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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. The other reason (or at least the one that makes sense to me) is so that anyone can join in listening to the flps and not just the people who paid money for FL. This way someone could just download the demo and join in the voting or whatevs
  2. so i was working on my wip and suddenly FL decided it doesn't want to play audio. None of my midi notes are making noises. Anybody have a suggestion? I don't think I did anything that would screw it up... edit: goddamnit nevermind I'm just not observant at all. Carry on.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpGA_VRc1Ro basically lololol also ignore nick jonas he's dumb
  4. what when the hoo hah blargh ack

    when? now?

  5. being that I have not finished the game I cannot say. But it's not gelling with me that much so screw it. Green Hill Zone because originality
  6. I'm doing On To Grasstown from Cave Story. I assume that works
  7. It'll be a monkey dinosaur obviously.
  8. screw the haters im so hype for this even though i dont have a 3ds ... also that deer legendary looks badass
  9. My parents were really nice to me this year and got me a brand new Fender Squier fretless jazz bass. :3 I also got a copy of The Essential Simon & Garfunkel (), a gift card from the cousins that got me three games on Steam (the complete pack of Super Street Fighter 4, Spec Ops: The Line, and Recettear), and my sister made a hilarious poster of a picture of me photoshopped to look like the cover of the Legend of Johnny Cash album
  10. yeah finals kinda hit me like a train wreck sorry :/ I thought the due date was the 21st for some reason
  11. We are now Team Goat Rotisserie. yum
  12. Me, Modus, and ProjectSpam are a team without a name.
  13. arse.

    i wish someone would comment on mine.....

  14. oyeah

    is that the final thingymabob

  15. I want in on this. Anyone want to shackle themselves with me?
  16. Thanks man, my show is usually just two hours, but the event is changing up the status quo a bit. And if the theme feels wintery, that's better, cuz it is a christmas thing and the christmasy-er it is the better :3 That's amazing Thank you so much :3
  17. Allo chaps (and chapettes) There's a big christmas event for our college's radio station this weekend, and me, never content to be normal, plan to play a show (from midnight to 8 AM, no less) consisting completely of wintery/icy vg music. So I need a lot. And I mean a LOT. So, if you guys have any suggestions of the best VG wintery songs you know, I'd really like to have them. I'd need something in the realm of 80+. Also, you don't have to bother mentioning the Mega Man, Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero and Battle Network series, because I'm basically fully informed on their musics. :3 And OC remixes work too :3 Thanks!
  18. MMV has better music than a lot of the normal MM games imo. But I also think that the GB version of Air Man is better than the NES one, so I'm probably just battynuggets.
  19. I really want to join but I've got so much to do and I'm so forgetful... Screw it, I'll frickin make time. Novice. Neptune from MMV please :3
  20. Ohai Toader didn't see you there I really like the laid-back-ness of the track, but it feel a little bit empty. I think that better samples might help that, though. Also, that piano that comes in near the end kind of overpowers everything else, so I'd turn it down just a bit
  21. YOU GUYS WERE IN MINNESOTA? WHY DID YOU NO TELL ME? ;_; I would have... cheered... or something... I suppose not much would have changed... Also, damn, this mix is full of sweaty southern swagger :3
  22. Congratulations, Mirbz! You have successfully completed another trip around the globe without your heart derping into nonexistence.
  23. a combination of forgetfulness (the bane of my existence), school, and illness prevented me from finishing anything. Sorry DusK, I really do feel terrible about it. ps i hope someone else used the Ultima IV music cuz its awesome
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