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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. if you'll excuse me I need to do some sampling and then burp into a microphone
  2. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that :3 :3 :3
  3. Being that I can't make a mix this week (road trip heck yeah), I request that someone name a song "A New Concept In Music Remixing". Please? :3
  4. Hey Mirbztastic

    Do you mind if I do my song as a straight-up hip hop/rap track? I've been experimenting with that lately, and just wanted to check.

  5. I actually thought I was really lazy on my tune. Just threw it together for the fun of it. and it was quite fun :3 also there are three things I can't do well: mix vocals, mix drums, and master volumes. haha.
  6. omg someone actually liked me spitting at a microphone fancy that
  7. if I get second, I will be surprised and happy.
  8. Just finishing up my entry now. Not overdone, but some fun portal hip-hop/rap, bro. oh, and chiptunes. becuz i can't seem to not do chiptunes >.< EDIT: mixed and uploaded
  9. But Super Meat Boy was in HIB #4. Never assume with those guys.
  10. however, the soundtracks for SMB, Braid and Lone Survivor don't seem to be availiable. ;_;
  11. and Ronald Reagan is my brother
  12. ...must...resist...urge...to...spam...brandon's...phone...
  13. I started a track it was pretty sick then fl crashed and i forgot to save it ;_;
  14. this makes me feel very happy inside
  15. freaking out about retribution in 5...
  16. I'm hesitant to call them "clothes". "Rags" might be more accurate.
  17. Wouldn't the planet have to sue Disney? Or perhaps the greek (roman?) god would do that.
  18. Seriously, if these guys are for real, they would have a secretary or someone who knows that this is the worst thing ever written. However, their email address is thevibeshowroom, it's the name of their showroom, it seems. I mean, don't ignore it, but it seems less and less likely the more and more I see it.
  19. The "lawyer" doesn't even use periods properly. its not a lawyer.
  20. Having fun while mixing music? What madness is this
  21. I actually started a track for this Mostly cuz it's horror, and I've been getting into a horror-music/soundscape groove lately. :3
  22. I just read your question from March on the Concrete Man Album thread, and I might be interested, if you still care. at all. :P this one: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=846621&postcount=174

  23. Roses are red violets are blue this poem makes no sense refridgerator
  24. I'd be happy to help in any way. Of course, I don't know if you'd want my help
  25. I'm downloading it right now.
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