway, this is properly creepy. I like all of the effects except for the momentary volume fadeout around 0:50. The disintegration fits with the long-term theme of Ridley as described in the intro. I was somewhat surprised that only the parallel-whole-tone sequences remained through the bulk, with the melody generally absent.
  5. Did you flip over to playing the FF2 overland theme at 1:14? It's closely related...
  6. No - not entirely. There tune is different, but the harmony line is practically identical to the theme from Ninja Gaiden used in the Basilisk Run remix. So much so that when this came up and I looked at the title, I did a double-take. "This... isn't Ninja Gaiden, with the harmony line put on top?" said my internal voice. The voicing here really brings out the similarities, too. Anyway, I like it even on those terms - as a Ninja Gaiden remix, even though it isn't one.
  7. Franz Schmidt's 2nd symphony. Lush, dramatic, lonely.
  8. This tune is so similar, this track would also count as a remix of Contact, from the Phish album Junta (if anyone were keeping track of that). The rhythm, the line? Right out of it. The tires are the things on the car that make contact with the road...
  9. I never liked Setzer as a character until this track. Then, I couldn't dislike him.
  10. I must have a LoZ-Dungeon-shaped hole in my heart since the loop never gets old for me. But I can really see why it might drag for others...
  11. To be precise, the source is the Goliard poetry from 800 years ago or so. But Orff does 'own' this, by which I mean he did a pretty definitive treatment and if you're going to use it otherwise you have a steep hill to climb. The lyrics don't even seem to fit. Especially at 5:00 the guy's basically saying "The girls are making fun of me!" but the music is trying to make it epic... utter mismatch between music and words. This ain't 'Circa mea pectora'. Also, it's mihi, not michi Ego-mei-mihi-me-me. If you have some super-authentic 13th century French/German latin pronounciation guide, please show it to me so this will stop sounding all derped up. The male soloist sounds strained, like he has inadequate breath support, or maybe it's a pop-ish style thing that bled over. Aside from that, I like the music.
  12. The name makes me think it's about financial instruments. I would so like to see a good redo of FF3/5/T system. Something with a not-utterly-abusive-and-unbalanced level-up mechanic, please. Something where each job does give a level up bonus so there's a long-term commitment (unlike FF5), but the level-up bonuses are all roughly as good as each other (by some metric that is somewhere near vaguely balanced). This goes x10 if there is level-draining. Something only as abusable as FF5's system, not as much as FFT's system. Something with JP feeding into a tree or sphere grid thing instead of a buffet which punishes actually learning anything (FFT) or a strict linear progression (FF5). Maybe buffet works if you only get JP for the first time each in-job skill is used in a battle. Then you want to get as many cheap skills as possible so you can train your JP faster.
  13. I accidentally started playing this at almost exactly the same time as Trenches - Burning Vigil. Didn't notice at first since this was so much louder. The sum was kind of weird, but they synch up quite well. I realized there had to be something strange going on around 1:00 when the Burning Vigil tune comes in audibly. Didn't think it would go well together, but then you get the middle part with the repeated SFX, and that actually kind of meshes well with it, though the Burning Vigil track is louder at that part. But by 2:30 it's kind of fallen apart. It kind of works for a moment during the stutter part at the end. Oh well, just a funny observation. On the track on its own: good, though it's not quite up to Sixto's 'The Shredder'. And, about the scratch part? Umm. Yeah. I'm not sure what to make of that, even listening to this track on its own. That, and the female voice telling me to enter the Shredder. Just gives me a ???
  14. Aaron Copland's Short symphony. Before that, Pärt's Te Deum.
  15. . This actual recording, in fact.Sort of a classical-on-classical remix.
  16. The Last Dungeon is hilarious for anyone familiar with Mahler, especially the 6th symphony, with the 2nd and 3rd also being significant. (And do I hear a little Bruckner in there?) And I never expected Fanfare for the Common Man to show up in Prancing Mad
  17. Heh. Realized I didn't link to the tune! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm10XVe344U
  18. I tried to download the torrent file for Balance and Ruin, but I got an unable-to-connect error from my web browsers (tried two). Everything else on the net is working.
  19. Such ambience... I really liked the shift from 3:40-3:46, but the tension fell away at 3:48, a bit prematurely. It's the only flaw I can find. ETA: Also, this makes me think of FF7 remix "Full of Hope" and Wizball "Transformation"
  20. You know what this needs? A PMV of track 3, RAY of speed, as "RAINBOW of speed" with clips from Sonic Rainboom, Wonderbolt Academy, Hurricane Fluttershy, the 'ten seconds flat' scene from ep1, and any others (Cutie Mark Chronicles, Pinkie chasing RD during Party of One, etc) It'd be awesome.
  21. Thanks for posting that, bringing this to my attention! (As for the music itself, it's been said. +1)
  22. Okay, after listening to this an additional dozen times or so, I've got to say, the percussion from 1:54 to 2:06 has definitely not grown on me. It sounds really out of place - the instrument just sounds wrong in this context. What would do better - wood block? Xylophone? Metal block? I don't know, but that just stands out and breaks my immersion.
  23. For some reason, this reminds me of the muppets. I guess it's tapping into the same blend of melancholy and all-right as 'It's not easy being green'.
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