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Shadow Wolf

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Everything posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Okay. I'm a complete Flash newbie, and I need some help creating a flash applet. So what I want to do is create a text reader, but of course I have some special requirements. What I want this applet to do is read the text it's going to display from raw text files stored in a folder on my web server, and have a function to skip through the files using a forward and back button. In other words, when the applet loads, I want it to read "file1.txt" and display it in the applet. Then I want to be able to press the forward button and have the applet display "file2.txt". The end goal of this thing would be to simply be able to drop new text files for the reader into the text file folder with a certain ID number, so that they show up at the end of the list of text files I'd be thumbing through. I can search for a couple of seconds and find a flash file that gives me an applet with a nice little scrollbar for the text and displays text from one single, static file. The question is how do I make it skip back and forth between the text files in the folder?
  2. Man, what the hell. I didn't even say anything ostentatious or inflammatory. I have a gift for killing things though. I had a cactus once, and it died, and I thought "Dammit. I'm less nurturing than a desert."
  3. This is the best thread I've seen in over a year.
  4. The only thing that didn't make sense about the movie is that somehow a Romulan mining barge was the size of one of the Titans from EVE, and the most advanced warships in the galaxy were about the size of flies.
  5. So I emailed Jimmy like the day after VotL came out telling him how AMAZING this was, and I asked him if he was gonna submit it. He told me probably not. I feel lied to and cheated Jimmy, you ass. No, just kidding. This is seriously, in the now 12-13 year history of different takes on this theme, the best take on the bombing mission I've EVER heard. The complexity of the melody, and the amazing, frantic flow you gave to this are just awesome. The claxon at the beginning setting the beat was a stroke of genius. I could gush all night, but I'll just say this is EASILY one of the best FF VII mixes on the site. Download it. Like yesterday.
  6. ^ tl;dr. But I think the more backstory they give Samus, the more it fucks up the draw of the series as a whole. The reason she as a character was and is popular is because you know almost nothing about her. You didn't even know she was a female 'til the end of the first game. Her mystery, the blank that is her past, is what makes her popular as a character. You're always adsking "What's her motivation? Why does she do what she does?" Incidentally, I went and saw Wolverine yesterday, and I think that exact same fact is one of the reason's HE has been one of the most enduringly popular comic book characters in history. They keep removing more and more of the mystery behind who Samus is, and concurrently removing the reason for interest in their character. But the other draw to Metroid has always been that you are ALONE. No one to help you, no calling in airstrikes, you are ALONE. I feel they really began to change that with Metroid Fusion, which was little more than a constant stream of "Receive orders, carry out orders, and do it just so." You were told exactly where to go for every moment of that game, and it ripped the heart out of the exploration aspect. It wasn't as bad in Corruption years later, but the constant presence of the GF and all the PEOPLE talking to you just ruined the flavor.
  7. That show makes me wanna go hit people in the face.
  8. I hate Halo. After one of my brothers told me I HAD to play Halo 2 with him and convinced me I HAD to put a scorpion tank in the middle of a construction site, then proceeded to camp the entire level with the tank for 2 hours? Yeah, I was done. The kill score was 220 to 6 when we finished. Also, Cobalt, I just named the fox in your sig Fortune. Cuz he looks like a fortune cookie.
  9. So holy crap, I wanted to register a website today so I could get started doing cool things. I went to Dreamhost, because they've sure done this site right. Today only, they're having some random Earth Day sale. I just paid $9.95 for a year of hosting and domain registration. HELL. YES. Get over there and register with promo code 777 if you want in!!!
  10. Yeah, that was a rather accusatory thread title. Thanks for the change. I just finished a nightshift, my tact isn't working.
  11. When you go to www.ocremix.org, you get a nice white page that says: Fatal error: Class 'mysqli' not found in /home/ocremix/public_html/includes/config.php on line 159 Looks like you forgot to define a class somewhere or some such. Oops.
  12. I don't need prizes, this site's been giving me free prizes for 7 years, they're filling my hard drive right now. How about post more mixes and we'll call it good?
  13. I've got 100 coming your way as soon as the eCheck clears. This place has been a part of my daily life for too long to go under.
  14. Bitch you just got product PLACEMENT. Suh-WEEEEET!
  15. I wish you could buy a weighted dummy battery to use when your laptop's plugged in, cuz when I take mine out it leaves a gaping hole. Or better yet, install a switch and fuse a couple leads on the battery to turn on a manual bypass system when it's plugged in.
  16. http://outlet.us.dell.com/ARBOnlineSales/topics/global.aspx/arb/online/en/InventorySearch?c=us&cs=22&l=en&lob=INSP&s=dfh Behold the Dell Outlet. If you can't find the droid you're looking for there for at least 500 dollars off retail, then the droid doesn't exist.
  17. I just wanted to chime in and say this thread has a very amusing title. A lot like "What's the name of the Mississippi River?"
  18. In my perspective, for any properties they might be getting, this is a fairly worthless buyout. Unless Square intends to further pursue the mediocre third person shooter market.
  19. He always was a.... different type, was Myf.
  20. Yeah, like Mythril Nazgul. He totally disappeared in late 2007, never to be heard from again. Does anybody know what happened to him?
  21. I would definitely format it through iTunes, that will put it in whatever journalled format it needs to be in.
  22. Honestly, it depends on what denomination you ask. It's not a sticking point for any of them, but some folks choose to capitalize any word that's being used to refer to God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. So even if they talk about "The Rock of my salvation" or something, "Rock" is capitalized because it's the description of God in that particular instance.
  23. Because of the type of forum we're on, it's worth noting that if you hook this iPod up to PS3 for any reason, it HAS to be formatted in FAT32 to read. This is consummately gay, because it could be resolved with a minor firmware update to the PS3 and we could all leave FAT in the archaic past where it belongs. Alas, the dreams of the sane and the harsh and shattered insanity of reality do not intersect very often.
  24. It's unlikely, but worth looking into... Your iPod may be formatted in FAT32 rather than NTFS. FAT32 won't accept a single file over 4 gigs in size, whereas an NTFS formatted drive will. That would explain why splitting the file worked.
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