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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. You all had better WASP your back cuz I'm gonna kill your BUZZ cuz I'm gonna BEE the best
  2. Kalinka the Kween of the Krockodiles?
  3. As far as I am aware, me, Silvernix, and Parasalin are a team.
  4. my entry was another example of shooting for the stars and shooting myself in the foot, as per usual. It was going to be a rap, but I didn't get to record the rap due to all those power outages in MN and my work. it would have had a lot of puns about money though
  5. Well I still need a team... anyone? anyone? bueller?
  6. USA UK Australia well that was boring
  7. I think with some production the DSK thing can sound okay, but I'm certainly not skilled enough for it. :P so this round its industrial hip hop with about as much effort put in as cold poptarts for breakfast :P

    I will try to listen to those, and I shall give you my unadulterated opinion lol

  8. haha yeah... kinda went into a comatose state after that round and forgot about the whole thing for a while... lol

    I have yet to read it, but I can say that I was using DSK brass. Maybe the problem is me and not the vst :P

  9. I'd probably join and not make anything like I always do.
  10. Hornet Man Tomahawk Man Bubble Man Galaxy Man Frost Man I'm down with joining anyone who doesn't want to win or if amph and c7 want to resurrect The Gentlemaster's Club I'm down with that too.
  11. I have a terrible idea and if it works shits gonna get real. fo'realz. ready yo body cash, imma come atcha
  12. I only have one brass sample and its utter shit, if someone can recommend a better sounding one thats free hit me up good i guess 1:00 to 1:47ish the lead is the beassline to toxic caves. seriously rex that song has like nothing to work with
  13. so everyone says my two hour mix is without energy, bare, and no one has voted for it. it was originally a dirge, but it wasn't really working with the sonic spinball theme (stupid cheery music ) so I guess its a slow march. Also there are no free bagpipe vsts. none. So I made use of the crap vsts I have atm (they sound soooooo baaaaaaad). Thanks for the nice comments tho, guys, I do appreciate them I also have no idea what improvements Rex hears but whatevs I've been in the woods for the last five days so I might punch another quickie out this week.
  14. oh dear I leave tomorrow and haven't started time to make some magic happen all up in this
  15. My week has been absolutely crazy. I apologize for not submitting anything. I should be able to pump out something this week.
  16. You're implying the rest of it had any more?
  17. I hung out with zerothemother Friday. Couldn't get back to hang out with zerothegrandmother on mother's day tho ON THE ACTUAL TOPIC did I get in? I'm afraid I might have been the thirteenth entry. If so, I'll just be a professional cheerleader
  18. HOLY CRAP I HAVEN'T BEEN HERE IN A WHILE I SHALL JOIN THIS Mega Man is awesomesauce. And school's ending lol.
  19. WHERE THE HECK IS THE LIKE BUTTON wee little babbie text
  20. i live in a dorm and hide whenever women come by i also hide when men come by as well and goats
  21. A washing machine. ... Actually try Savant. He's not identical (more complextro) but I just think everyone should listen to him cu he's nuts.
  22. I played at a fgc tournament for the first time. 0-8 and proud of it
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