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Shadow Wolf

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Everything posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. I was going to say that I refused to listen to anything John Burnett said until he submitted another mix. Seriously, feed the meter bitch. But then I read the beginning of the last paragraph and decided not to. Where the fuck did you even come UP with that?
  2. Solution: Be a nurse. 25 dollars an hour straight out of school in Hampton Roads, VA. People will always be sick, ergo I will always be employed. A winnar is I.
  3. My problem with Wind Waker had nothing to do with its style. There wasn't near enough ending for the amount of gameplay you put in. Other than that it was great.
  4. Honestly though, I'm watching the Chinese this olympics with great interest, and not because of anything they're doing in the events. I've seen the girls on the gym floor hugging each other, laughing, and interacting with the other teams, I've seen the men do the same thing. I saw Cheng Fei cry on camera the other day. I've seen this in all their events, and I LOVE IT. Evidently they've been having a bit of a cultural revolution in China, and the thing that's amazing here is that even 4 years ago in Athens, you did NOT see this kind of emotional freedom from ANY Chinese athlete. You saw something almost like fear if they failed. It was literally forbidden to show anything but stone faced determination. I don't know how close China follows the USSR pattern of treating their athletes, but if it's in the ballpark, they had good reason to be fearful of failure. It's important to remember that while a US olympian competes for sheer love of the sport, and that's great, many many MANY athletes in the Olympics are there because it is their last great hope of a better life. Yevgeny Plesckenko of Russia, a figure skater who took gold in (I think) 2002, stated flat out the main reason he wanted it so bad was so he could afford to get his wife out of Russia and into the US. This is true of thousands of athletes. So for me, the greatest olympic inspiration has been watching the quiet cultural revolution in China that's beginning to become evident in the hearts of its people. I know the judging has been messed up too, but it doesn't hurt quite so bad when you remember that Alicia Sacramone gets to come home a beloved hero even with her mistakes. For Cheng Fei and her team, the difference between gold and silver could very well be the difference between riches and poverty. So despite all the judging issues, I think China has earned their golds, I think they've done it because their PEOPLE are becoming proud of their country at last, and I commend them because it means a better life for all of them.
  5. Damn, my hospital has me scheduled for work on Labor Day! DAMMITTTT! I'd be all over that shit though. I really wanna make it to MagFest this year, but I doubt I'll have the coin...
  6. I think Bela and Marta will see to that. I think there NEEDS to be examination, and revision of the way things are being scored, because this is a joke. I used to be on a competitive dance team, so I understand the pall of disgust that fucked up judging can put over an entire competition. The simple fact is, even if it IS found China was cheating and the all around gold is reassigned, it doesn't mean near as much. You want that gold RIGHT THERE, on the floor, and you want to get it on your own merits, not have it handed to you after an examination. It shatters the spirit of fair play and competition if you know that the scoring is wrong, because instead of competing, you're ANGRY at the way the administration has dicked things up, and the fact that your absolute best evidently isn't as good as someone else's mediocre. It HURTS to see your skills rubbed in the dirt against something that's blatantly inferior, and it's a wound that no amount of medal reassignment can heal.
  7. China has deserved anything they get on men's. But Nastia Liukin just got FUCKED. That is the most senseless tiebreaker system I have ever EVER heard of. We throw out scores until the numbers are different? What the FUCK? And like Bela said, ANY other sport in the olympics, we're perfectly willing to just give 2 gold medals! No problem! But 2 people tie with exemplary performance in gym and one of them gets told fuck you? That's just wrong. Even if the judges ARE inexperienced hacks from every leftover country without a decent gym program, throwing out their scores until somebody gets screwed is completely senseless. They might as well play rock paper scissors. It would make far more sense in my opinion if instead of assembling a panel of clueless fools, they put up judges that ARE from each country COMPETING, and then depending on what girl is CURRENTLY being judged, her countryman doesn't submit a score. So no American score for Shawn Johnson's floor routine, for instance. Then you remove most of the national bias without removing the experience level. Does this make sense to everyone else?
  8. Yes I did, and it was fucking NUTS. Artemev's pommel routine will remain the highlight of my olympics though. I imagine you've been having fits of joygasm watching Gym for the last week. I actually wanted to get your perspective on a couple things next time I ran into you on the boards, since you've been a gymnast for so long. First off was just your opinion on Alicia Sacramone's all around performance. I don't think she singlehandedly lost the gold for us or anything, although it certainly helped. She's taken it like the champion she is. Just wanted to know what you thought there. Besides the fact that we'd all love to bang her like a screen door in a hurricane. I mean hug her. The second is this new scoring system, and the blatantly apparent yet somehow inexplicable bias towards China in said scoring. Like last night when the Chinese girl took a knee on BOTH vault landings and still ended up with a 15.05 average. Anyone else would've been in 14.6 territory there. Furthermore, I don't even LIKE the idea of start scores, at least in their current implementation. It seems to me that it kind of sets the stage as to "This is how the rankings are gonna be, and it'll take superhuman feats to change it." I've watched flawless execution, poise, and grace lose to a higher start score a thousand times it seems in this olympics. Difficulty is obviously the most objective thing they can judge, but do you think they've taken it too far? Feel free to rant, I want your opinion and I love a good read. Edit: skimmed the whole thread and it seems you agree. Still though, gimme a rant from someone on the inside.
  9. Jeremy Robson. Mushroom Wedding. Best wedding march EVER..
  10. Constant IV fluids is a standard for every last person admitted to a hospital, bar none. They put you on the fluids to keep a vein available in case they need to give medications very quickly. If they just put the IV in and didn't drip something through it for awhile, it would clot and close. Going directly into the vein gives drugs an instant effect, so if he ends up in crazy pain or something, they can push a med through his IV port and it'll work instantly. My educated guess as to what's currently dripping into Shia would be liquid morphine. The uneducated sensationalist media likes to tell the public people are on IV fluids because it makes the situation sound more serious. You learn something new every day. In other news, a lot of you are insensitive assholes.
  11. Awww, I feel special, Sinewav quoted me in his sig. Get well soon Shia, that really sucks.
  12. Stepping above all of the cultural dialogue for a moment, am I the only one who finds the concept of this game hilarious? Stuff your royalty with twinkies so they can't haul her back to home base? It's amazing.
  13. Auntie Ann has a pretzel! *rimshot* Congratulations Dave, seriously.
  14. Yeah, it's pretty much amazing. Best line in the series thus far: "Balls."
  15. Woah, stop the presses. Dave's gonna post a mix? What the hell. Dave doesn't post mixes anymore!
  16. Thanks, but not many here are qualified to help with nursing school. The problem isn't even really school, it's inconsiderate asshole teachers. Anyways, I think Grant Kirkhope should start a freelance music company. aybe go into movies. That shit would be bangin.
  17. But not enough to spell the name right evidently. Sorry, I'm in a shitty mood tonight. School.
  18. Man, Grant's a hell of a composer. From Donkey Kong to Jet Force, his music is awesome. I can't really say I'm sorry to see him leave Rare, because he'll find a job wherever he pleases, and let's face it, Rare has been a sinking ship for a number of years now. What with being Kongless at this point, it seems a good time to move on. Anyways, best wishes Grant, and I hope we hear your amazing talents elsewhere soon!
  19. I would be further impressed if this plugin had a passthrough for the Nunchuck connector. I'd be even more impressed if it also had a wireless transciever for a new first party wireless nunchuk. I'd sit back in awe if they just rebuilt the controller to be wireless out of the box like they said they would and built this peripheral into the wiimote instead of charging me the (estimated wild guess) 20 to 25 dollars they'll charge for this thing. But they won't, because just like the expansion pak for the N64, every first party Nintendo game for the next four years will be "Specially designed for use with the Motion Plus peripheral!" Which means I can't play it until I go fork a 20 over to plug one of these bitches into the bottom of each one of my wiimotes, and then wonder what to do with my other hand, because now I can't use my nunchuk. I guess the whole thing's a plot to give me a free hand to jerk off Miyamoto with in the end. I'm tired of buying into thinly veiled consumer milking, thank you.
  20. I love the honesty. Obviously not a press poster. It's like, "We're remaking a movie, and you too can make a FUCKTON of money riding this bandwagon."
  21. Seriously. I mean, Beethoven went to Virginia Tech and had a degree in cybernetics.
  22. I noticed a color mockup of 2 tan a couple pages back, and I couldn't help but realize that I have NEVER seen what OCR 2 looks like. I've seen 1, and I showed up back when 3 was still around, but 2 not so much. Does anybody have a site backup from way back when so I could see what it looked like?
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