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Shadow Wolf

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Everything posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Holla AT some John fuckin BURNETT! I was on your site tonight, thinkin' GOT-damn it's been a mufuggin millenia since we heard any music from Wangless. Fix that shit. Fix that shit right NOW.
  2. The modgod couldn't stand by and watch the injustice anymore.
  3. By the slimy left tentacle of Cthulhu, I've seen it all now. DarkeSword posted silence. No, actually, speaking of DarkeSword, I thought he might like to know his sig is wrong now, cuz, y'know, Thicket is, like, posted. And stuff. On OC ReMix. Yep. Which is to say, where's the NEW awesome in your sig?
  4. Happy burfday Fish-HEY! Also happy burfday 2 myf, our resident gigantic black guy who is somehow younger than me but looks quite a bit older! And also vocalwagnerian, whoever the hell he is.
  5. tldr. I think we go about this the wrong way. You wanna educate your kid in the proper paths of awesome, you pull out the SNES and let 'em cut their teeth on Super Mario World, Link to the Past, and Super Metroid. Then you bust out the Genesis and let 'em play Sonic so they understand why you won't rent Sonic Adventure 14 or whatever for them, because it's a rape of all that was once good with the world. Know your roots man. All that's to say, if we all have to know things like the fact that Columbus discovered this rock in 1492, why don't we educate our kids in how awesome games used to was?
  6. Totally worth the read just for this picture: He looks like someone's sodomizing his dog in front of him. This should definitely be an avatar. Either way, all Jack ever makes me do is LOL, so I applaud his efforts.
  7. Yeah, I walked into Darnassus and took his fucking STAFF. Because I played Alliance.
  8. [chriscrocker] LEAVE HORTE ALONE!!!! HE LOVES HIS AUNT!!!! [/chriscrocker]
  9. I still like my comparison better. I translated that shit. Besides that, according to Dave, who is right about EVERYTHING: "He is sooo Indian! Like, in such a major way!" That doesn't actually mean anything, but I found that line in the video hilarious.
  10. Q.F. FUCKING. E. My hatred of EA in general is well published, but Nintendo's utterly worthless implementation of online multiplayer is screwing them, and hence their consumers, completely. The way friend codes have to be used to even get two people together is ludicrous, because Nintendo has gone SO far into the realm of keeping the kiddies safe that the service is literally unusable.
  11. After extensive review of your provided source material and 3 minutes in Photoshop, the actual Nice Work Guy had the following to say:
  12. Wait. We're obviously talking about different sites here. because maturity is not a hallmark of the OC ReMix I frequent. See here here, here, here, and here for a few examples. Are we serious about our love for game music? Yes. Are we serious? No. Our forums aren't run by teenagers on a whim, they're run by the only man to ever beat Chuck Norris in a staring match on a whim. So there.
  13. Geoffrey Taucer claims to know who he is, but he posted neither proof nor bewbs to prove it, so it didn't happen. Either way, we don't know who he is, but he's definitely the official OC Remix mascot. Our own special meme.
  14. If you even have to ask that question, you are suffering from stupid and AIDS. Also probably dick ants. Yes. Buy it. Several times. Beat all 3, then go buy a PS3 and shit bricks while you wait for the 4th.
  15. I was looking through screenshots of StarCraft 2, and found further proof that Blizzard just kicks ass right here:
  16. I have this mental image of a Japanese man in a business suit laughing maniacally as he hooks up a vacuum tube to the dried, cracked and dusty udders of his cash cow, hoping to extract that one last curdled drop before the damn thing just putters out and dies. Or implodes because of the suction. Where's the creative teams that gave us 6 and 7 (and in my opinion 10)? Did they die? Why can't they make a good game anymore?
  17. It's not that I don't like the game, I love it. But, on the internet connection I have at home, it became truly more frustration than fun to play, so I nixed it until I can find a better connection. Add to that the fact that I have no extra time and no extra money to play right now, and it was just time to hang it up. But I would like to play again once Lich King comes out.
  18. Suh-WEET! Gratz Tweek! Now bring back the frogs!
  19. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I QUIT. I realized after 6 weeks of trying to orchestrate a reliable group to run me through Strat for my pally mount that I just did not give a shit anymore. That and the fact that I consistently played with 2+ seconds of lag for over 10 months, so I realized that moving forward and trying to be worth a crap in PvP just wasn't going to work. So I quit. I've enjoyed life quite a bit more since then. That is all.
  20. FUCK YOUR SIGNATURE BLACK MAGE! We both KNOW you can't win the game!!! And you just ruined my LONGEST not losing streak EVER!
  21. The Zerg section is finally live! It's only two units, but by God, it's UP.
  22. ROFL! DS Always has the most awesome ideas. Mascot t-shirts, membership cards.... LULZ, is all I have to say. That, and I want an OCR Membership Card.
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